Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus
Simplified |
Traditional |
Pinyin |
English |
智俨 |
智儼 |
32 |
Zhi Yan
阿尔卑斯 |
阿爾卑斯 |
97 |
阿富汗 |
196 |
- Afghanistan
- Afghanistan
阿根廷 |
196 |
阿含经 |
阿含經 |
196 |
Āgama; Agamas
艾菲尔铁塔 |
艾菲爾鐵塔 |
195 |
Eiffel Tower
爱德华 |
愛德華 |
195 |
Edward; Édouard
艾迪 |
195 |
爱丁堡 |
愛丁堡 |
195 |
爱迪生 |
愛迪生 |
195 |
Edison (name) / Thomas Alva Edison
埃及 |
97 |
爱奴 |
愛奴 |
195 |
爱沙尼亚 |
愛沙尼亞 |
195 |
爱知 |
愛知 |
195 |
阿拉伯 |
196 |
Arabian; Arabic; Arab
阿拉伯半岛 |
阿拉伯半島 |
196 |
- Arabian Peninsula
- Arabian Peninsula
阿莲 |
阿蓮 |
196 |
Alian District, a rural
阿里山 |
196 |
阿罗汉 |
阿羅漢 |
196 |
- Arhat
- arhat
- Arhat
阿弥陀 |
阿彌陀 |
196 |
Amitabha; Amithaba
阿弥陀经 |
阿彌陀經 |
196 |
- The Amitabha Sutra
- Amitabha Sutra; The Smaller Sutra on Amitāyus
阿弥陀如来 |
阿彌陀如來 |
97 |
Amitabha Buddha; Amitābha Buddha
阿姆斯特丹 |
196 |
安国 |
安國 |
196 |
- Parthia
- Anguo
安世高 |
196 |
An Shigao
阿那律 |
196 |
阿难 |
阿難 |
196 |
- Ananda
- Ānanda; Ananda
阿难陀 |
阿難陀 |
196 |
Ananda; Ānanda
阿那婆达多 |
阿那婆達多 |
196 |
安德烈 |
196 |
Andre (person name)
安德鲁 |
安德魯 |
196 |
安福 |
196 |
安和 |
196 |
Sotthi; Svāstika
安徽省 |
196 |
Anhui Province
安南 |
196 |
- Annam
- Annan
安平 |
196 |
鞍山市 |
196 |
Anshan city
安徒生 |
196 |
Hans Christian Andersen
阿诺 |
阿諾 |
97 |
安养 |
安養 |
196 |
Western Pure Land
奥克拉荷马 |
奧克拉荷馬 |
195 |
Oklahoma, US state
澳大利亚 |
澳大利亞 |
195 |
奥德赛 |
奧德賽 |
195 |
the Odyssey
奧地利 |
奧地利 |
195 |
奥克兰 |
奧克蘭 |
195 |
Auckland (New Zealand city) / Oakland (California, US city)
奥林匹克运动会 |
奧林匹克運動會 |
195 |
Olympic Games
澳门 |
澳門 |
97 |
奥斯丁 |
奧斯丁 |
195 |
Austin or Austen (name) / Austin, Texas
奥斯卡 |
奧斯卡 |
195 |
奥斯陆 |
奧斯陸 |
195 |
Oslo, capital of Norway
奥斯汀 |
奧斯汀 |
195 |
Austin or Austen (name) / Austin, Texas
奥运 |
奧運 |
65 |
奥运会 |
奧運會 |
65 |
Olympic Games
澳洲 |
196 |
阿毘达磨俱舍论 |
阿毘達磨俱舍論 |
196 |
- Abhidharmakosa Sastra
- Abhidharmakośabhāṣya; Abhidharmakośaśastra; Discourse on the Repository of Abhidharma Discussions
阿氏多 |
196 |
阿育王 |
196 |
King Aśoka; Asoka; Ashoka
八大菩萨 |
八大菩薩 |
98 |
the Eight Great Bodhisattvas; aṣṭamahopaputra
八大人觉 |
八大人覺 |
98 |
Sutra on the Eight Realizations of the Great Beings
八大人觉经 |
八大人覺經 |
98 |
Sūtra on the Eight Realizations of the Great Beings
八德 |
98 |
Eight Virtues
拔都 |
66 |
Batu Khan
八分斋戒 |
八分齋戒 |
98 |
the Eight Precepts
八关斋戒 |
八關齋戒 |
98 |
the Eight Precepts; Eight Precepts Retreat
八识规矩颂 |
八識規矩頌 |
98 |
Eight Kinds of Consciousness Practices Chant
巴颜喀拉 |
巴顏喀拉 |
98 |
Bayankala mountain range in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
巴尔喀什湖 |
巴爾喀什湖 |
98 |
Lake Balkhash in southeast Kazakhstan
巴甫洛夫 |
98 |
Pavlov (name) / Ivan Petrovich Pavlov
巴哈马 |
巴哈馬 |
66 |
柏 |
98 |
- cypress; cedar
- Berlin
- Bai
百法明门论 |
百法明門論 |
98 |
Mahayana Hundred Dharmas Introduction Treatise; Mahāyānaśatadharmaprakāśamukhaśāstra
白宫 |
白宮 |
66 |
White House
白居易 |
66 |
Bai Juyi
柏杨 |
柏楊 |
98 |
Bo Yang
百喻经 |
百喻經 |
66 |
- Sutra of One Hundred Parables
- The Hundred Parables Sutra; Saṅghasena
白骨精 |
98 |
White Bone Spirit
白金汉宫 |
白金漢宮 |
98 |
Buckingham Palace
柏克莱 |
柏克萊 |
98 |
白朗 |
98 |
柏林围墙 |
柏林圍牆 |
98 |
Berlin Wall
白马寺 |
白馬寺 |
98 |
White Horse Temple
白沙乡 |
白沙鄉 |
98 |
Baisha township; Paisha
白塔寺 |
66 |
- Baita Temple
- Baita Temple
白衣大士 |
98 |
白云机场 |
白雲機場 |
98 |
Baiyun airport
百丈 |
98 |
百丈禅师 |
百丈禪師 |
98 |
百丈怀海 |
百丈懷海 |
98 |
Baizhang Huaihai; Huaihai
芭蕉罗汉 |
芭蕉羅漢 |
98 |
The Banana Tree Arhat; Vanavasin; Vanavasa
巴基斯坦 |
98 |
- Pakistan
- Pakistan
巴拉圭 |
98 |
巴黎 |
98 |
巴里 |
98 |
Bari (Puglia, Italy)
巴利 |
98 |
Pali; Pāli
巴黎大学 |
巴黎大學 |
98 |
University of Paris / Sorbonne
巴利语 |
巴利語 |
98 |
巴林 |
98 |
巴利文 |
98 |
八美 |
98 |
巴拿马 |
巴拿馬 |
98 |
班禅喇嘛 |
班禪喇嘛 |
98 |
- Panchen Lama
- Panchen Lama
邦德 |
98 |
板桥 |
板橋 |
98 |
- a wooden bridge
- Banqiao; Panchiao
- Banqiao [Zheng Xie]
板桥市 |
板橋市 |
98 |
Banqiao; Panchiao city
般若心经 |
般若心經 |
98 |
The Heart Sutra; The Prajñāpāramitā Heart Sutra
半山 |
66 |
半托迦 |
98 |
Panthaka; The Raised Arm Arhat
报恩法会 |
報恩法會 |
66 |
- Repaying Gratitude Dharma Service
- Gratitude Dharma Service
鲍勃 |
鮑勃 |
98 |
宝岛 |
寶島 |
98 |
保定 |
66 |
- Baoding
- Baoding
宝光 |
寶光 |
98 |
Ratnaprabha; Jewel Light
保罗 |
保羅 |
98 |
包青天 |
98 |
Bao Qingtian
宝月 |
寶月 |
98 |
宝志 |
寶志 |
98 |
- Baozhi; Pao-chih
- Baozhi; Pao-chih
巴士底 |
66 |
the Bastille
巴斯 |
98 |
跋提 |
98 |
Bhadrika; Bhaddiya
跋陀罗 |
跋陀羅 |
98 |
Bhadrika; Bhaddiya
巴西 |
98 |
八月 |
98 |
- August; the Eighth Month
- eighth lunar month; kārttika
八指头陀 |
八指頭陀 |
98 |
Bazhu Toutuo; Jing An
北半球 |
66 |
Northern Hemisphere
北辰 |
66 |
Polaris; North Star
北方 |
98 |
The North
北非 |
98 |
North Africa
北卡罗莱纳 |
北卡羅萊納 |
66 |
North Carolina
北美 |
66 |
North America
北欧 |
北歐 |
66 |
North Europe; Scandinavia
北宋 |
66 |
Northern Song Dynasty
北魏 |
66 |
Northern Wei Dynasty; Wei of the Northern Dynasties
北约 |
66 |
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
北岛 |
北島 |
98 |
Bei Dao
贝多芬 |
貝多芬 |
98 |
Ludwig van Beethoven
贝尔 |
貝爾 |
98 |
Bell (person name)
北港 |
98 |
Beigang; Peikang
北港镇 |
北港鎮 |
98 |
Beigang; Peikang
北海 |
98 |
- Bohai Sea
- Bei Hai
- the remote north
- North Sea [Europe]
- Beihai [Beijing]
北海道 |
98 |
北极 |
北極 |
98 |
north pole
北极圈 |
北極圈 |
98 |
Arctic Circle
贝加尔湖 |
貝加爾湖 |
98 |
Lake Baikal
孛经 |
孛經 |
98 |
Bei Jing Chao
北京 |
98 |
北京大学 |
北京大學 |
66 |
Peking University
北卡 |
66 |
North Carolina
碑林 |
66 |
Bei Lin / Forest of Steles
贝里斯 |
貝里斯 |
98 |
北平 |
66 |
北投 |
98 |
背影 |
98 |
rear view; figure seen from behind; view of the back (of a person or object)
贝聿铭 |
貝聿銘 |
98 |
Pei Ieoh Ming or I.M. Pei
北宗 |
98 |
Northern school
本州 |
98 |
辩才天 |
辯才天 |
98 |
彼得 |
98 |
彼得格勒 |
98 |
Petrograd (Saint Petersburg)
比尔 |
比爾 |
98 |
毕卡索 |
畢卡索 |
98 |
比利牛斯山 |
98 |
Pyrenees mountains
比利时 |
比利時 |
98 |
邠 |
66 |
槟城 |
檳城 |
98 |
冰岛 |
冰島 |
98 |
屏东 |
屏東 |
98 |
屏东市 |
屏東市 |
98 |
Píngdong city; Pingtung city
屏东县 |
屏東縣 |
98 |
Pingtung County
并举 |
並舉 |
98 |
冰心 |
98 |
Bing Xin
宾头卢 |
賓頭盧 |
98 |
Pindola; Tiger Subduing Arhat; Pindolabharadvaja
比丘尼传 |
比丘尼傳 |
66 |
Biographies of Buddhist Nuns
比叡山 |
98 |
Mount Hiei
伯夷 |
98 |
Bo Yi
波昂 |
98 |
柏林 |
98 |
玻利维亚 |
玻利維亞 |
98 |
波罗的海 |
波羅的海 |
66 |
Baltic Sea
波士尼亚 |
波士尼亞 |
66 |
波斯匿王 |
66 |
King Prasenajit; Pasenadi
不二门 |
不二門 |
66 |
- Non-Duality Gate
- the Gate of Non-Duality
- Non-duality gate
布鲁塞尔 |
布魯塞爾 |
98 |
Brussels, capital of Belgium
不落俗套 |
98 |
do not fall out of style
不休息 |
不休息 |
98 |
never resting; anikṣiptadhura
布袋罗汉 |
布袋羅漢 |
98 |
Angaja; Angida; Aṅgada; The Bag Carrying Arhat
布达拉宫 |
布達拉宮 |
98 |
Potala Palace
不丹 |
98 |
布朗 |
66 |
不退转 |
不退轉 |
98 |
- never regress or change
- avaivartika; non-retrogression
布托 |
98 |
蔡东藩 |
蔡東藩 |
99 |
Cai Dongfan
菜头 |
菜頭 |
99 |
Vegetable Steward
蔡元培 |
99 |
Cai Yuanpei
财政部 |
財政部 |
67 |
Finance Department; Ministry of Finance
蔡志忠 |
99 |
Tsai Chih Chung
才子佳人 |
99 |
caizi jiaren; Scholar and Beauty
曹溪宗 |
99 |
Jogye Order; Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism
曹雪芹 |
67 |
Cao Xueqin
曹植 |
67 |
Cao Zhi
曹洞宗 |
99 |
The Caodong School; Caodong sect; Caodong zong
草山 |
99 |
Grassy Hill
草堂寺 |
99 |
Caotang Temple
草屯 |
99 |
Caotun; Tsaotun
曹溪寺 |
99 |
- Caoqi Temple
- Jogyesa
查尔斯 |
查爾斯 |
67 |
柴松林 |
99 |
Chai Songlin
柴可夫斯基 |
99 |
柴契尔夫人 |
柴契爾夫人 |
99 |
Margaret Thatcher
查理曼 |
99 |
禅林宝训 |
禪林寶訓 |
67 |
Treasured Instructions of Chan Temples; Chanlin Baoxun
禅七 |
禪七 |
99 |
meditation retreat
禅与生活 |
禪與生活 |
99 |
Ch'an and Life
禅宗 |
禪宗 |
99 |
Chan School of Buddhism; Zen
嫦 |
99 |
Change; Moon Goddess
长眉罗汉 |
長眉羅漢 |
67 |
Ajita; The Long Eyebrow Arhat
长安 |
長安 |
67 |
- Chang'an
- Chang'an
- Chang'an reign
- Chang'an
长城 |
長城 |
99 |
Great Wall
长春 |
長春 |
99 |
长江 |
長江 |
67 |
Yangtze River
长乐 |
長樂 |
67 |
长荣海运 |
長榮海運 |
99 |
Evergreen Marine Corp. (Taiwan shipping line)
长寿王 |
長壽王 |
99 |
Jangsu of Goguryeo
常州 |
99 |
禅苑清规 |
禪苑清規 |
67 |
Chanyuan Qinggui; Pure Rules of the Chan Garden
朝日新闻 |
朝日新聞 |
99 |
Asahi Shimbun
朝天宫 |
朝天宮 |
99 |
Chaotian Temple
朝鲜 |
朝鮮 |
99 |
- Korea; North Korea
- Joseon; Chosŏn; Choson; Chosun; Cho-sen
潮州 |
99 |
- Chaozhou
- Chaochou
潮洲 |
99 |
- Chaozhou; Teochew
- Chaozhou dialect
潮州镇 |
潮州鎮 |
99 |
Chaochou town
陈鸿 |
陳鴻 |
67 |
Chen Hong
陈慧 |
陳慧 |
99 |
Chen Hui
陈胜 |
陳勝 |
99 |
Chen Sheng
陈书 |
陳書 |
67 |
History of Chen of the Southern Dynasties
陈文 |
陳文 |
99 |
Chen Wen
陈耀 |
陳耀 |
99 |
Chen Yao
陈云 |
陳雲 |
67 |
Chen Yun
成佛之道 |
99 |
The Way to Buddhahood
澄观 |
澄觀 |
67 |
Cheng Guan
成汤 |
成湯 |
67 |
Tang of Shang
成唯识论 |
成唯識論 |
99 |
Vijñaptimātratāsiddhiśāstra; Cheng Weishi Lun
成报 |
成報 |
99 |
Sing Pao Daily News
承德 |
99 |
成都 |
67 |
成公 |
99 |
Lord Cheng
成就佛 |
67 |
Susiddhikara Buddha
成田机场 |
成田機場 |
99 |
Narita Airport (Tokyo)
成贤 |
成賢 |
99 |
陈娇 |
陳嬌 |
99 |
Chen Jiao
陈立 |
陳立 |
99 |
Chen Li
陈美 |
陳美 |
99 |
陈平 |
陳平 |
99 |
Chen Ping
沉思罗汉 |
沉思羅漢 |
67 |
Rahula; The Deep Thinking Arhat
陈香梅 |
陳香梅 |
99 |
Chen Xiangmei
陈毅 |
陳毅 |
99 |
Chen Yi
楚崧秋 |
99 |
Chu Songqiu
楚王 |
99 |
Prince of Chu
出曜经 |
出曜經 |
67 |
Chu Yao Jing; Dharmapada; Dhammapada
传灯 |
傳燈 |
67 |
- Handing Down the Light
- Transmission of the Lamp
- Chuan Deng
传法大典 |
傳法大典 |
99 |
Dharma Transmission Ceremony
传灯大法师 |
傳燈大法師 |
99 |
Venerable Master Chuandeng
除盖障菩萨 |
除盖障菩薩 |
99 |
- Sarvanivaranaviskambhin Bodhisattva
- Sarvanivaranaviskambhin
春夏秋冬 |
67 |
the four seasons
淳安 |
99 |
春节 |
春節 |
99 |
Spring Festival; Chinese New Year
春秋 |
99 |
- Spring and Autumn Period
- a person's age
- Chunqiu; Annals of Spring and Autumn
- spring and autumn
出入境管理局 |
99 |
Exit and Entry Administration Bureau (PRC)
除夕 |
99 |
New Year's Eve
慈恩寺 |
67 |
- Ci En Temple
- Ci En Temple
慈惠 |
67 |
Venerable Tzu Hui
慈惠法师 |
慈惠法師 |
67 |
Venerable Tzu Hui
慈容 |
99 |
Ci Rong
慈禧太后 |
67 |
Empress Dowager Ci Xi
慈庄法师 |
慈莊法師 |
67 |
Venerable Tzu Chuang
茨城 |
99 |
慈航 |
99 |
- ferry of compassion
- Compassionate Ferry
- Tzu Hang; Cihang
- a way of saving someone
慈航法师 |
慈航法師 |
67 |
Venerable Ci Hang
慈济 |
慈濟 |
99 |
慈济功德会 |
慈濟功德會 |
99 |
Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation
慈善寺 |
67 |
Cishan Temple
从江 |
從江 |
99 |
枞阳县 |
樅陽縣 |
99 |
Zongyang county
大般涅槃经 |
大般涅槃經 |
68 |
- Mahaparinirvana Sutra
- Mahāparinirvāṇasūtra; The Mahayana Mahaparinirvana sutra
- Mahāparinibbānasutta; Nirvāṇa Sutta
大般若经 |
大般若經 |
68 |
- Mahaprajnaparamita Sutra
- Mahaprajnaparamita Sutra; Sutra on the Perfection of Great Wisdom
大宝积经 |
大寶積經 |
100 |
Maharatnakuta Sutra; Ratnakūṭasūtra; Mahāratnakūṭasūtra; The Great Treasures Collection Sūtra
大悲忏 |
大悲懺 |
100 |
Great Compassion Repentance Ceremony
大悲忏法会 |
大悲懺法會 |
68 |
- Great Compassion Repentance Service
- Great Compassion Repentance Service
- Great Compassion Repentance Ceremony
大悲咒 |
100 |
Great Compassion Dharani; Great Compassion Mantra
大慈菴 |
大慈庵 |
100 |
Mahametta Hall
大佛山 |
100 |
Sri Lanka
大集经 |
大集經 |
68 |
- Great Collection Sutra
- Mahasamghata; Mahāsaṃghāta; Maha Sajnipata Sutra; Mahā-sajnipāta-sūtra; Mahāsannipāta
大迦叶 |
大迦葉 |
100 |
Mahakasyapa; Mahākāśyapa; Mahākassapa; kasyapa
大唐 |
100 |
Tang Dynasty
大唐西域记 |
大唐西域記 |
68 |
- Great Journey to the West
- The Great Tang Dynasty Record of the Western Regions; Records of the Western Regions
大雄宝殿 |
大雄寶殿 |
68 |
- Great Hero Shrine
- Main Shrine; Hall of the Great Heros; Mahavira Hall
大英 |
100 |
Great Britain; Britain
大英帝国 |
大英帝國 |
100 |
the British Empire
大英国协 |
大英國協 |
68 |
British Commonwealth of Nations
大藏经 |
大藏經 |
100 |
Chinese Buddhist Canon; Dazangjing
大智度论 |
大智度論 |
68 |
- The Great Perfection of Wisdom Treatise
- Treatise on the Perfection of Great Wisdom; Dazhidu Lun; Mahāprajñāpāramitaśastra; Māhaprajñāparamitopadeśa
大中 |
100 |
Da Zhong reign
大庄严法门经 |
大莊嚴法門經 |
100 |
Mañjuśrīvikrīḍitasūtra; Da Zhuangyan Famen Jing
大爱道 |
大愛道 |
100 |
- Maha-prajapti
- Maha-prajapti
大安 |
100 |
- great peace
- Ta'an
- Da'an
- Da'an; Ta'an
- Da'an; Ta'an
大阪 |
100 |
大宝 |
大寶 |
100 |
mahāratna; a precious jewel
大悲殿 |
68 |
- 1. Great Compassion Shrine; 2. Avalokitesvara Shrine
- Great Compassion Shrine; Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Shrine
大肚 |
100 |
大丰 |
大豐 |
100 |
大谷大学 |
大谷大學 |
100 |
Ōtani University
大光 |
100 |
大和 |
100 |
- Yamato
- Dahe
大湖 |
100 |
Dahu; Tahu
大环 |
大環 |
100 |
Tai Wan
岱 |
100 |
Mount Tai
戴季陶 |
100 |
Dai Jitao / Tai Chi-t'ao
大田 |
100 |
戴忠仁 |
100 |
Dai Zhong-ren
戴安娜王妃 |
100 |
Diana, Princess of Wales
戴高乐 |
戴高樂 |
100 |
Charles De Gaulle
大甲 |
100 |
大吉岭 |
大吉嶺 |
100 |
大觉寺 |
大覺寺 |
100 |
- Dajue Temple
- Dajue Temple
大坑 |
100 |
Tai Hang
达赖 |
達賴 |
100 |
Dalai Lama
达赖喇嘛 |
達賴喇嘛 |
100 |
- Dalai Lama
- Dalai Lama
达拉斯 |
達拉斯 |
100 |
大里 |
100 |
Tali; Dali
大理佛教 |
100 |
Buddhism in Dali
大连 |
大連 |
100 |
大寮 |
100 |
- Taliao
- Monastery Kitchen
大寮乡 |
大寮鄉 |
100 |
Taliao township
大林 |
100 |
Dalin; Talin
达摩 |
達摩 |
68 |
丹佛 |
100 |
单国玺 |
單國璽 |
100 |
Paul Shan Kuo-hsi
丹江口 |
100 |
丹麦 |
丹麥 |
100 |
丹麦语 |
丹麥語 |
68 |
丹霞 |
68 |
- Mt Danxia
- Danxia landform
- Danxia
道安 |
100 |
Dao An
道德经 |
道德經 |
100 |
Daode Jing; Tao Te Ching
道光 |
100 |
Dao Guang; Emperor Dao Guang
道家 |
100 |
Daoism; Taoism; Taoist philosophy
道宣 |
100 |
道元 |
100 |
道慈 |
100 |
道慧 |
100 |
Shi Daohui; Dao Hui
道教 |
100 |
忉利天宫 |
忉利天宮 |
100 |
The Palace of Trayastrimsa Heaven; Palace of Trāyastriṃśa Heaven
忉利天 |
100 |
Trayastrimsa Heaven; Tavatimsa; The Heaven of Thirty-Three Gods
道融 |
100 |
道外 |
100 |
道行 |
100 |
- Practicing the Way
- Đạo Hạnh
- Dao Xing
- Dao Xing
- conduct in accordance with the Buddhist path
道照 |
100 |
大毗婆沙论 |
大毘婆沙論 |
100 |
Abhidharmamahāvibhāṣa; Mahāvibhāṣa; Abhidharmamahāvibhāṣaśāstra; Great Exegesis of Abhidharma
大桥 |
大橋 |
100 |
Da Qiao
达仁 |
達仁 |
100 |
Daren; Tajen
大日 |
100 |
Vairocana; Mahavairocana; Buddha of supreme enlightenment
大社 |
100 |
大乘 |
100 |
- Mahayana
- Mahayana Buddhism; Mahāyāna; Mahāyāna Buddhism
- Mahayana; Great Vehicle
大乘佛教 |
100 |
- Mahayana Buddhism
- Mahayana Buddhism
大乘起信论 |
大乘起信論 |
100 |
Treatise on the Awakening of Faith in the Mahāyāna; Dasheng Qixin Lun
大勢至菩萨 |
大勢至菩薩 |
100 |
Mahāsthāma; Mahāsthāmaprāpta
大树乡 |
大樹鄉 |
100 |
大同 |
100 |
- Datong
- datong; Grand Unity
大卫 |
大衛 |
100 |
大伟 |
大偉 |
100 |
达文西 |
達文西 |
100 |
Leonardo da Vinci
大溪 |
100 |
Daxi or Tahsi
大西 |
100 |
大西洋 |
100 |
Atlantic Ocean
大峡谷 |
大峽谷 |
100 |
Grand Canyon
大醒 |
100 |
大溪镇 |
大溪鎮 |
100 |
Daxi or Tahsi
大雅 |
100 |
Daya; Greater Odes
大雁塔 |
100 |
Wild Goose Pagoda; Dayan Pagoda
大洋洲 |
100 |
大冶 |
100 |
大邑 |
100 |
大英博物馆 |
大英博物館 |
100 |
British museum
大宇 |
100 |
大禹 |
100 |
Yu the Great
大运 |
大運 |
100 |
- Mandate of Heaven
- Grand Canal
大昭寺 |
100 |
Jokhang Temple; Jokhang Monastery
大正大学 |
大正大學 |
100 |
Taisho University
大正大藏经 |
大正大藏經 |
100 |
大正藏 |
68 |
- Taisho Canon
- Taishō Canon
大智殿 |
68 |
- 1. Great Wisdom Shrine; 2. Manjusri Shrine
- Great Wisdom Shrine; Manjusri Bodhisattva Shrine
大中华 |
大中華 |
100 |
- Greater China
- areas of Chinese presence
大足 |
100 |
德安 |
100 |
德经 |
德經 |
100 |
De Jing
德先生 |
100 |
Mr Democracy
德都 |
100 |
德国 |
德國 |
100 |
德国马克 |
德國馬克 |
100 |
German mark
德航 |
100 |
Lufthansa (German airline)
德蕾莎 |
100 |
Mother Teresa
德里 |
68 |
Delhi; New Delhi
邓 |
鄧 |
100 |
邓小平 |
鄧小平 |
68 |
Deng Xiaoping
等活 |
100 |
Samjiva Hell
德仁 |
100 |
德文 |
100 |
German (language)
德兴 |
德興 |
100 |
德意志 |
100 |
German; Germany
德语 |
德語 |
68 |
German (language)
德州 |
100 |
- Dezhou
- Texas
第二次世界大战 |
第二次世界大戰 |
100 |
Second World War (WWII)
殿主 |
100 |
- Director (of a shrine)
- Senior Verger; Shrine Warden
典座 |
100 |
- temple chef
- Chef; Chief of Kitchen and Storage
典籍 |
100 |
canonical text
钓鱼台 |
釣魚檯 |
68 |
- Daiyutai State Guesthouse
- Diaoyu or Senkaku Islands between Taiwan and Okinawa (administered by Japan), also known as the Pinnacle Islands
滴滴 |
100 |
DiDi, app-based transportation company
迪化 |
100 |
Dihua; Tihwa
迪克 |
100 |
Dick (person name)
弟妹 |
100 |
younger sibling; younger brother's wife
定上座 |
100 |
Elder Ding
顶果钦哲 |
頂果欽哲 |
100 |
Dilgo Khyentse
定慧寺 |
100 |
Dinghui Temple
鼎力相助 |
100 |
We are most grateful for your valuable assistance.
定西 |
100 |
地球 |
100 |
第一次世界大战 |
第一次世界大戰 |
100 |
World War I; First World War (WWI)
地狱 |
地獄 |
100 |
- a hell
- hell
- Hell; Hell Realms; Naraka
地藏 |
100 |
- Ksitigarbha [Bodhisattva]
- Ksitigarbha; Kṣitigarbha
地藏殿 |
68 |
- 1. Great Vow Shrine; 2. Ksitigarbha Shrine
- Ksitigarbha Shrine; Great Vow Shrine
地藏菩萨 |
地藏菩薩 |
100 |
Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva
地藏王 |
68 |
- Ksitigarbha
- Ksitigarbha; the bodhisattva of the Great Vow
地藏王菩萨 |
地藏王菩薩 |
100 |
Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva
地中海 |
100 |
Mediterranean Sea
董 |
100 |
- Dong
- to supervise; to direct
东汉 |
東漢 |
68 |
Eastern Han
东晋 |
東晉 |
100 |
Eastern Jin Dynasty
东欧 |
東歐 |
100 |
Eastern Europe
东吴 |
東吳 |
68 |
Eastern Wu
东亚 |
東亞 |
100 |
East Asia
东正教 |
東正教 |
100 |
Eastern Orthodox Church
董仲舒 |
68 |
Dong Zhongshu
东周 |
東周 |
68 |
Eastern Zhou
东城 |
東城 |
100 |
东德 |
東德 |
100 |
East Germany
东方 |
東方 |
100 |
The East; The Orient
东方航空 |
東方航空 |
68 |
China Eastern Airlines
东方日报 |
東方日報 |
100 |
Oriental Daily News
东港 |
東港 |
100 |
冬宫 |
冬宮 |
100 |
Winter Palace / Hermitage Museum
东光 |
東光 |
100 |
东海 |
東海 |
100 |
- East China Sea
- Donghae
- Donghai [commandery]
东海大学 |
東海大學 |
100 |
Tunghai University
东河 |
東河 |
100 |
Donghe; Tungho
东湖 |
東湖 |
100 |
东加 |
東加 |
100 |
东京 |
東京 |
68 |
- Tokyo
- Luoyang
- Dongjing Circuit
东京大学 |
東京大學 |
100 |
- University of Tokyo
- Tokyo University, Japan
东京湾 |
東京灣 |
100 |
- Tokyo Bay
- Gulf of Tonkin
东南亚 |
東南亞 |
68 |
Southeast Asia
东宁 |
東寧 |
100 |
洞山 |
100 |
东山 |
東山 |
100 |
冬山 |
100 |
东山寺 |
東山寺 |
100 |
Dongshan Temple
东土 |
東土 |
100 |
the East; China
东吴大学 |
東吳大學 |
68 |
- Suzhou University
- Soochow University
动物界 |
動物界 |
68 |
东阳 |
東陽 |
100 |
东营 |
東營 |
100 |
斗六 |
100 |
Douliu; Touliu city
兜率 |
100 |
兜率天 |
100 |
Tusita Heaven; Tusita gods
读卖新闻 |
讀賣新聞 |
100 |
Yomiuri Shimbun (Japanese newspaper)
杜牧 |
68 |
Du Mu
断桥 |
斷橋 |
100 |
Broken Bridge
端午 |
100 |
Dragon Boat Festival
渡边 |
渡邊 |
100 |
敦化 |
100 |
敦煌 |
燉煌 |
100 |
敦煌石窟 |
100 |
Dunhuang caves in Gansu
多宝佛塔 |
多寶佛塔 |
68 |
Prabhutaratna Stupa; Duobao Pagoda
多宝如来 |
多寶如來 |
100 |
Prabhutaratna Tathagata
多佛 |
100 |
多伦多 |
多倫多 |
68 |
多明尼加 |
100 |
Dominica / Dominican Republic
多米尼克 |
100 |
Dominica; Dominican Republic
杜塞道夫 |
100 |
Düsseldorf (Germany)
杜威 |
100 |
- Du Wei
- Dewey
读者文摘 |
讀者文摘 |
100 |
Reader's Digest
俄亥俄 |
195 |
俄亥俄州 |
195 |
俄罗斯 |
俄羅斯 |
195 |
俄罗斯帝国 |
俄羅斯帝國 |
195 |
Russian empire
俄罗斯人 |
俄羅斯人 |
195 |
Russian (person)
峨嵋山 |
195 |
Mount Emei
阿弥陀佛 |
阿彌陀佛 |
196 |
- Amitabha Buddha
- Amitabha Buddha
- Amitabha Buddha; Amitābha Buddha
二次大战 |
二次大戰 |
195 |
World War Two
二次世界大战 |
二次世界大戰 |
195 |
World War Two
尔德 |
爾德 |
196 |
Eid (Islam)
二十世纪 |
二十世紀 |
195 |
20th century
儿童基金会 |
兒童基金會 |
195 |
UNICEF (United Nations Children's fund)
二月 |
195 |
- February; the Second Month
- second lunar month; vaiśākha
法安 |
102 |
Fa An
法称 |
法稱 |
102 |
法海 |
102 |
- Fa Hai
- Fa Hai
- Dharma sea
法华 |
法華 |
70 |
- Dharma Flower
- The Lotus Sutra
法华经 |
法華經 |
70 |
Lotus Sutra; Lotus Sūtra
法家 |
70 |
Legalist school of philosophy; Legalism
法炬 |
102 |
- Dharma Torch
- the torch of Dharma
- Fa Ju
- dharma torch
法句经 |
法句經 |
70 |
Fa Ju Jing; Dharmapada; Dhammapada
法朗 |
102 |
Fa Lang
法显 |
法顯 |
102 |
Faxian; Fa Hsien
法苑珠林 |
102 |
A Grove of Pearls in the Garden of the Dharma; Fayuan Zhulin
法云 |
法雲 |
102 |
Fa Yun
法照 |
102 |
Fa Zhao
法宗派 |
102 |
Thammayut Nikai
法国 |
法國 |
70 |
法航 |
102 |
Air France
法和 |
102 |
法华玄义 |
法華玄義 |
102 |
Profound Meaning of the Lotus Sutra
法拉盛 |
102 |
法兰克 |
法蘭克 |
102 |
the Franks
法兰克福 |
法蘭克福 |
102 |
法兰西 |
法蘭西 |
102 |
法轮 |
法輪 |
102 |
- Dharma wheel
- Pomnyun
- Dharma wheel; dharmacakra
法门寺 |
法門寺 |
102 |
Famen Temple
梵 |
102 |
- Sanskrit
- Brahma
- India
- pure; sacred
- Fan
- Buddhist
- Brahman
饭头 |
飯頭 |
102 |
- rice chef
- Rice Steward
梵网经 |
梵網經 |
70 |
- Brahma Net Sutra (Brahmajala Sutra)
- the Brahma Net Sūtra; Fanwang Jing
范仲淹 |
70 |
Fan Zhongyan
伐那婆斯 |
102 |
Vanavasin; Vanavāsin; Vanavasa; The Banana Tree Arhat
梵谛冈 |
梵諦岡 |
102 |
凡尔赛 |
凡爾賽 |
102 |
方便门 |
方便門 |
102 |
- gate of skillful means
- expedient means
- Gate of Skillful Means
方回 |
102 |
Fang Hui
房山石经 |
房山石經 |
70 |
Fang Shan Stone Sutras
放生池 |
70 |
- Life Releasing Pond
- Pond for Liberating Lives
- Life Releasing Pond
枋寮 |
102 |
放生会 |
放生會 |
70 |
- Life Release Ceremony
- a ceremony to release living creatures; fangsheng
梵文 |
102 |
梵语 |
梵語 |
102 |
梵鱼寺 |
梵魚寺 |
102 |
梵志 |
102 |
Brahmin; Brahman; brahmacārin
法身 |
70 |
- Dharma body
- Dharma Body
法身寺 |
70 |
- Dhammakaya Temple
- Wat Phra Dhammakaya
法王 |
102 |
- King of the Law; Dharma King
- Dharmaraja (Thailand)
- Dharma King
- Dharmaraja; Dharma King
法眼 |
102 |
- Dharma Eye
- Fayan
- Fayan School
- dharma eye; dharmacaksus
- hōgen
法藏 |
102 |
- sūtra repository; sūtra hall
- Dharma Treasure
- Fazang
费城 |
費城 |
102 |
菲利普 |
102 |
菲律宾 |
菲律賓 |
102 |
腓特烈 |
102 |
非洲 |
102 |
非洲人 |
102 |
African (person)
汾 |
102 |
风城 |
風城 |
102 |
The Windy City
凤凰城 |
鳳凰城 |
102 |
凤林 |
鳳林 |
102 |
凤山 |
鳳山 |
102 |
凤山市 |
鳳山市 |
102 |
Fengshan city
丰田汽车 |
豐田汽車 |
102 |
Toyota Motor Corporation
丰原 |
豐原 |
102 |
丰镇 |
豐鎮 |
102 |
Fengzhen city
芬兰 |
芬蘭 |
102 |
佛本生经 |
佛本生經 |
102 |
Sutra of the Buddha's Reincarnated Manifestations
佛垂般涅槃略说教诫经 |
佛垂般涅槃略說教誡經 |
102 |
Sutra of Bequeathed Teachings
佛法与生活 |
佛法與生活 |
102 |
Living Affinity
佛光大辞典 |
佛光大辭典 |
102 |
Fo Guang Dictionary of Buddhism
佛光大藏经 |
佛光大藏經 |
70 |
- Fo Guang Buddhist Canon
- Fo Guang Buddhist Canon
佛光大学 |
佛光大學 |
70 |
- Fo Guang University (FGU)
- Fo Guang University
佛光世纪 |
佛光世紀 |
102 |
Buddha's Light Newsletter
佛教丛书 |
佛教叢書 |
102 |
Buddhism Series
佛教的财富观 |
佛教的財富觀 |
102 |
The Buddhist Perspective on Wealth
佛教对神通的看法 |
佛教對神通的看法 |
102 |
Buddhism in Every Step: The Buddhist Perspective on the Supernatural
佛教史年表 |
102 |
Chronological Chart of the History of Buddhism
佛教与环保 |
佛教與環保 |
102 |
Buddhism in Every Step: Protecting Our Environment
佛教与生活 |
佛教與生活 |
102 |
Living Affinity
佛教与医学 |
佛教與醫學 |
102 |
Buddhism in Every Step: Buddhism, Medicine and Health
佛教与音乐 |
佛教與音樂 |
102 |
Buddhism in Every Step: Sounds of the Dharma: Buddhism and Music
佛历 |
佛曆 |
70 |
Buddhist calendar
佛临涅槃略诫经 |
佛臨涅槃略誡經 |
102 |
Sutra of Bequeathed Teachings
佛七 |
70 |
Amitabha Chanting Retreat
佛说阿弥陀经 |
佛說阿彌陀經 |
102 |
The Amitabha Sutra
灌洗佛形像经 |
灌洗佛形像經 |
102 |
Tathāgatapratibimbapratiṣṭhānuśaṃsā; Guan Xi Fo Xingxiang Jing
佛陀的样子 |
佛陀的樣子 |
102 |
Buddhism in Every Step: Seeing the Buddha
佛遗教经 |
佛遺教經 |
102 |
Sutra of Teachings Bequeathed by the Buddha; Fo Yijiao Jing
佛治身经 |
佛治身經 |
102 |
Fo Zhi Shen Jing
佛州 |
70 |
佛诞 |
佛誕 |
70 |
Buddha's Birthday; Vesak
佛诞节 |
佛誕節 |
102 |
Buddha's Birthday Celebration
佛法 |
102 |
- Dharma; Dhamma; Buddha-Dhárma; Buddhist doctrine
- the power of the Buddha
- Buddha's Teaching
- Dharma; Buddha-Dhárma
佛光会 |
佛光會 |
102 |
Buddha's Light International Association (BLIA)
佛光寺 |
102 |
Foguang Temple
佛号 |
佛號 |
102 |
name of the Buddha
佛教大辞典 |
佛教大辭典 |
102 |
- Bukkyō daijiten
- Mochizuki Bukkyō Daijiten
佛教大藏经 |
佛教大藏經 |
102 |
Fojian Canon
佛教大学 |
佛教大學 |
102 |
Bukkyo University
佛教故事大全 |
102 |
- A Complete Collection of Stories on Buddhism
- A Complete Collection of Stories on Buddhism
佛教青年 |
102 |
Buddhist Youth
佛教童话集 |
佛教童話集 |
102 |
- Buddhist Stories For Children
- Buddhist Stories For Children
佛教与中国文化 |
佛教與中國文化 |
102 |
The Relationship between Buddhism and Chinese Culture
佛罗里达 |
佛羅里達 |
70 |
佛罗里达州 |
佛羅里達州 |
102 |
佛门 |
佛門 |
102 |
佛说八大人觉经 |
佛說八大人覺經 |
102 |
Sutra on the Eight Realizations of the Great Beings
佛陀 |
102 |
Buddha; the all-enlightened one
佛音 |
102 |
Buddhaghoṣa; Buddhaghosa
傅大士 |
102 |
Venerable Master Fu; Great Adept Fu
伏虎罗汉 |
伏虎羅漢 |
70 |
The Tiger Subduing Arhat; Pindolabharadvaja; Pindola
福安 |
102 |
夫差 |
102 |
辅大 |
輔大 |
102 |
Fu Jen Catholic University of Peking
复旦大学 |
复旦大學 |
102 |
- Fudan University
- Fudan University
福岛 |
福島 |
70 |
- Fukushima
- Fu Island
福建 |
70 |
福建省 |
70 |
Fujian Province
福克 |
102 |
Fock or Foch (name)
富兰克林 |
富蘭克林 |
102 |
Franklin / Benjamin Franklin
富里 |
102 |
福林 |
102 |
富楼那 |
富樓那 |
102 |
Purna; Punna
扶轮社 |
扶輪社 |
102 |
Rotary Club
阜宁 |
阜寧 |
102 |
辅仁大学 |
輔仁大學 |
102 |
Fu Jen Catholic University of Peking
福山 |
70 |
富士 |
102 |
福特 |
102 |
- Ford
- Ford
福兴 |
福興 |
102 |
覆障 |
102 |
福州 |
102 |
赣 |
贛 |
103 |
- Jiangxi
- Gan River
- Gan dialect
淦 |
103 |
甘丹寺 |
103 |
Ganden monastery
甘地 |
103 |
(Mahatma) Gandhi
港岛 |
港島 |
71 |
Hong Kong Island
刚果 |
剛果 |
103 |
冈山 |
岡山 |
103 |
- Kangshan
- Okayama
干将 |
干將 |
103 |
甘迺迪 |
103 |
Kennedy (name)
甘肃 |
甘肅 |
103 |
甘肃省 |
甘肅省 |
103 |
Gansu Province
高启 |
高啟 |
71 |
Gao Qi
高僧传 |
高僧傳 |
103 |
- Biographies of Eminent Monks
- Biographies of Eminent Monks
高山症 |
103 |
Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS)
高希均 |
103 |
Charles Kao
高昌 |
71 |
Gaochang; Qara-hoja
高淳 |
103 |
高等法院 |
103 |
High Court
高尔基 |
高爾基 |
103 |
Gorkii (name) / Maxim Gorkii
高丽 |
高麗 |
71 |
Korean Goryeo Dynasty
高丽大藏经 |
高麗大藏經 |
71 |
- Tripitaka Koreana
- Tripitaka Koreana; Koryo taejangyong
高岭 |
高嶺 |
71 |
Gaoling; Kaolin
高卢 |
高盧 |
71 |
高棉 |
71 |
高桥 |
高橋 |
103 |
高青 |
103 |
高树 |
高樹 |
103 |
高雄 |
71 |
Gaoxiong; Kaohsiung
高雄市 |
103 |
City of Gaoxiong; City of Kaohsiung
高雄县 |
高雄縣 |
103 |
Gaoxiong; Kaohsiung
高宗 |
71 |
- Emperor Gaozong of Song
- Emperor Gaozong of Tang
- Gaozong
哥本哈根 |
103 |
Copenhagen or København, capital of Denmark
格瑞那达 |
格瑞那達 |
103 |
Grenada, island country in the Caribbean Sea
戈巴契夫 |
103 |
Mikhail Gorbachev
哥大 |
103 |
Columbia University
格尔木 |
格爾木 |
103 |
Golmud; Ge'ermu city
噶举派 |
噶舉派 |
103 |
Geju School; Kagyu; Kagyu; Kagyupa; Kagyud
格兰特 |
格蘭特 |
103 |
Grant (name)
格雷 |
103 |
Grey; Gray
格林威治 |
103 |
格鲁派 |
格魯派 |
103 |
Geluk School; Gelukpa; Yellow Hat School; Dge lugs
哥伦比亚 |
哥倫比亞 |
103 |
哥伦比亚大学 |
哥倫比亞大學 |
103 |
Columbia University
哥伦布 |
哥倫布 |
103 |
Cristóbal Colón or Christopher Columbus
噶玛巴 |
噶瑪巴 |
103 |
庚 |
103 |
7th heavenly stem
哥斯大黎加 |
103 |
Costa Rica
格西 |
103 |
共产党 |
共產黨 |
71 |
Communist Party
龚鹏程 |
龔鵬程 |
103 |
Gong Pengcheng
宫本 |
宮本 |
103 |
Miyamoto (Japanese surname)
共党 |
共黨 |
103 |
Communist Party
功德天 |
103 |
共和党 |
共和黨 |
71 |
Republican Party
供僧法会 |
供僧法會 |
71 |
Sangha Day Celebration
公事 |
103 |
public affairs; official (matters, duties etc)
公孙 |
公孫 |
103 |
公子 |
103 |
son of an official; son of nobility; your son (honorific)
狗年 |
103 |
Year of the Dog
古柏 |
103 |
Gu Bai
古印度 |
103 |
Ancient India
瓜地马拉 |
瓜地馬拉 |
103 |
关岛 |
關島 |
71 |
观无量寿经 |
觀無量壽經 |
71 |
- Contemplation Sutra
- Contemplation Sutra; Sutra on the Visualization of Immeasurable Life; Guan Wuliangshou jing
官窑 |
官窯 |
71 |
Guan Kiln
关羽 |
關羽 |
71 |
Guan Yu
观察使 |
觀察使 |
103 |
Surveillence Commissioner
关东 |
關東 |
103 |
- Northeast China; Manchuria
- Kantō
广兴 |
廣興 |
71 |
- Guang Xing
- Guang Xing
广安 |
廣安 |
103 |
广德 |
廣德 |
103 |
广东 |
廣東 |
71 |
广东话 |
廣東話 |
71 |
Yue Dialect; Guangdong Dialect; Cantonese
广东人 |
廣東人 |
103 |
Cantonese (people)
光和 |
103 |
广陵 |
廣陵 |
103 |
光明灯法会 |
光明燈法會 |
71 |
- Light Offering Dharma Service
- Light Offering Dharma Service
光明童子因缘经 |
光明童子因緣經 |
103 |
Jyotiṣkāvadāna; Guangming Tongzi Yinyuan Jing
光启 |
光啟 |
103 |
光山 |
103 |
- Guangshan
- Guangshan
光武 |
103 |
广西 |
廣西 |
71 |
光绪 |
光緒 |
103 |
广州 |
廣州 |
71 |
广州美术学院 |
廣州美術學院 |
71 |
Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts
观世音 |
觀世音 |
71 |
- Avalokitesvara
- Avalokitesvara; Avalokiteśvara; Guanyin
观世音菩萨 |
觀世音菩薩 |
71 |
Avalokiteśvara; Avalokitesvara; Guanyin
观世音菩萨普门品 |
觀世音菩薩普門品 |
71 |
- The Lotus Sutra’s Universal Gate Chapter on Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva
- Universal Gate Sūtra
关西 |
關西 |
103 |
- Guanxi; Kuanhsi
- Kansai
观音 |
觀音 |
103 |
- Guanyin [Bodhisattva]
- Avalokitesvara
- Avalokitesvara
观音殿 |
觀音殿 |
71 |
- 1. Great Compassion Shrine; 2. Avalokitesvara Shrine
- Avalokitesvara Shrine
观音菩萨 |
觀音菩薩 |
71 |
Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva
观音寺 |
觀音寺 |
103 |
- Guanyin Temple
- Kwanumsa
- Gwaneumsa
观音亭 |
觀音亭 |
103 |
Guanyin Shrine
关中 |
關中 |
71 |
观自在 |
觀自在 |
103 |
- Guanyin; Avalokitesvara
- Avalokitesvara
- Avalokitesvara
观自在菩萨 |
觀自在菩薩 |
103 |
Avalokitesvara bodhisattva
古波 |
103 |
故宫 |
故宮 |
71 |
The Imperial Palace
故宮博物院 |
71 |
Palace Museum / National Palace Museum, Taipei
癸 |
103 |
tenth heavenly stem; tenth in order
桂 |
103 |
- Guangxi
- cassia; cinnamon
- Gui
桂格 |
103 |
沩山 |
溈山 |
103 |
- Guishan
- Guishan
龟山 |
龜山 |
103 |
- Guishan; Kueishan
- Tortoise Mountain
鬼子母 |
71 |
鬼子圣母 |
鬼子聖母 |
103 |
滚石 |
滾石 |
103 |
Rock Records, Taiwanese record label / the Rolling Stones, British rock band
国父纪念馆 |
國父紀念館 |
103 |
Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall
国共内战 |
國共內戰 |
71 |
Chinese Civil War
国际佛光会会歌 |
國際佛光會會歌 |
103 |
BLIA Anthem
过江罗汉 |
過江羅漢 |
71 |
The River Crossing Arhat; Bhadra; Bhadrika; Bhaddiya
国军 |
國軍 |
103 |
National Revolutionary Army
国大 |
國大 |
103 |
National Assembly of the Republic of China
过得 |
過得 |
103 |
How are you getting by?; How's life?; contraction of 過得去|过得去, can get by; tolerably well
国防部 |
國防部 |
103 |
Defense Department; Ministry of National Defense
国会议员 |
國會議員 |
71 |
Member of Congress; Congressman
国际奥委会 |
國際奧委會 |
71 |
International Olympic Committee
国际佛光会 |
國際佛光會 |
103 |
Buddha's Light International Association (BLIA)
国际佛教促进会 |
國際佛教促進會 |
71 |
International Buddhist Progress Society
国际特赦组织 |
國際特赦組織 |
103 |
Amnesty International
国立中山大学 |
國立中山大學 |
103 |
National Sun Yat-sen University
国民大会 |
國民大會 |
103 |
National Convention
国民党 |
國民黨 |
71 |
Kuomintang; Nationalist Party; KMT
国民政府 |
國民政府 |
103 |
Nationalist government
国庆 |
國慶 |
103 |
National Day
国泰 |
國泰 |
103 |
Cathay Pacific
国台办 |
國臺辦 |
71 |
PRC state council office for Taiwan affairs
鼓山 |
71 |
Gushan; Kushan
古文 |
103 |
Classical Chinese
辜振甫 |
103 |
Koo Chen-fu
哈达 |
哈達 |
104 |
哈佛 |
104 |
Harvard University
哈佛大学 |
哈佛大學 |
104 |
Harvard University
哈岗 |
哈崗 |
104 |
Hacienda Heights
海潮音 |
104 |
- Ocean Waves Magazine
- Sounds of the Ocean Waves
- ocean-tide voice
- Ocean Waves Magazine; Sound of the Sea Tide
海安 |
104 |
海德公园 |
海德公園 |
104 |
Hyde Park
海德堡 |
104 |
海地 |
104 |
海东 |
海東 |
104 |
海伦 |
海倫 |
104 |
- Hailun
- Helen
海南省 |
104 |
Hainan Province
海晏 |
104 |
海印寺 |
104 |
哈利 |
72 |
哈里 |
72 |
Harry; Hari
韩 |
韓 |
104 |
- Korea; South Korea
- State of Han
- fence; low wall
- Han
汉 |
漢 |
104 |
- Han Chinese
- Han Dynasty
- Milky Way
- Later Han Dynasty
- a man; a chap
- Chinese language
- Han River
- Chinese; cīna
汉朝 |
漢朝 |
72 |
Han Dynasty
汉城 |
漢城 |
72 |
Seoul; Hanseong
汉地 |
漢地 |
72 |
territory of the Han dynasty; homeland of the Han people
韩非子 |
韓非子 |
72 |
Han Feizi
汉人 |
漢人 |
72 |
Han Chinese person or people
汉书 |
漢書 |
72 |
Book of Han; History of the Former Han Dynasty; Han Shu
汉魏两晋南北朝佛教史 |
漢魏兩晉南北朝佛教史 |
104 |
History of Han, Wei, Eastern and Western Jin, and Northern and Southern Dynasty Buddhism
汉武帝 |
漢武帝 |
72 |
Emperor Wu of Han
汉锺离 |
漢鍾離 |
104 |
- Han Zhongli
- Zhong Liquan
汉堡大学 |
漢堡大學 |
104 |
University of Hamburg
韩国 |
韓國 |
104 |
South Korea
韩国人 |
韓國人 |
104 |
Korean (person)
韩国街 |
韓國街 |
104 |
韩国瑜 |
韓國瑜 |
104 |
Daniel Han Kuo-yu
杭州 |
72 |
汉森 |
漢森 |
104 |
Hansen; Hanson
寒山 |
104 |
汉文 |
漢文 |
72 |
written Chinese language
韩文 |
韓文 |
72 |
hangul; Korean written language
郝 |
104 |
- Hao
- Hao
郝柏村 |
72 |
Hau Pei-tsun
好时 |
好時 |
104 |
好望角 |
104 |
Cape of Good Hope
哈萨克 |
哈薩克 |
72 |
哈仙达岗 |
哈仙達崗 |
104 |
- Hacienda Heights
- Hacienda Heights
何山 |
104 |
He Shan
何绍基 |
何紹基 |
72 |
He Shaoji
河北省 |
72 |
赫伯特 |
104 |
Herbert (name)
鹤岗 |
鶴崗 |
104 |
黑海 |
104 |
Black Sea
黑格尔 |
黑格爾 |
104 |
黑龙江 |
黑龍江 |
104 |
- Heilongjiang
- Amur River; Heilong River
黑山 |
104 |
荷兰 |
荷蘭 |
104 |
河南省 |
104 |
Henan province
横滨 |
橫濱 |
104 |
恒春半岛 |
恆春半島 |
104 |
Hengchun Peninsula
鹤山 |
鶴山 |
104 |
- Heshan
- Heshan
和食 |
104 |
Japanese cuisine
河滩 |
河灘 |
104 |
river bank; strand
和田 |
72 |
Hotan; Hetian; Khotan
和阗 |
和闐 |
104 |
Hotan; Hetian; Khotan
和县 |
和縣 |
104 |
He county
荷泽 |
荷澤 |
104 |
Lotus marsh
菏泽 |
菏澤 |
104 |
和政 |
104 |
河中 |
104 |
合纵连横 |
合縱連橫 |
104 |
Vertical and Horizontal Alliance
洪冬桂 |
72 |
Hong Donggui
宏都拉斯 |
104 |
红教 |
紅教 |
104 |
Nyingma School; Red Hat School
洪兰 |
洪蘭 |
104 |
Daisy L. Hung
红楼梦 |
紅樓夢 |
104 |
- Dream of the Red Chamber
- Dream of the Red Chamber
洪迈 |
洪邁 |
104 |
Hong Mai
弘明集 |
72 |
Hongming Ji; Collection on the Propagation and Clarification of Buddhism
洪秀柱 |
104 |
Hung Hsiu-chu
弘一 |
72 |
Venerable Hong Yi
红场 |
紅場 |
104 |
Red Square
弘道 |
104 |
- Hongdao
- Propagation of the Way
弘福寺 |
72 |
Hongfu Temple
红磡 |
紅磡 |
104 |
Hung Hom
洪山 |
104 |
红十字 |
紅十字 |
104 |
Red Cross
弘一大师 |
弘一大師 |
104 |
Hong Yi
宏智 |
104 |
后汉 |
後漢 |
72 |
- Later Han
- Later Han
后秦 |
後秦 |
72 |
Later Qin
后壁 |
後壁 |
104 |
后藤 |
後藤 |
104 |
猴头菇 |
猴頭菇 |
104 |
Hericium erinaceus
后羿 |
104 |
沪 |
滬 |
104 |
- Shanghai
- Hu River
胡适 |
胡適 |
72 |
Hu Shi
胡志强 |
胡志強 |
104 |
Jason Hu
华藏世界 |
華藏世界 |
104 |
- Flower Bank World
- Pure Land of Vairocana
- the flower store world
华航 |
華航 |
104 |
China Airlines
华康 |
華康 |
72 |
华文 |
華文 |
72 |
Chinese language; Chinese script
华西 |
華西 |
72 |
West China
华埠 |
華埠 |
104 |
华东师范大学 |
華東師範大學 |
104 |
East China Normal University (ECNU)
淮 |
104 |
Huai River
怀素 |
懷素 |
72 |
Huai Su
淮南 |
72 |
怀特 |
懷特 |
104 |
花莲 |
花蓮 |
72 |
Hualian; Hualien
花莲县 |
花蓮縣 |
104 |
Hualián; Hualien county
花木兰 |
花木蘭 |
104 |
Hua Mulan
环保局 |
環保局 |
104 |
environment protection office; PRC National bureau of environmental protection
黄宾虹 |
黃賓虹 |
72 |
Huang Binhong
黄帝 |
黃帝 |
72 |
The Yellow Emperor
黄金宝 |
黃金寶 |
104 |
Wong Kam-po
皇太子 |
72 |
Crown Prince
皇甫谧 |
皇甫謐 |
104 |
Huangfu Mi
皇冠出版 |
104 |
Crown publishers, Hong Kong
黄河 |
黃河 |
72 |
Yellow River
黄鹤楼 |
黃鶴樓 |
104 |
Yellow Crane Tower
黄花岗 |
黃花崗 |
104 |
黄简 |
黃簡 |
104 |
Wrigley's Juicy Fruit
黄教 |
黃教 |
104 |
- Yellow Hat Tibetan Buddhism
- Geluk School; Yellow Hat School
黄巾 |
黃巾 |
104 |
Yellow Turbans
黄金海岸 |
黃金海岸 |
104 |
Gold Coast
黄老 |
黃老 |
72 |
Huanglao; Daoism; Taoism; Taoist philosophy
黄梅 |
黃梅 |
104 |
黄埔军校 |
黃埔軍校 |
104 |
Whampoa Military Academy
黄泉 |
黃泉 |
104 |
Yellow Springs
黄石 |
黃石 |
104 |
黄石公 |
黃石公 |
104 |
- Huang Shigong
- Huang Shigong
黄武 |
黃武 |
104 |
Huangwu reign
黄信 |
黃信 |
104 |
Huang Xin
黄忠 |
黃忠 |
104 |
Huang Zhong
花旗银行 |
花旗銀行 |
104 |
华山 |
華山 |
104 |
- Huashan
- Huashan
华盛顿 |
華盛頓 |
72 |
- Washington
- Washington D.C.
华视 |
華視 |
104 |
China TV
华为 |
華為 |
104 |
华夏 |
華夏 |
104 |
China; Cathay
华严 |
華嚴 |
72 |
Avataṃsaka Sūtra; Flower Garland Sutra; Flower Adornment Sutra
华严经 |
華嚴經 |
72 |
- Avatamsaka Sutra
- Avatamsaka Sutra; Avataṃsaka Sūtra; Flower Garland Sutra; Flower Adornment Sutra
华严宗 |
華嚴宗 |
72 |
Huayan School; Huayan zong
华藏寺 |
華藏寺 |
104 |
Huazang Temple
湖北 |
72 |
湖北省 |
104 |
Hubei Province
忽必烈 |
72 |
Kublai Khan; Qublai Khan
护法菩萨 |
護法菩薩 |
104 |
胡佛 |
104 |
Hoover (name) / Herbert Hoover (1874-1964) US mining engineer and Republican politician, president
胡慧中 |
104 |
Sibelle Hu
慧安 |
72 |
Hui An
慧静 |
慧靜 |
72 |
Hui Jing
慧觉 |
慧覺 |
72 |
Hui Jue
慧可 |
72 |
惠能 |
72 |
Hui Neng
慧日 |
104 |
- Huiri
- Huiri
- to have illuminating wisdom like the Buddha
慧文 |
104 |
Hui Wen
慧祥 |
72 |
Hui Xiang
慧严 |
慧嚴 |
72 |
Hui Yan
慧义 |
慧義 |
72 |
Hui Yi
慧智 |
104 |
Hui Zhi
会安 |
會安 |
104 |
Hoi An
惠安 |
104 |
慧聪 |
慧聰 |
104 |
Hyechong; Esō
慧光 |
104 |
- Huiguang
- Ekō
- Ekō
- the light of wisdom
回教 |
104 |
回教徒 |
104 |
慧开 |
慧開 |
104 |
- Wumen Huikai
- Wumen Huikai
会理 |
會理 |
104 |
慧远 |
慧遠 |
72 |
- Jingying Huiyuan
- Hui Yuan
慧运 |
慧運 |
104 |
慧忠 |
104 |
- Huizhong
- [National Master] Huizhong
- Huizhong; Zhizhong
户口 |
戶口 |
104 |
Hukou; registered residence
虎林 |
104 |
湖内 |
湖內 |
104 |
活佛 |
104 |
Living Buddha
霍金斯 |
104 |
Hawkins (name)
虎丘 |
104 |
虎尾 |
104 |
虎尾镇 |
虎尾鎮 |
104 |
Huwei township
冀 |
106 |
- Hebei
- to hope
- Jizhou
继忠 |
繼忠 |
74 |
Ji Zhong
加尔各答 |
加爾各答 |
74 |
加德满都 |
加德滿都 |
74 |
加盖 |
加蓋 |
106 |
to seal (with official stamp); to stamp; fig. to ratify; to put lid on (cooking pot); to cap; to build an extension or additional storey
加国 |
加國 |
106 |
加勒比海 |
74 |
Caribbean Sea
佳里 |
106 |
迦理迦 |
106 |
Kalika; Kālika; The Elephant Riding Arhat
佳里镇 |
佳里鎮 |
106 |
监院 |
監院 |
106 |
- Superintendent (of a council)
- Prior; Temple Supervisor
加拿大 |
106 |
- Canada
- Canada
监察院 |
監察院 |
106 |
Control Yuan
建德 |
106 |
江 |
106 |
- a large river
- Yangtze River
- Jiang
- Jiangsu
- Jiang
蒋方 |
蔣方 |
74 |
Jiang Fang
蒋介石 |
蔣介石 |
74 |
Chiang Kai-shek
降龙罗汉 |
降龍羅漢 |
106 |
Nandimitra; the Dragon Subduing Arhat
讲演集 |
講演集 |
106 |
Master Hsing Yun’s Lecture Series
江泽民 |
江澤民 |
74 |
Jiang Zemin
蒋中正 |
蔣中正 |
74 |
Chiang Kai-shek
江安 |
106 |
江北 |
106 |
- Jiangbei
- north of the Yangtze river
- Jiangbei
江川 |
106 |
江都 |
74 |
蒋贡康楚 |
蔣貢康楚 |
106 |
'Jam-mgon kong-sprul
蒋经国 |
蔣經國 |
106 |
Chiang Ching-kuo
将乐 |
將樂 |
106 |
江陵 |
74 |
- Jiangling
- Gangneung
江南 |
74 |
- Jiangnan
- Jiangnan
- Jiangnan
江苏 |
江蘇 |
74 |
江苏省 |
江蘇省 |
74 |
Jiangsu Province
江天寺 |
106 |
Jiangtian Temple
蒋纬国 |
蔣緯國 |
106 |
Chiang Wei-kuo
江永 |
106 |
建康 |
106 |
建平 |
106 |
柬埔寨 |
106 |
剑桥 |
劍橋 |
106 |
剑桥大学 |
劍橋大學 |
74 |
Cambridge University
尖沙咀 |
106 |
Tsim Sha Tsui
建水 |
106 |
建兴 |
建興 |
106 |
Jianxing reign
建业 |
建業 |
106 |
鑑真 |
106 |
建中 |
106 |
教皇 |
106 |
焦山 |
106 |
焦山佛学院 |
焦山佛學院 |
106 |
- Jiaoshan Buddhist College
- Jiaoshan Buddhist College
教师节 |
教師節 |
106 |
Teachers' Day
教廷 |
106 |
the Papacy; the Vatican; the Church government; Holy See
交通大学 |
交通大學 |
106 |
Jiao Tong University
礁溪 |
106 |
Jiaoxi or Chiaohsi
礁溪乡 |
礁溪鄉 |
106 |
Jiaoxi or Chiaohsi
教育部 |
106 |
Ministry of Education
教育部长 |
教育部長 |
106 |
Minister of Education; Director of Education Department
交趾 |
74 |
交阯 |
106 |
教宗 |
106 |
迦毘罗卫 |
迦毘羅衛 |
106 |
Kapilavastu; Kapilavatthu
迦叶 |
迦葉 |
106 |
- Kāśyapa; Kasyapa; Kassapa
- Mahākāśyapa; Kāśyapa; Kasyapa; Kassapa
甲仙 |
106 |
嘉兴 |
嘉興 |
106 |
甲戌 |
74 |
eleventh year A11 of the 60 year cycle
迦叶摩腾 |
迦葉摩騰 |
106 |
Kāśyapa-mātaṅga; Kasyapa Matanga
嘉义 |
嘉義 |
106 |
嘉义县 |
嘉義縣 |
106 |
Jiayi County
嘉义市 |
嘉義市 |
106 |
Chiayi city
加州 |
106 |
加州大学 |
加州大學 |
106 |
University of California
吉大港 |
106 |
基督 |
106 |
基督城 |
106 |
基督教 |
106 |
基督徒 |
106 |
a Christian
解深密经 |
解深密經 |
74 |
- Sandhīnirmocanasūtra; Jie Shen Mi Jing
- Sandhinir Mokcana Vyuha Sutra; Wisdom of Buddha
戒坛 |
戒壇 |
106 |
- Precept Altar
- ordination platform
结夏安居 |
結夏安居 |
106 |
Varsa; Vassa; Rains Retreat
杰夫 |
傑夫 |
106 |
Jeff; Geoff
杰弗逊 |
傑弗遜 |
106 |
结构主义 |
結構主義 |
106 |
杰克 |
傑克 |
106 |
Jack (name)
捷克 |
捷剋 |
106 |
杰克森 |
傑克森 |
106 |
Jackson (name)
杰克逊 |
傑克遜 |
74 |
杰拉 |
傑拉 |
106 |
结制 |
結制 |
106 |
Varsa; Varsā; Vassa; Rains Retreat; Summer Retreat
基辅 |
基輔 |
106 |
Kiev, capital of Ukraine
济公 |
濟公 |
106 |
Jigong; Daoji
几何原本 |
幾何原本 |
74 |
- Elements
- Elements
集集 |
106 |
极乐净土 |
極樂淨土 |
74 |
- Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss
- Western Pure Land; Sukhāvatī
极乐世界 |
極樂世界 |
106 |
- Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss
- Western Pure Land; Sukhāvatī
极乐寺 |
極樂寺 |
74 |
Jile Temple
吉林 |
106 |
- Jilin Province
- City of Jilin
吉林大学 |
吉林大學 |
106 |
Jilin University
吉林市 |
106 |
Jilin city
基隆 |
106 |
Chilung; Keelung
吉隆坡 |
106 |
Kuala Lumpur
基隆市 |
106 |
Chilung City; Keelung City
吉米 |
106 |
Jimmy, Jimmie or Jimi (name)
寂灭 |
寂滅 |
106 |
- Upasannaka
- calmness and extinction; Nirvāṇa; Nibbāna; Nirvana
鸡鸣寺 |
雞鳴寺 |
106 |
Jiming Temple
晋 |
晉 |
106 |
- shanxi
- jin [dynasty]
- to move forward; to promote; to advance
- to raise
- Jin [state]
- Jin
晋朝 |
晉朝 |
106 |
Jin Dynasty
金朝 |
74 |
Jin Dynasty
金光明经 |
金光明經 |
74 |
- Suvarnabhasottama Sutra (the Sutra of Golden Light)
- Suvarṇaprabhāsauttamarāja [sūtra]; Golden Light [Sūtra]
- Suvarṇaprabhāsauttamarājasūtra; Golden Light Sūtra
晋文公 |
晉文公 |
106 |
Duke Wen of Jin
晋武帝 |
晉武帝 |
106 |
Emperor Wu of Jin
净意 |
淨意 |
106 |
金宝 |
金寶 |
106 |
- Campbell
- Kampar
锦屏 |
錦屏 |
106 |
进步号 |
進步號 |
106 |
金川 |
106 |
晋代 |
晉代 |
106 |
Jin Dynasty
几内亚 |
幾內亞 |
106 |
几内亚比索 |
幾內亞比索 |
106 |
景德传灯录 |
景德傳燈錄 |
74 |
The Records of the Transmission of the Lamp; Jingde Chuandeng Lu
净土宗 |
淨土宗 |
106 |
Pure Land School; Jingtu Zong
金刚经 |
金剛經 |
74 |
- The Diamond Sutra
- Diamond Sutra
金刚经大意 |
金剛經大意 |
106 |
Jingang Jing Dayi
金刚力士 |
金剛力士 |
106 |
Vajrapāṇi; Vajrapani
金刚乘 |
金剛乘 |
106 |
Vajrayāna; Tantric Buddhism; Esoteric Buddhism
金刚手菩萨 |
金剛手菩薩 |
106 |
Vajrapani Bodhisattva
金刚王 |
金剛王 |
106 |
金刚座 |
金剛座 |
106 |
vajrasana; diamond throne
景德镇 |
景德鎮 |
74 |
净满 |
淨滿 |
106 |
荆山 |
荊山 |
106 |
Mt Jingshan
静山 |
靜山 |
106 |
Cheng San
净行 |
淨行 |
106 |
- purifying practice
- Brahmin; Brahman
景祐 |
106 |
经藏 |
經藏 |
106 |
Collection of Discourses; Buddhist scriptures; Sūtra Piṭaka / sūtrapiṭaka
京兆 |
106 |
- Jingzhao; Xi'an
- capital municipal area
- Capital Region Governor
警政署 |
106 |
National Police Agency (Taiwan)
金华 |
金華 |
106 |
净检 |
淨檢 |
106 |
金陵 |
74 |
- Jinling; Nanjing
- Jinling; Nanjing
金陵刻经处 |
金陵刻經處 |
106 |
- Jinling Scriptural Press
- Jinling Scriptural Press
金马奖 |
金馬獎 |
106 |
Golden Horse Film Festival and Awards
金门 |
金門 |
106 |
- Kinmen islands; Quemoy islands
- Jinmen
金门县 |
金門縣 |
106 |
- Kinmen County
- Jinmen county
金平 |
106 |
今日佛教 |
106 |
- Buddhism Today Magazine
- Buddhism Today
金沙江 |
74 |
Jinsha River
金山寺 |
106 |
- Jinshan Temple
- Geumsansa
金氏 |
106 |
金水 |
106 |
金塔寺 |
106 |
- Jinta Temple
- Geumtapsa
净土真宗 |
淨土真宗 |
106 |
Jōdo Shinshū
金星 |
74 |
静修禅院 |
靜修禪院 |
106 |
Jingxiu Chan Monastery
金钟 |
金鐘 |
106 |
静坐罗汉 |
靜坐羅漢 |
106 |
The Meditating Arhat; Nakula
记室 |
記室 |
106 |
Record Keeper; Secretary
寂天 |
74 |
Shantideva; Śāntideva
吉田 |
106 |
九歌 |
74 |
九华山 |
九華山 |
74 |
Mount Jiuhua; Jiuhuashan
旧金山 |
舊金山 |
106 |
- San Francisco
- San Francisco
鸠摩罗什 |
鳩摩羅什 |
74 |
Kumarajiva; Kumārajīva
酒泉 |
74 |
鸠山 |
鳩山 |
106 |
- Hatoyama
- Hatoyama Yukio
旧石器时代 |
舊石器時代 |
74 |
- Paleolithic; old stone age
- Paleolithic Era
九天 |
106 |
Ninth Heaven
九月 |
106 |
- September; the Ninth Month
- ninth lunar month; mārga-śīrṣa
觉生 |
覺生 |
106 |
- Awakening Living Beings Magazine
- Awakening Living Beings Magazine
觉世 |
覺世 |
106 |
Awakening the World Periodical
觉世旬刊 |
覺世旬刊 |
106 |
Awakening the World
觉训 |
覺訓 |
74 |
Jue Xun
觉范 |
覺範 |
106 |
觉海 |
覺海 |
106 |
觉康 |
覺康 |
74 |
Jokhang Temple; Zuglagkang
觉亲 |
覺親 |
106 |
觉如 |
覺如 |
106 |
觉心 |
覺心 |
106 |
- Juexin
- Kakushin
- mind of enlightenment
莒光 |
106 |
居简 |
居簡 |
106 |
Jujian; Beijian Jujian
巨浪 |
106 |
居礼夫人 |
居禮夫人 |
106 |
Maria Skłodowska-Curie / Marie Curie
均如 |
106 |
Kyunyeo; Kyunyŏ
君山 |
106 |
均提 |
106 |
俱舍论 |
俱舍論 |
74 |
Abhidharmakośabhāṣya; Abhidharmakośaśastra; Discourse on the Repository of Abhidharma Discussions
拘尸那 |
106 |
Kuśinagara; Kusināra; Kushinagar; Kusinagar; Kusinara
卡尔 |
卡爾 |
75 |
卡尔文 |
卡爾文 |
107 |
开元 |
開元 |
75 |
Kai Yuan
开证 |
開證 |
107 |
Kai Zheng
凯撒 |
凱撒 |
107 |
Caesar; Kaiser
凯瑟琳 |
凱瑟琳 |
107 |
Catherine (name) / Katherine
凯特 |
凱特 |
107 |
凯文 |
凱文 |
107 |
开心罗汉 |
開心羅漢 |
107 |
The Open Heart Arhat; Jivaka
卡卢仁波切 |
卡盧仁波切 |
107 |
Kalu Rinpoche
卡门 |
卡門 |
107 |
看门罗汉 |
看門羅漢 |
107 |
The House Guarding Arhat; Cudapanthaka
坎城 |
107 |
康熙 |
75 |
Emperor Kang Xi
坎培拉 |
107 |
喀什 |
107 |
Kashgar; Qeshqer; Kashi
卡特 |
107 |
科举 |
科舉 |
75 |
Imperial Examinations
克东 |
克東 |
107 |
克莱 |
克萊 |
107 |
Clay (name)
克拉克 |
107 |
Clark or Clarke (name)
克朗 |
剋朗 |
107 |
可兰经 |
可蘭經 |
107 |
Koran; Quran
克里 |
75 |
柯林顿 |
柯林頓 |
107 |
可伦坡 |
可倫坡 |
75 |
垦丁国家公园 |
墾丁國家公園 |
107 |
Kenting National Park
肯亚 |
肯亞 |
107 |
科威特 |
107 |
孔夫子 |
75 |
孔庙 |
孔廟 |
75 |
Confucian Temple
孔明 |
107 |
Kongming; Zhuge Liang
空也 |
107 |
孔子 |
75 |
库头 |
庫頭 |
107 |
Head of Stores
邝 |
鄺 |
107 |
匡衡 |
107 |
Kuang Heng
奎星 |
107 |
库克船长 |
庫克船長 |
107 |
Captain James Cook
崑 |
107 |
- Kunlun mountains
- Kailasa
昆山 |
崑山 |
107 |
拉斯维加斯 |
拉斯維加斯 |
108 |
Las Vegas, Nevada
拉达克 |
拉達克 |
108 |
拉斐尔 |
拉斐爾 |
108 |
拉赫曼尼诺夫 |
拉赫曼尼諾夫 |
108 |
Rachmaninoff or Rachmaninov (name) / Sergei Rachmaninoff
赖比瑞亚 |
賴比瑞亞 |
108 |
赖永海 |
賴永海 |
76 |
Lai Yonghai
来安 |
來安 |
108 |
赖声川 |
賴聲川 |
108 |
Lai Shengchuan
赖索托 |
賴索托 |
108 |
莱西 |
萊西 |
108 |
来义 |
來義 |
108 |
莱茵河 |
萊茵河 |
108 |
Rhine River
拉玛 |
拉瑪 |
76 |
喇嘛教 |
108 |
Tibetan Buddhism
蓝吉富 |
藍吉富 |
108 |
Lan Jifu
兰亭集序 |
蘭亭集序 |
108 |
- Preface to the Orchid Pavilion Collection
- Preface to the Orchid Pavilion Collection
朗县 |
朗縣 |
108 |
Nang county
兰卡斯特 |
蘭卡斯特 |
108 |
蓝毘尼园 |
藍毘尼園 |
108 |
兰屿 |
蘭嶼 |
108 |
兰州 |
蘭州 |
108 |
兰州大学 |
蘭州大學 |
108 |
Lanzhou University
兰州市 |
蘭州市 |
108 |
Lanzhou city
劳动节 |
勞動節 |
108 |
International Labor Day (May Day)
拉萨 |
拉薩 |
76 |
拉萨市 |
拉薩市 |
108 |
拉脱维亚 |
拉脫維亞 |
108 |
勒那 |
108 |
雷神 |
108 |
God of Lightning; Thor
雷根 |
108 |
- Reagan
- Ronald Reagan
雷诺 |
雷諾 |
108 |
- Reynolds
- Renault
- Reno
楞严经 |
楞嚴經 |
76 |
- Suramgama Sutra
- Śūraṅgama Sūtra; Shurangama Sutra
楞严咒 |
楞嚴咒 |
108 |
Leng Yan Mantra
冷战 |
冷戰 |
76 |
Cold War
楞伽经 |
楞伽經 |
108 |
Lankavatara Sutra
乐平 |
樂平 |
76 |
乐山大佛 |
樂山大佛 |
76 |
Leshan Buddha
乐施 |
樂施 |
108 |
乐亭 |
樂亭 |
108 |
乐业 |
樂業 |
108 |
黎 |
108 |
- black
- Li
- Lebanon
- Li People
- numerous; many
- at the time of
- State of Li
李白 |
76 |
Li Bai; Li Taibai; Li Po
李冰 |
76 |
Li Bing
李炳南 |
108 |
Li Bingnan
李伯元 |
76 |
Li Boyuan / Li Baojia
礼忏 |
禮懺 |
108 |
liturgy for confession
李朝 |
108 |
- Yi Dynasty [Korea]
- Li Dynasty [Shu Han]
- Former Lý dynasty [Vietnam]
- Lý dynasty; Later Lý dynasty [Vietnam]
李春 |
76 |
Li Chun
李旦 |
76 |
Li Dan; Emperor Ruizong of Tang
李登辉 |
李登輝 |
76 |
Li Denghui
裏海 |
108 |
Caspian Sea
李亨 |
76 |
Li Heng; Emperor Suzong of Tang
礼记 |
禮記 |
76 |
The Book of Rites; Classic of Rites
李清照 |
76 |
Li Qingzhao
李世民 |
76 |
Emperor Taizong of Tang
理学 |
理學 |
76 |
Li Xue; School of Principle; Neo-Confucianism; Neo-Confucian Rationalistic School; Learning of the Way
李安 |
108 |
Ang Li
莲池大师 |
蓮池大師 |
108 |
Lianchi; Master Lianchi
联大 |
聯大 |
76 |
- United Nations General Assembly
- National United University
莲社 |
蓮社 |
76 |
- Lotus Society
- Lotus Society
连城 |
連城 |
108 |
梁 |
108 |
- a bridge
- Liang Dynasty
- City of Liang
- State of Liang
- Liang
- a beam; rafters
- a fishing sluice
- to lose footing
- State of Liang
- a ridge
- later Liang
里昂 |
108 |
Lyon, French city on the Rhône
梁朝 |
76 |
Liang Dynasty
梁丹丰 |
108 |
Liang Danfeng
梁红玉 |
梁紅玉 |
76 |
Liang Hongyu
梁皇 |
76 |
Emperor Liang
粱皇宝忏 |
粱皇寶懺 |
108 |
- Emperor Liang Repentance Service
- Emperor Liang Repentance Service
梁皇法会 |
梁皇法會 |
108 |
Emperor Liang Repentance Service
梁启超 |
梁啟超 |
76 |
Liang Qichao
梁山 |
76 |
- Yangsan
- Liangshan
梁漱溟 |
76 |
Liang Shuming
梁武帝 |
108 |
- Emperor Wu of Liang
- Emperor Wu of Liang
良渚文化 |
76 |
- Liangzhu Culture
- Liangzhu culture
联合报 |
聯合報 |
108 |
United Daily News
联合国 |
聯合國 |
108 |
United Nations
联合国儿童基金会 |
聯合國兒童基金會 |
108 |
United Nations Children's Fund; UNICEF
莲花池 |
蓮花池 |
76 |
- Lianhuachi
- lotus pond
莲华面经 |
蓮華面經 |
108 |
Lianhua Mian Jing
莲华手 |
蓮華手 |
108 |
连江县 |
連江縣 |
108 |
Lianjiang county in Fuzhou 福州, Fujian; Lienchiang
连平 |
連平 |
108 |
连山 |
連山 |
108 |
连战 |
連戰 |
108 |
Lien Chan
廖 |
108 |
了悟 |
76 |
Liao Wu
寮国 |
寮國 |
108 |
辽宁省 |
遼寧省 |
76 |
Liaoning Province
礼拜天 |
禮拜天 |
76 |
黎昌 |
108 |
Licchavi; Lecchavi
利兹 |
利茲 |
108 |
列宁 |
列寧 |
76 |
列宁格勒 |
列寧格勒 |
108 |
烈山 |
108 |
烈屿 |
烈嶼 |
108 |
列治文 |
108 |
Richmond (place name or surname)
立法院 |
108 |
Legislative Yuan
里港 |
108 |
李光耀 |
108 |
Lee Kuan Yew
里海 |
裡海 |
108 |
Caspian Sea
丽丽 |
麗麗 |
108 |
李木 |
108 |
Li Mu
林聪明 |
林聰明 |
108 |
Tson-Ming Lin
林清 |
108 |
Lin Qing
林清玄 |
108 |
Lin Qingxuan
林则徐 |
林則徐 |
76 |
Lin Zexu; Commissioner Lin
林丰正 |
林豐正 |
108 |
Lin Fong-cheng
灵山 |
靈山 |
76 |
- Spiritual Mountain
- Gṛdhrakūtaparvata; Grdhrakuta; Gṛdhrakūṭa; Gijjha-kūta; Vulture Peak
灵鹫山 |
靈鷲山 |
76 |
- Vulture Peak
- Ling Jiou Mountain
- Gṛdhrakūtaparvata; Grdhrakuta; Gṛdhrakūṭa; Gijjha-kūta; Vulture Peak
苓雅 |
108 |
苓雅区 |
苓雅區 |
108 |
Lingya district
灵隐寺 |
靈隱寺 |
76 |
Lingyin Temple
凌云 |
凌雲 |
108 |
临海 |
臨海 |
108 |
临济 |
臨濟 |
108 |
Linji School
临济宗 |
臨濟宗 |
108 |
Linji School; Linji zong
林肯 |
108 |
林口 |
108 |
Linkou county
林县 |
林縣 |
108 |
Lin county
林园 |
林園 |
108 |
林语堂 |
林語堂 |
108 |
Lin Yutang
林周 |
108 |
临淄 |
臨淄 |
108 |
李鹏 |
李鵬 |
108 |
Li Peng
李四 |
108 |
Li Si
里斯本 |
108 |
刘安 |
76 |
- Liu An
- Liu An
刘邦 |
劉邦 |
76 |
Liu Bang
刘炳 |
劉炳 |
76 |
Liu Bing; Emperor Chong of Han
六波罗蜜多 |
六波羅蜜多 |
108 |
Six Paramitas; Six Perfections
六朝 |
108 |
Six Dynasties
六度 |
108 |
Six Pāramitās; Six Perfections
六和 |
108 |
Six Points of Reverent Harmony
六和合僧 |
108 |
Six Points of Reverent Harmony
刘向 |
劉向 |
76 |
Liu Xiang
刘秀 |
劉秀 |
76 |
Liu Xiu; Emperor Guangwu of Han
刘禹锡 |
劉禹錫 |
76 |
Liu Yuxi
六字大明咒 |
108 |
Mantra of Six Syllables; Om mani padme hum
六祖惠能 |
76 |
Huineng; the Sixth Patriarch Huineng
六祖坛经 |
六祖壇經 |
108 |
Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch; Platform Sutra; Liuzu Tan Jing
六安 |
108 |
六龟 |
六龜 |
108 |
Liugui; Liukuei
六甲 |
108 |
琉球 |
76 |
- Ryūkyū Islands
- Taiwan
六月 |
108 |
- June; the Sixth Month
- sixth lunar month; bhādra
李维 |
李維 |
108 |
Titus Livius or Livy
利物浦 |
108 |
李远哲 |
李遠哲 |
108 |
Yuan T. Lee
里约热内卢 |
里約熱內盧 |
108 |
Rio de Janeiro
李先念 |
76 |
Li Xiannian
龙树 |
龍樹 |
108 |
龙树菩萨 |
龍樹菩薩 |
76 |
- Nagarjuna
- Nāgārjuna
龙亭 |
龍亭 |
76 |
- Dragon Pavilion
- Dragon Pavilion
龙王 |
龍王 |
76 |
Dragon King; Naga King
龙藏 |
龍藏 |
76 |
Qian Long Canon; Long Zang
隆昌寺 |
76 |
Longchang Temple
龙岗 |
龍崗 |
108 |
隆河 |
108 |
龙华寺 |
龍華寺 |
76 |
Longhua Temple
龙井 |
龍井 |
76 |
Longjing tea
龙井乡 |
龍井鄉 |
108 |
Lungching township
龙门 |
龍門 |
108 |
- Longmen
- Dragon Gate
- a sagely person
龙门石窟 |
龍門石窟 |
76 |
Longmen Grottoes
龙泉 |
龍泉 |
108 |
- Longquan
- Longquan
龙泉寺 |
龍泉寺 |
76 |
Longquan Temple
龙山 |
龍山 |
108 |
龙潭乡 |
龍潭鄉 |
108 |
Longtan; Lungtan
龙文 |
龍文 |
108 |
鲁 |
魯 |
108 |
- Shandong
- Lu
- foolish; stupid; rash; vulgar
- the State of Lu
陆铿 |
陸鏗 |
108 |
Lu Keng
鲁迅 |
魯迅 |
76 |
Lu Xun
陆游 |
陸游 |
108 |
Lu You
鹿港 |
108 |
鲁国 |
魯國 |
76 |
鹿母 |
108 |
崙 |
76 |
Kunlun (Karakorum) mountain range
伦敦 |
倫敦 |
76 |
伦敦大学 |
倫敦大學 |
108 |
University of London
轮迴 |
輪迴 |
76 |
- Cycle of Rebirth
- rebirth
- Saṃsāra; cycle of life and death; Rebirth
论语 |
論語 |
76 |
The Analects of Confucius
洛 |
108 |
- Luo
- Luo River
- ra
罗明 |
羅明 |
108 |
Luo Ming
罗定 |
羅定 |
108 |
罗东 |
羅東 |
108 |
Luodong; Lotong
罗浮宫 |
羅浮宮 |
108 |
The Louvre
罗睺罗 |
羅睺羅 |
108 |
罗杰 |
羅傑 |
108 |
洛克菲勒 |
108 |
罗兰 |
羅蘭 |
108 |
罗马 |
羅馬 |
76 |
罗马帝国 |
羅馬帝國 |
76 |
Roman Empire
罗山 |
羅山 |
108 |
洛杉矶 |
洛杉磯 |
108 |
- Los Angeles
- Los Angeles
罗斯 |
羅斯 |
108 |
Roth (name) / Kenneth Roth
罗斯福 |
羅斯福 |
108 |
- Theodore Roosevelt
- Roosevelt
罗素 |
羅素 |
108 |
裸形外道 |
108 |
acelaka; a clothless ascetic cult
洛阳 |
洛陽 |
76 |
露茜 |
108 |
卢森堡 |
盧森堡 |
108 |
庐山 |
廬山 |
76 |
Mount Lu; Lushan
庐山慧远 |
廬山慧遠 |
76 |
Hui Yuan; Lushan Huiyuan
陆委会 |
陸委會 |
108 |
Mainland Affairs Council (Taiwan)
鹿野苑 |
76 |
- Deer Park
- Mṛgadāva; Deer Park
路易 |
76 |
Louis; Lewis
芦洲 |
蘆洲 |
108 |
Luzhou; Luchou
路竹 |
108 |
Luzhu; Luchu
吕澄 |
呂澂 |
108 |
Lu Cheng
吕洞宾 |
呂洞賓 |
108 |
Lü Dongbin
吕祖 |
呂祖 |
108 |
Lü Zu
律藏 |
108 |
Collection of Monastic Rules; Vinaya; Vinayapiṭaka; Vinaya Piṭaka
律宗 |
108 |
Vinaya School
绿岛 |
綠島 |
108 |
Lüdao; Lutao
绿色和平 |
綠色和平 |
76 |
马鸣菩萨 |
馬鳴菩薩 |
77 |
Aśvaghoṣa; Asvaghosa
马英九 |
馬英九 |
77 |
Ma Yingjiu
马德拉斯 |
馬德拉斯 |
77 |
Madras; Chennai
马丁 |
馬丁 |
109 |
马丁路德金 |
馬丁路德金 |
77 |
Martin Luther King
麻豆镇 |
麻豆鎮 |
109 |
Matou town
马公 |
馬公 |
109 |
麦克阿瑟 |
麥克阿瑟 |
109 |
General Douglas MacArthur
迈阿密 |
邁阿密 |
109 |
麦当劳 |
麥當勞 |
109 |
MacDonald or McDonald (name) / McDonald's (fast food company)
麦迪逊 |
麥迪遜 |
109 |
麦可 |
麥可 |
109 |
马来 |
馬來 |
109 |
Malaya; Malaysia
马来半岛 |
馬來半島 |
109 |
- Malay Peninsula
- Malay Peninsula
马来西亚 |
馬來西亞 |
109 |
马兰 |
馬蘭 |
109 |
Malan military base and atomic test site in Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture 巴音郭楞蒙古自治州, Xinjiang
马拉威 |
馬拉威 |
109 |
玛丽 |
瑪麗 |
77 |
玛利亚 |
瑪利亞 |
109 |
Mary (biblical name)
曼彻斯特 |
曼徹斯特 |
109 |
曼城 |
109 |
曼岛 |
曼島 |
109 |
Isle of Man
曼德拉 |
109 |
Nelson Mandela
曼谷 |
109 |
马尼拉 |
馬尼拉 |
77 |
曼殊 |
109 |
- mañju; beautiful; lovely; charming
- Manjusri
- Manshu
满州 |
滿州 |
109 |
毛泽东 |
毛澤東 |
77 |
Mao Zedong
茂林 |
109 |
毛利人 |
109 |
马其顿 |
馬其頓 |
77 |
马赛 |
馬賽 |
109 |
- Basay
- Marseille
马山 |
馬山 |
109 |
玛雅 |
瑪雅 |
77 |
Maya Civilization
麻州 |
109 |
马祖 |
馬祖 |
109 |
- Mazu
- Mazu [deity]
- Mazu [Islands]
- Mazu
妈祖 |
媽祖 |
77 |
马祖道一 |
馬祖道一 |
109 |
Mazu Daoyi
美的 |
109 |
Midea (brand)
美国 |
美國 |
109 |
United States
美国国会 |
美國國會 |
77 |
US Congress
美国航空公司 |
美國航空公司 |
109 |
American Airlines
美国政府 |
美國政府 |
109 |
U.S. Government / U.S. Federal Government
美国中央情报局 |
美國中央情報局 |
109 |
United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
美国总统 |
美國總統 |
109 |
President of the United States
美国人 |
美國人 |
77 |
an American
美兰 |
美蘭 |
109 |
美玲 |
109 |
美浓 |
美濃 |
109 |
美浓镇 |
美濃鎮 |
109 |
美心 |
109 |
Maxine (name)
美以美 |
109 |
Methodist (Christian sect)
每月印经 |
每月印經 |
109 |
- Monthly Buddhist Texts
- Monthly Buddhist Texts
美洲 |
109 |
门头 |
門頭 |
109 |
蒙大拿州 |
109 |
Montana, US state
孟浩然 |
109 |
Meng Haoran
孟子 |
77 |
- Mencius; Mengzi
- Mencius; Mengzi
孟菲斯 |
109 |
蒙古人 |
109 |
孟加拉 |
77 |
孟加拉语 |
孟加拉語 |
77 |
孟买 |
孟買 |
77 |
门罗 |
門羅 |
109 |
汨 |
77 |
Mi River
密西西比州 |
109 |
Mississippi, US state
密宗 |
109 |
Esoteric School; Esoteric Buddhism
缅甸 |
緬甸 |
109 |
妙法 |
109 |
- Wondrous Dharma
- the wonderful Dharma; the wonderful truth; saddharma; the Dharma; the teachings of the Buddha
妙吉祥 |
109 |
- Wondrous Auspiciousness; Manjusri
- Wondrous Auspiciousness
- wonderful and auspicious
妙法莲华 |
妙法蓮華 |
109 |
Lotus of the True Dharma
妙法莲华经 |
妙法蓮華經 |
77 |
Lotus Sutra
妙慧 |
77 |
Sumatī; Sumagadhi; Sukhamati; Sukhavati
妙见 |
妙見 |
77 |
Sudrsa; Sudassa
妙吉祥菩萨 |
妙吉祥菩薩 |
109 |
Mañjuśrī bodhisattva
苗栗 |
109 |
苗栗县 |
苗栗縣 |
109 |
Miaoli county
妙清 |
109 |
密克罗尼西亚 |
密克羅尼西亞 |
77 |
米拉 |
109 |
弥勒 |
彌勒 |
109 |
- Maitreya [Bodhisattva]
- Maitreya
- Maitreya [Bodhisattva]
弥勒佛 |
彌勒佛 |
77 |
- Maitreya
- Maitreya Buddha
弥勒菩萨 |
彌勒菩薩 |
109 |
Maitreya Bodhisattva
闽 |
閩 |
77 |
- Fujian
- Min dialect
- Min River
- Min tribe
岷 |
77 |
民进党 |
民進黨 |
77 |
Democratic Party
民政局 |
109 |
Department of Community Affairs
明代 |
77 |
Ming Dynasty
名家 |
77 |
Logicians School of Thought; School of Names
明清 |
109 |
Ming and Qing dynasties
明报 |
明報 |
109 |
Ming Pao newspaper
明光 |
109 |
名古屋 |
109 |
明和 |
109 |
- Minghe, rail station in South Taiwan
- Meiwa
明仁 |
109 |
明山 |
109 |
明体 |
明體 |
109 |
Mincho; Ming font
冥王星 |
77 |
明宣宗 |
109 |
Temple name of fifth Ming emperor Xuande 宣德
明治 |
109 |
明治维新 |
明治維新 |
109 |
Meiji Restoration
民和 |
109 |
闽南 |
閩南 |
77 |
Minnan dialect; Southern Min dialect
闽南语 |
閩南語 |
77 |
Minnan dialect; Southern Min dialect
民雄 |
109 |
Minxiong; Minhsiung
民政厅 |
民政廳 |
109 |
Civil affairs bureau; provincial office of PRC Ministry of Civil Affairs (MCA)
民主党 |
民主黨 |
77 |
Democratic Party
密苏里州 |
密蘇里州 |
109 |
密特朗 |
109 |
弥陀 |
彌陀 |
77 |
- Amitabha
- Amitābha
弥陀经 |
彌陀經 |
109 |
The Amitabha Sutra
密西根州 |
77 |
State of Michigan
密西沙加 |
109 |
密西西比河 |
109 |
Mississippi River
墨翟 |
77 |
Mo Di
墨尔本 |
墨爾本 |
77 |
莫高窟 |
77 |
Mogao Caves
摩诃迦叶 |
摩訶迦葉 |
109 |
Mahākāśyapa; Mahākassapa; kasyapa
摩诃僧只律 |
摩訶僧祇律 |
109 |
摩竭陀国 |
摩竭陀國 |
109 |
莫三比克 |
109 |
莫斯科 |
109 |
墨西哥 |
109 |
摩耶夫人 |
77 |
- Queen Maya
- Queen Maya
莫札特 |
109 |
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
目犍连 |
目犍連 |
109 |
Moggallāna; Maudgalyāyana
慕尼黑 |
109 |
München / Munich
母亲节 |
母親節 |
109 |
Mother's Day
木星 |
109 |
奈及利亚 |
奈及利亞 |
110 |
奈良 |
110 |
那迦犀那 |
110 |
Nagasena; The Ear Picking Arhat
那烂陀 |
那爛陀 |
78 |
Nālandā Temple
那烂陀寺 |
那爛陀寺 |
78 |
- Nalanda Maharihara
- Nālandā Temple
南半球 |
78 |
Southern Hemisphere
南北朝 |
78 |
Northern and Southern Dynasties
南北战争 |
南北戰爭 |
78 |
American Civil War
南朝 |
78 |
Sourthern Dynasties
南传 |
南傳 |
110 |
Theravāda Buddhism; South Asian Buddhism
南传佛教 |
南傳佛教 |
78 |
Theravāda Buddhism; South Asian Buddhism
南岛 |
南島 |
78 |
South Island
南美 |
78 |
South America
南美洲 |
78 |
South America
南宋 |
78 |
Southern Song Dynasty
南天 |
110 |
Southern India
南亚 |
南亞 |
78 |
South Asia
南安 |
110 |
南岸 |
110 |
南传大藏经 |
南傳大藏經 |
110 |
Pali Tipiṭaka
南非 |
110 |
South Africa
南港 |
110 |
南宫 |
南宮 |
110 |
南京 |
78 |
南京大屠杀 |
南京大屠殺 |
78 |
Nanjing Massacre; Nanking Massacre
南京大学 |
南京大學 |
78 |
Nanjing University, NJU
南极洲 |
南極洲 |
78 |
南军 |
南軍 |
110 |
Southern Army
南开 |
南開 |
110 |
南开大学 |
南開大學 |
110 |
Nankai University
南平 |
110 |
南泉 |
110 |
南山 |
110 |
Nanshan; Daoxuan
南斯拉夫 |
110 |
南天寺 |
110 |
Nan Tien Temple
南投 |
110 |
南投县 |
南投縣 |
110 |
Nantou county
难陀 |
難陀 |
110 |
楠西乡 |
楠西鄉 |
110 |
Nanhsi township
南阳 |
南陽 |
110 |
南岳 |
南嶽 |
110 |
- Mount Heng
- Nanyue
- Hui Si; Nan Yue Hui Si
南州 |
110 |
拿破仑 |
拿破侖 |
78 |
- Napoleon
- Napoleon (name); Napoleon Bonaparte
纳什 |
納什 |
110 |
Nash (surname)
那提 |
110 |
- Nādikā; Nātika; Jātika
- nadī
哪吒 |
110 |
衲子 |
110 |
Saṅgha; Sangha; Buddhist monastic community
内蒙古 |
內蒙古 |
78 |
Inner Mongolia
内明 |
內明 |
110 |
Adhyatmāvidyā; Inner Meaning
内湖 |
內湖 |
110 |
内华达 |
內華達 |
110 |
Nevada, US state
内黄 |
內黃 |
110 |
内教 |
內教 |
110 |
Neidian; Internal Classics
内政部 |
內政部 |
110 |
Ministry of the Interior
内政部警政署 |
內政部警政署 |
110 |
National Police Agency (Tw)
内政部长 |
內政部長 |
110 |
Minister of the Interior
能忍 |
110 |
able to endure; sahā
念佛共修 |
78 |
- Amitabha Chanting Service
- Amitabha Chanting Service
鸟松 |
鳥松 |
110 |
Niaosong or Niaosung
鸟松乡 |
鳥松鄉 |
110 |
Niaosong; Niaosung
尼泊尔 |
尼泊爾 |
110 |
- Nepal
- Nepal
涅槃 |
110 |
- Nirvana
- nirvana
- Final Nirvana; Nirvana; Nirvāṇa; Nibbāna
涅槃经 |
涅槃經 |
78 |
- Nirvana Sutra
- Nirvana Sutra
尼尔森 |
尼爾森 |
110 |
Nielsen or Nelson (name)
尼尔逊 |
尼爾遜 |
110 |
Nelson or Nillson (name) / Horatio Nelson
尼加拉瓜 |
110 |
尼克 |
110 |
Nick (name)
尼克森 |
110 |
Nixon (name) / Richard M Nixon
宁波 |
寧波 |
110 |
宁强 |
寧強 |
110 |
凝然 |
110 |
尼日 |
110 |
尼斯 |
110 |
Nice (city in France)
纽约市 |
紐約市 |
78 |
New York City
牛津 |
110 |
牛津大学 |
牛津大學 |
78 |
Oxford University
牛魔王 |
110 |
Gyuumao; Bull Demon King; Ox-King
纽西兰 |
紐西蘭 |
78 |
New Zealand
纽约 |
紐約 |
110 |
New York
纽约大学 |
紐約大學 |
110 |
New York University
牛樟 |
110 |
Cinnamomum kanehirae; small-leaf camphor; stout camphor (indigenous to Taiwan)
暖暖 |
110 |
诺贝尔奖 |
諾貝爾獎 |
78 |
- Nobel Prize
- Nobel prize
诺贝尔文学奖 |
諾貝爾文學獎 |
110 |
Nobel Prize in Literature
诺贝尔 |
諾貝爾 |
110 |
- Nobel (Prize)
- Nobel
诺距罗 |
諾距羅 |
110 |
Nakula; The Meditating Arhat
诺鲁 |
諾魯 |
110 |
诺曼第 |
諾曼第 |
110 |
Normandy, France
挪威 |
110 |
女娲 |
女媧 |
78 |
Nu Wa
女真 |
78 |
Nüzhen; Jurchen
欧体 |
歐體 |
197 |
calligraphic style of Ouyang Xun
欧阳渐 |
歐陽漸 |
197 |
Ou Yangjian ; Ouyang Jingwu
蕅益 |
199 |
欧几里得 |
歐幾里得 |
197 |
欧阳 |
歐陽 |
197 |
欧阳竟无 |
歐陽竟無 |
197 |
Ou Yangjian ; Ouyang Jingwu
欧阳修 |
歐陽修 |
197 |
Ouyang Xiu
蕅益大师 |
蕅益大師 |
199 |
Master Ouyi
欧洲 |
歐洲 |
197 |
欧洲共同体 |
歐洲共同體 |
197 |
European Community
潘 |
112 |
- water in which rice has been rinsed
- Pan River
- Pan
潘安 |
80 |
Pan Yue; Pan An
潘维刚 |
潘維剛 |
112 |
Tina Pan
盘古 |
盤古 |
112 |
保尔 |
保爾 |
80 |
裴休 |
80 |
Pei Xiu
彭 |
112 |
- Peng
- Peng
彭定康 |
112 |
Chris Patten
澎湖 |
80 |
Penghu county; Pescadores Islands
澎湖岛 |
澎湖島 |
112 |
Pescadores Islands
澎湖县 |
澎湖縣 |
112 |
Penghu county
皮尔 |
皮爾 |
112 |
Pierre, capital of South Dakota
毘卢 |
毘盧 |
112 |
毗卢寺 |
毘盧寺 |
112 |
Pilu Temple
毘卢遮那佛 |
毘盧遮那佛 |
112 |
Vairocana Buddha
品川 |
112 |
Shinagawa River; Shinagawa district
平安夜 |
112 |
- Silent Night
- Christmas Eve
平湖 |
112 |
坪林 |
112 |
平野 |
112 |
平镇 |
平鎮 |
112 |
频伽藏 |
頻伽藏 |
112 |
Pinjia Canon
频婆娑罗王 |
頻婆娑羅王 |
112 |
King Bimbisara
婆罗门 |
婆羅門 |
112 |
- Brahmin;
- Brahmin; Brahman
普门 |
普門 |
80 |
- Universal Gate
- Universal Gate; Samantamukha
普安 |
112 |
浦东 |
浦東 |
112 |
普渡大学 |
普渡大學 |
112 |
Purdue University
普洱 |
112 |
普法战争 |
普法戰爭 |
112 |
Franco-Prussian War
埔里 |
80 |
Buli; Puli
普鲁士 |
普魯士 |
112 |
普门品 |
普門品 |
112 |
- Universal Gate Chapter
- Universal Gate Sutra
菩萨本行经 |
菩薩本行經 |
80 |
Pusa Ben Xing Jing; Jātaka Stories of the Bodhisattva
菩萨道 |
菩薩道 |
112 |
- Bodhisattva Path
- Bodhisattva Path
菩萨戒本 |
菩薩戒本 |
112 |
- Pusa Jie Ben
- Pusa Jie Ben
菩萨乘 |
菩薩乘 |
112 |
Bodhisattva Vehicle
葡萄牙 |
112 |
葡萄牙语 |
葡萄牙語 |
112 |
Portuguese (language)
菩提道次第广论 |
菩提道次第廣論 |
80 |
- Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment
- Lamrim Chenmo; The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightmenent
菩提迦耶 |
112 |
Bodh Gaya; Bodhgayā
菩提伽耶 |
112 |
Bodh Gaya; Bodhgayā
菩提萨埵 |
菩提薩埵 |
112 |
普陀 |
112 |
Putuo Mountain
普陀山 |
80 |
- Mount Putuo; Putuoshan
- Mount Putuo
普贤 |
普賢 |
112 |
普贤殿 |
普賢殿 |
80 |
- 1. Great Practice Shrine; 2. Samantabhadra Shrine
- Samantabadhra shrine; Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Shrine; Great Practice Shrine
普贤菩萨 |
普賢菩薩 |
112 |
Samantabhadra Bodhisattva
普贤寺 |
普賢寺 |
112 |
普希金 |
112 |
Alexandr Sergeevich Pushkin
普愿 |
普願 |
112 |
Nanquan; Puyuan
淇 |
113 |
Qi [River]
齐白石 |
齊白石 |
81 |
Qi Baishi
启德机场 |
啟德機場 |
113 |
Kai Tak Airport, international airport from 1925 to 1998
七佛经 |
七佛經 |
113 |
Sutra of the Seven Buddhas; Saptabuddhaka
企管硕士 |
企管碩士 |
113 |
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
齐王 |
齊王 |
81 |
Qi Wang; Cao Fang
七侠五义 |
七俠五義 |
113 |
Seven Chivalrous Knights
骑象罗汉 |
騎象羅漢 |
113 |
Kalika; Kālika; The Elephant Riding Arhat
齐宣王 |
齊宣王 |
81 |
King Xuan of Qi
乾隆 |
81 |
Qian Long
千手观音 |
千手觀音 |
113 |
- Thousand-Hand Guanyin
- Thousand-Hand Guanyin; Thousand-Hand Avalokiteśvara
千手千眼观音 |
千手千眼觀音 |
113 |
Thousand-Hand Thousand-Eye Guanyin; Thousand-Hand Thousand-Eye Avalokiteśvara
千岛湖 |
千島湖 |
113 |
前金 |
113 |
Qianjin; Chienchin
千叶 |
千葉 |
113 |
侨务委员会 |
僑務委員會 |
113 |
Overseas Chinese Affairs Council
桥头乡 |
橋頭鄉 |
113 |
Qiaotou township; Chiaotou township
乔治 |
喬治 |
113 |
七堵 |
113 |
七堵区 |
七堵區 |
113 |
Chitu district
契诃夫 |
契訶夫 |
113 |
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov
七诫篮球义赛 |
七誡籃球義賽 |
113 |
Seven Virtues Basketball Fundraiser
秦 |
113 |
- Shaanxi
- Qin Dynasty
- State of Qin
- Qin
耆那教 |
113 |
Jainism; Jain
青龙 |
青龍 |
81 |
- Azure Dragon
- Azure Dragon
清明法会 |
清明法會 |
81 |
- Qing Ming Festival Dharma Service
- Ancestors Memorial Service
庆友 |
慶友 |
113 |
Nandimitra; the Dragon Subduing Arhat
清朝 |
81 |
Qing Dynasty
清代 |
81 |
Qing Dynasty
清华大学 |
清華大學 |
81 |
- Qinghua University
- Qinghua University
清净道论 |
清淨道論 |
113 |
清流 |
113 |
清明节 |
清明節 |
113 |
青年会 |
青年會 |
113 |
青田 |
113 |
青田县 |
青田縣 |
113 |
Qingtian county
清源 |
淸源 |
81 |
秦淮 |
113 |
琼斯 |
瓊斯 |
81 |
琼瑶 |
瓊瑤 |
81 |
Chiung Yao
耆婆 |
113 |
碛砂藏 |
磧砂藏 |
113 |
- Qisha Canon
- Qisha Canon
旗山 |
113 |
旗山镇 |
旗山鎮 |
113 |
Chishan town
只树给孤独园 |
祇樹給孤獨園 |
113 |
Anāthapiṇḍada’s park at Jetavana
秋兴 |
秋興 |
81 |
Qiu Xing; Autumn Meditations
邱吉尔 |
邱吉爾 |
81 |
- Churchill
- Winston Churchill
秋山 |
113 |
Qiushan [Heshan]
秋田县 |
秋田縣 |
113 |
Akita prefecture
奇瓦瓦 |
113 |
齐威王 |
齊威王 |
81 |
King Wei of Qi
栖霞山 |
棲霞山 |
81 |
Qixia Shan
气象局 |
氣象局 |
81 |
Weather Bureau; Meteorological Administration
栖霞寺 |
棲霞寺 |
113 |
Xixia Temple
埼玉 |
113 |
祇园 |
祇園 |
113 |
Jeta Grove; Jetavana
祇园精舍 |
祇園精舍 |
113 |
Jetavana; Jetta Grove; Jetta Grove Vihara
七月 |
113 |
- July; the Seventh Month
- seventh lunar month; āśvayuja
全港 |
113 |
whole territory of Hong Kong
全南 |
113 |
荃湾 |
荃灣 |
113 |
Tsuen Wan
泉州 |
113 |
全州 |
113 |
- Quanzhou
- Jeonju
曲沃 |
113 |
曲先 |
81 |
Kezil; Kizil; Kuqa; Kucha
饶阳 |
饒陽 |
114 |
人大 |
82 |
- National Peoples Congress (in China); Great Hall of the People
- Renmin University of China
仁光 |
114 |
Ren Guang
人间佛教的蓝图 |
人間佛教的藍圖 |
114 |
Humanistic Buddhism: A Blueprint for Life
人乘 |
114 |
Human Vehicle
仁王护国般若波罗蜜经 |
仁王護國般若波羅蜜多經 |
114 |
Scripture for Humane Kings for Protection of the Country; Renwang Huguo Boreboluomi Jing
仁王护国经 |
仁王護國經 |
114 |
Renwang Jing; Scripture for Humane Kings
仁爱区 |
仁愛區 |
114 |
Jenai district
仁波切 |
114 |
仁和 |
114 |
人间佛教 |
人間佛教 |
82 |
- Humanistic Buddhism
- Humanistic Buddhism
人间净土 |
人間淨土 |
82 |
- 1. Pure Land on Earth; 2. Humanistic Pure Land
- Humanistic Pure Land
人民大会堂 |
人民大會堂 |
82 |
Great Hall of the People
仁武 |
114 |
Renwu; Jenwu
日耳曼 |
82 |
日耳曼语 |
日耳曼語 |
114 |
Germanic language
日本 |
114 |
日本佛教 |
82 |
Japanese Buddhism
日本佛教大学 |
日本佛教大學 |
114 |
Bukkyo University
日本国 |
日本國 |
82 |
日本海 |
114 |
Sea of Japan
日光遍照 |
114 |
Suryaprabha Bodhisattva; Radiant Sunlight Bodhisattva
日光菩萨 |
日光菩薩 |
114 |
Suryaprabha Bodhisattva
日航 |
114 |
Japan Airlines (JAL)
日经 |
日經 |
114 |
- Nikkei; Nikkei 225
- Nikkei / Nikkei Shimbun
日莲 |
日蓮 |
114 |
- Nichiren
- Nichiren [sect]
日莲宗 |
日蓮宗 |
114 |
Nichiren sect
日内瓦 |
日內瓦 |
114 |
日文 |
82 |
Japanese language
日元 |
114 |
日月潭 |
114 |
Sun Moon Lake
荣叡 |
榮叡 |
114 |
荣市 |
榮市 |
114 |
柔佛海峡 |
柔佛海峽 |
114 |
Straits of Johor
如观 |
如觀 |
82 |
Ru Guan
如是说 |
如是說 |
114 |
Thus Said
阮 |
114 |
- Ruan
- Nguyen
- an ancient musical instrument
瑞典 |
114 |
瑞典人 |
82 |
a Swede
瑞芳 |
114 |
Ruifang; Juifang
瑞芳镇 |
瑞芳鎮 |
114 |
Ruifang; Juifang
芮氏 |
114 |
瑞士 |
114 |
瑞士法郎 |
瑞士法郎 |
114 |
Swiss franc
瑞士人 |
114 |
瑞穗 |
114 |
Ruisui; Juisui
瑞穗乡 |
瑞穗鄉 |
114 |
Ruisui township; Juisui township
如来 |
如來 |
114 |
- Tathagata
- Tathagata
- Thus-Come (tathagata); Tathāgata; Thus Come One
如来殿 |
如來殿 |
82 |
- Tathagata Building
- Tathagata Shrine
若望 |
114 |
John / Saint John
入世佛教 |
114 |
- Engaged Buddhism
- This-Worldly Buddhism
萨尔瓦多 |
薩爾瓦多 |
115 |
El Salvador
塞纳河 |
塞納河 |
115 |
Seine River
萨迦派 |
薩迦派 |
115 |
Sakya school
萨迦寺 |
薩迦寺 |
115 |
Sakya Monastery
萨摩亚 |
薩摩亞 |
83 |
三宝颂 |
三寶頌 |
115 |
Ode to the Triple Gem
三重市 |
115 |
Sanchong ; Sanch'ung
三法印 |
115 |
Three Dharma Seals
三藩市 |
115 |
San Francisco
三公 |
115 |
Three Ducal Ministers; Three Excellencies
三皈 |
115 |
Triple Gem Refuge
三国 |
三國 |
115 |
Three Kingdoms period
三国演义 |
三國演義 |
115 |
Romance of Three Kingdoms
三身 |
115 |
三十三天 |
115 |
Heaven of the Thirty-Three Gods; The Heaven of Thirty-Three Gods; Trāyastriṃśa Heaven; Tāvatiṃsa Heaven
三時系念 |
三時繫念 |
115 |
Amitabha Triple Contemplation Service
三峡 |
三峽 |
115 |
Three Gorges
身口意业 |
身口意業 |
115 |
the Three Karmas; physical, verbal, and mental karma
三元 |
115 |
- heaven, earth, and man
- New Year's Day
- the three yuan festivals
- the top candidates in each of the three imperial exams
- the three elements
- San Yuan
三藏 |
115 |
- San Zang
- Buddhist Canon
- Tripitaka; Tripiṭaka; Tipitaka
三洞 |
115 |
Three Grottoes
三民 |
115 |
三民区 |
三民區 |
115 |
Sanmin district
三星 |
115 |
- Sanxing
- Samsung
三义 |
三義 |
115 |
- Sanyi
- Sanyi
三原 |
115 |
三月 |
115 |
- March; the Third Month
- three months
- third lunar month; jyeṣṭa
三芝 |
115 |
Sanzhi; Sanchih
三自 |
115 |
Three-Self Patriotic Movement
僧伽 |
115 |
- sangha
- Samgha; Sangha; Buddhist monastic community
沙加缅度 |
沙加緬度 |
115 |
沙乌地阿拉伯 |
沙烏地阿拉伯 |
115 |
Saudi Arabia
沙国 |
沙國 |
115 |
Saudi Arabia
莎拉 |
115 |
Sara; Sarah
杉林 |
115 |
沙鹿镇 |
沙鹿鎮 |
115 |
Shalu town
沙弥学园 |
沙彌學園 |
115 |
- Sramanera College
- school for novice monks
善财童子 |
善財童子 |
115 |
善导 |
善導 |
83 |
Shan Dao
善慧 |
83 |
Shan Hui
善生经 |
善生經 |
115 |
Siṅgālovāda Sutta; Siṅgālovādasutta
善财 |
善財 |
83 |
- Sudhana
- Sudhana
山东 |
山東 |
115 |
商朝 |
115 |
Shang Dynasty
上都 |
115 |
Shangdu; Xanadu; Shangtu; Chandu; Xandu; Kemenfu; Kaipingfu
上海 |
83 |
上海佛教协会 |
上海佛教協會 |
115 |
Shanghai Buddhist Association
上京 |
115 |
尚义 |
尚義 |
115 |
上虞 |
83 |
上座部 |
115 |
- Theravāda
- Sthaviranikāya
上座部佛教 |
83 |
Theravāda Buddhism
善化 |
83 |
善化镇 |
善化鎮 |
115 |
山上 |
115 |
山下 |
115 |
Yamashita (Japanese surname)
善眼 |
115 |
邵 |
115 |
- Shao
- Shao
少康 |
115 |
Shao Kang
少林寺 |
83 |
Shaolin Temple
稍息 |
115 |
Stand at ease!
沙皮狗 |
115 |
Chinese shar-pei (dog breed)
莎士比亚 |
莎士比亞 |
115 |
William Shakespeare
沙田大会堂 |
沙田大會堂 |
115 |
Sha Tian Town Hall
沙悟净 |
沙悟淨 |
115 |
Sha Wujing
佘 |
115 |
畲 |
83 |
- She people
- a cultivated field
- She people
摄大乘论 |
攝大乘論 |
115 |
- Mahāyānasaṅgraha; She Dacheng Lun
- Mahāyānasaṅgraha; She Dacheng Lun
舍利弗 |
115 |
Sariputra; Sariputta
神农 |
神農 |
83 |
Emperor Shen Nong
神清 |
115 |
Shen Qing
神秀 |
115 |
Shen Xiu
沈约 |
沈約 |
83 |
Shen Yue
神道教 |
115 |
圣彼得堡 |
聖彼得堡 |
83 |
Saint Petersburg
圣露西亚 |
聖露西亞 |
115 |
Saint Lucia
圣母 |
聖母 |
83 |
- Holy Mother; goddess; the Virgin Mary
- Sacred Mother
圣母玛利亚 |
聖母瑪利亞 |
83 |
Mary (mother of Jesus)
盛唐 |
83 |
High Tang
圣约翰 |
聖約翰 |
115 |
Saint John
圣保罗 |
聖保羅 |
115 |
St Paul; São Paulo
圣诞 |
聖誕 |
83 |
圣诞老人 |
聖誕老人 |
115 |
Father Christmas; Santa Claus
圣诞节 |
聖誕節 |
115 |
Christmas Day
圣诞卡 |
聖誕卡 |
115 |
Christmas card
圣地牙哥 |
聖地牙哥 |
115 |
San Diego
圣荷西 |
聖荷西 |
115 |
San Jose
生活禅 |
生活禪 |
83 |
- Living Chan
- Chan in Daily Life
胜鬘 |
勝鬘 |
83 |
胜鬘夫人 |
勝鬘夫人 |
115 |
生死轮迴 |
生死輪迴 |
115 |
Saṃsāra; cycle of life and death
声闻乘 |
聲聞乘 |
115 |
Sravaka Vehicle; Śrāvakayāna; The Śrāvaka Vehicle
圣武 |
聖武 |
115 |
- Shengwu
- Shōmu
圣祖 |
聖祖 |
115 |
神户 |
神戶 |
115 |
神会 |
神會 |
115 |
深坑 |
115 |
神龙 |
神龍 |
115 |
神州 |
115 |
舍身饲虎 |
捨身飼虎 |
115 |
Prince Mahasattva Jataka
社头 |
社頭 |
115 |
舍卫大城 |
舍衛大城 |
83 |
Sravasti; Savatthi
舍卫国 |
舍衛國 |
115 |
Sravasti; Savatthi
十大弟子传 |
十大弟子傳 |
115 |
Biography of the Ten Principal Disciples
士大夫 |
83 |
Scholar-official; Scholar-gentlemen; Scholar-bureaucrats; Scholar-gentry
釋道安 |
釋道安 |
115 |
Shi Dao An
十二生肖 |
115 |
Twelve animals of the Terrestrial Branches
十方诸佛 |
十方諸佛 |
115 |
the Buddhas of the Ten Directions
石鼓文 |
115 |
Shi Gu Wen; Stone Drum Characters
时轮 |
時輪 |
115 |
世亲 |
世親 |
115 |
史特劳斯 |
史特勞斯 |
115 |
Strauss (name); Johann Strauss; Richard Strauss
史瓦济兰 |
史瓦濟蘭 |
115 |
释星云 |
釋星雲 |
115 |
Hsing Yun; Venerable Master Hsing Yun
世友 |
115 |
十住毘婆沙论 |
十住毘婆沙論 |
115 |
Shi Zhu Pi Po Sha Lun
释尊 |
釋尊 |
115 |
Sakyamuni Buddha
市北区 |
市北區 |
115 |
十二月 |
115 |
- December; the Twelfth Month
- twelfth lunar month; phālguna
史馆 |
史館 |
115 |
Historiography Institute
史国 |
史國 |
83 |
释迦 |
釋迦 |
115 |
释迦谱 |
釋迦譜 |
83 |
- Genealogy of the Sakya Clan
- Genealogy of the Sakya Clan
释迦传 |
釋迦傳 |
115 |
The Biography of Sakyamuni Buddha
释迦牟尼 |
釋迦牟尼 |
115 |
- Sakyamuni Buddha
- Sakyamuni Buddha; Śākyamuni Buddha
释迦牟尼佛 |
釋迦牟尼佛 |
115 |
Sakyamuni Buddha; Śākyamuni Buddha
释迦牟尼佛传 |
釋迦牟尼佛傳 |
115 |
- The Biography of Sakyamuni Buddha
- The Biography of Sakyamuni Buddha
世界贸易中心 |
世界貿易中心 |
115 |
World Trade Center
世界日报 |
世界日報 |
115 |
World Journal
十九世纪 |
十九世紀 |
115 |
19th century
士林 |
115 |
石龙 |
石龍 |
115 |
世贸 |
世貿 |
115 |
World Trade Organization (WTO)
石门 |
石門 |
115 |
Shimen; Shihmen
石门乡 |
石門鄉 |
115 |
Shimen; Shihmen
史密斯 |
115 |
Smith (name)
施密特 |
115 |
Schmidt or Schmitt (surname)
石霜 |
115 |
- Shishuang
- Shishuang
师说 |
師說 |
83 |
石涛 |
石濤 |
115 |
Shi Tao
石头记 |
石頭記 |
115 |
Story of the Stone; A Dream of Red Mansions
十一月 |
115 |
- November; the Eleventh Month
- eleventh lunar month; māgha
十月 |
115 |
- October; the Tenth Month
- tenth lunar month; pauṣa
侍中 |
115 |
Shizhong; Palace Attendant
世尊 |
115 |
- World-Honored One
- World-Honored One; Bhagavat; Bhagavān; Buddha
受者 |
115 |
The Recipient
首都华盛顿 |
首都華盛頓 |
115 |
Washington D.C.
寿丰 |
壽豐 |
115 |
寿山 |
壽山 |
115 |
寿山寺 |
壽山寺 |
115 |
Shoushan Temple
首座 |
115 |
- chief
- Shouzuo; Rector; Chief Seat
戍博迦 |
115 |
Jivaka; The Open Heart Arhat
水忏 |
水懺 |
115 |
Samadhi Water Repentance Service
水浒传 |
水滸傳 |
83 |
- Water Margin; Outlaws of the Marsh
- The Water Margin
水看 |
115 |
Water Steward
水陆法会 |
水陸法會 |
83 |
Water and Land Service
水头 |
水頭 |
115 |
Water Steward
水晶宫 |
水晶宮 |
115 |
Crystal Palace
水林 |
115 |
枢密院 |
樞密院 |
115 |
Bureau of Military Affairs
舜 |
83 |
Emperor Shun
顺昌 |
順昌 |
115 |
顺德 |
順德 |
115 |
顺义 |
順義 |
115 |
数人 |
數人 |
115 |
蜀山 |
83 |
四大天王 |
115 |
Four Deva Kings; Four Heavenly Kings
四分律 |
83 |
- Four Part Vinaya
- Dharmaguputakavinaya; Four Part Vinaya
四库全书 |
四庫全書 |
115 |
Siku Quanshu
司马炎 |
司馬炎 |
83 |
Si Ma Yan; Emperor Wu of Jin
四十二章经 |
四十二章經 |
83 |
The Sūtra of Forty-Two Sections
佛说四十二章经 |
佛說四十二章經 |
83 |
The Sutra of Forty-Two Sections
四书 |
四書 |
115 |
Four Books
司水 |
115 |
Water Bearer
四天王 |
115 |
Four Deva Kings; Four Heavenly Kings
寺院参访 |
寺院參訪 |
115 |
Buddhism in Every Step: Visiting a Buddhist temple
死不了 |
115 |
Portulaca Sundial
四川 |
115 |
四川大学 |
四川大學 |
115 |
Sichuan University
斯德哥尔摩 |
斯德哥爾摩 |
83 |
司法部 |
115 |
Ministry of Justice (PRC etc); Department of Justice (USA etc)
司法部长 |
司法部長 |
83 |
Attorney General
司法院 |
115 |
Judicial Yuan
四分 |
115 |
four divisions of cognition
四会 |
四會 |
115 |
斯里兰卡 |
斯里蘭卡 |
115 |
Sri Lanka
斯洛伐克 |
115 |
Slovak republic / Slovakia
斯洛维尼亚 |
斯洛維尼亞 |
115 |
司马 |
司馬 |
115 |
- Minister of War
- Sima [star]
- Sima [surname]
- Aide to Commander; Leader of Cavalry
司马迁 |
司馬遷 |
83 |
Sima Qian
泗水 |
115 |
Si River
四月 |
115 |
- April; the Fourth Month
- fourth lunar month; āṣāḍha
宋 |
115 |
- Song dynasty
- Song
- Liu Song Dynasty
宋朝 |
83 |
Song Dynasty
宋楚瑜 |
83 |
James Soong
宋代 |
83 |
- Song Dynasty
- Liu Song Dynasty
宋高僧传 |
宋高僧傳 |
83 |
Song Biographies of Eminent Monks
嵩山 |
83 |
Mount Song
松广寺 |
松廣寺 |
115 |
松江 |
83 |
松山 |
115 |
Songshan; Sungshan
苏东坡 |
蘇東坡 |
83 |
Su Dongpo
苏花公路 |
蘇花公路 |
115 |
Suhua Highway, coastal road in northern Taiwan, built on the side of cliffs above the Pacific Ocean
苏轼 |
蘇軾 |
83 |
Su Shi
苏丹 |
蘇丹 |
115 |
苏俄 |
蘇俄 |
115 |
Soviet Russia
苏格兰 |
蘇格蘭 |
115 |
隋 |
83 |
Sui Dynasty
隋唐 |
83 |
Sui and Tang dynasties
隋炀帝 |
隋煬帝 |
83 |
Emperor Yang of Sui
苏联 |
蘇聯 |
115 |
Soviet Union
苏林 |
蘇林 |
115 |
Su Lin
苏黎世 |
蘇黎世 |
115 |
苏曼殊 |
蘇曼殊 |
83 |
Su Manshu
苏门答腊 |
蘇門答臘 |
83 |
孙立人 |
孫立人 |
115 |
Sun Li-jen
孙悟空 |
孫悟空 |
115 |
Sun Wukong
孙张清扬 |
孫張清揚 |
115 |
Sun-Zhang Qingyang
孙中山 |
孫中山 |
83 |
Dr Sun Yat-sen
索罗门 |
索羅門 |
115 |
娑婆世界 |
115 |
Saha World; the World of Suffering
苏频陀 |
蘇頻陀 |
115 |
Subinda; Nandimitra; Stupa Raising Arhat
宿务 |
宿務 |
115 |
宿雾 |
宿霧 |
83 |
苏州 |
蘇州 |
115 |
邰 |
116 |
- Tai
- Tai
太后 |
116 |
- Empress Dowager
- Consort Dowager
泰山 |
84 |
Mount Tai
台视 |
台視 |
116 |
- Taiwan Television
- Taiwan Television (TTV)
太武 |
116 |
Emperor Taiwu of Northern Wei
泰安 |
84 |
太保 |
84 |
Grand Protector
台北 |
臺北 |
84 |
台北 |
臺北 |
84 |
台北市 |
臺北市 |
116 |
City of Taibei; City of Taipei
台北县 |
台北縣 |
116 |
- Taibei county; Taipei county
- Taipei county
台大 |
臺大 |
116 |
National Taiwan University
台东 |
台東 |
116 |
Taidong; Taitung
台东县 |
台東縣 |
116 |
- Taitung County
- Taitung county
泰尔 |
泰爾 |
116 |
Tyre (city in Lebanon)
泰国 |
泰國 |
116 |
台海 |
臺海 |
116 |
Taiwan Strait
太和 |
116 |
- Taihe reign
- Taihe reign
太极 |
太極 |
116 |
- Supreme Ultimate
- too extreme
- Heaven; World of the Immortals
- Taiji
太鲁阁 |
太魯閣 |
116 |
Taroko gorge
台南 |
臺南 |
84 |
台南 |
臺南 |
84 |
台南市 |
臺南市 |
116 |
- Tainan
- Tainan city
台南县 |
臺南縣 |
116 |
Tainan county
太平天国 |
太平天國 |
84 |
Taiping Heavenly Kingdom
太平洋 |
84 |
Pacific Ocean
台山 |
臺山 |
116 |
泰山乡 |
泰山鄉 |
116 |
Taishan township
太师 |
太師 |
116 |
Grand Preceptor; Grand Master; Imperial Tutor
台湾 |
台灣 |
84 |
台湾 |
台灣 |
84 |
- Taiwan
- Taiwan
台湾大学 |
台灣大學 |
84 |
- University of Taiwan
- National Taiwan University
台湾电视公司 |
臺灣電視公司 |
84 |
Taiwan Television Enterprise, Ltd
台湾岛 |
臺灣島 |
84 |
Taiwan Island
台湾省 |
臺灣省 |
116 |
Taiwan province
泰晤士河 |
116 |
River Thames
太虚大师 |
太虛大師 |
84 |
Venerable Master Taixu
太阳神 |
太陽神 |
116 |
Sun God; Apollo
太阳系 |
太陽系 |
84 |
Solar System
泰语 |
泰語 |
84 |
Thai language
台中 |
臺中 |
84 |
Taizhong; Taichung
台中 |
臺中 |
84 |
Taizhong; Taichung
台中市 |
臺中市 |
84 |
Taichung city
太宗 |
116 |
- Emperor Taizong
- Tai Zong; Minister of Rites
塔吉克 |
116 |
Tajik ethnic group; Tajikistan, former Soviet republic adjoining Xinjiang and Afghanistan
塔林 |
116 |
郯 |
84 |
坦尚尼亚 |
坦尚尼亞 |
116 |
探手罗汉 |
探手羅漢 |
84 |
The Raised Arm Arhat; Panthaka
谭嗣同 |
譚嗣同 |
84 |
Tan Sitong
唐伯虎 |
116 |
Tang Bohu
唐朝 |
84 |
Tang Dynasty
唐代 |
84 |
Tang Dynasty
唐高宗 |
84 |
Emperor Gaozong of Tang
唐三藏 |
116 |
Tang Tripitaka; Xuanzang
唐僧 |
84 |
Tang Seng
唐诗三百首 |
唐詩三百首 |
84 |
Three Hundred Tang Poems
唐太宗 |
84 |
Emperor Taizong of Tang
唐尧 |
唐堯 |
84 |
Tang Yao; Emperor Yao
汤用彤全集 |
湯用彤全集 |
116 |
the complete works of tang yongtong
汤用彤 |
湯用彤 |
116 |
Tang Yongtong
堂主 |
116 |
- Director (of SR, meditation hall)
- Yan Shou Hall Chief; Hospice Chief
汤姆 |
湯姆 |
116 |
唐纳 |
唐納 |
84 |
唐人街 |
84 |
唐招提寺 |
116 |
谭咏麟 |
譚詠麟 |
116 |
Alan Tam
陶弘景 |
116 |
Tao Hongjing
桃花源记 |
桃花源記 |
84 |
Peach Blossom Shangri-la
桃源 |
116 |
Garden of the Peaches of Immortality
桃园 |
桃園 |
116 |
桃园市 |
桃園市 |
116 |
Taoyuan city
桃园县 |
桃園縣 |
116 |
Taoyuan county
他信 |
116 |
Thaksin Shinawatra
特利 |
116 |
滕 |
84 |
- Teng
- Teng
天帝 |
116 |
Heavenly Emperor; God
天宫 |
天宮 |
116 |
Heavenly Palace; Temple in Heaven; Open Palace
天理教 |
116 |
天乘 |
116 |
deva vehicle
天外 |
116 |
Tianjin Foreign Studies University
天宝 |
天寶 |
116 |
天等 |
116 |
天国 |
天國 |
116 |
Kingdom of Heaven
天会 |
天會 |
116 |
- Tianhui
- Tianhui
天津 |
116 |
田寮 |
116 |
Tianliao; Tienliao
田寮乡 |
田寮鄉 |
116 |
Tianliao or Tienliao township
田林 |
116 |
天龙寺 |
天龍寺 |
116 |
- Tenryūji
- Tianlong Temple [Shanxi]
- Tianlong Temple [Taiwan]
天宁 |
天寧 |
116 |
天宁寺 |
天寧寺 |
116 |
Tianning Temple
天水 |
116 |
天童寺 |
84 |
- Tiantong Temple
- Tiantong Temple
天王殿 |
116 |
Temple of Heavenly Kings
田文 |
116 |
天下文化 |
116 |
Commonwealth Publishing Co., Ltd
天下文化出版公司 |
116 |
Commonwealth Publishing Co., Ltd
天佑 |
116 |
天长 |
天長 |
116 |
田中角荣 |
田中角榮 |
116 |
Tanaka Kakuei
天竺 |
116 |
the Indian subcontinent
天主教 |
116 |
the Catholic church; Catholicism
剃度典礼 |
剃度典禮 |
116 |
Tonsure Ceremony
铁观音 |
鐵觀音 |
84 |
Tie Guanyin tea
铁力 |
鐵力 |
116 |
Tieli city in Yichun 伊春市, Heilongjiang
铁幕 |
鐵幕 |
116 |
Iron Curtain
亭子 |
116 |
- pavilion
- Tingzu
- a lightweight sedan chair
佟 |
116 |
同安县 |
同安縣 |
116 |
Tong'an county
通度寺 |
116 |
同济 |
同濟 |
116 |
Tongji University
同泰寺 |
116 |
Tongtai Temple; Jiming Temple
同治 |
84 |
头山门 |
頭山門 |
84 |
- Mountain Gate
- Mountain Gate
头城 |
頭城 |
116 |
头份 |
頭份 |
116 |
头份镇 |
頭份鎮 |
116 |
头屋 |
頭屋 |
116 |
投子 |
116 |
土耳其 |
116 |
土地公 |
116 |
Tudi Gong
屠格涅夫 |
116 |
Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev
土库 |
土庫 |
116 |
屯门 |
屯門 |
116 |
Tuen Mun
托塔罗汉 |
托塔羅漢 |
116 |
The Stupa Raising Arhat; Subinda
托尔斯泰 |
托爾斯泰 |
116 |
Tolstoy (name) / Count Lev Nikolayevich Tostoy
吐瓦鲁 |
吐瓦魯 |
116 |
挖耳罗汉 |
挖耳羅漢 |
119 |
the Ear Picking Arhat; Nagasena
外蒙古 |
119 |
Outer Mongolia
外交部 |
87 |
Foreign Affairs Department; Foreign Office
外相 |
119 |
Foreign Minister
外传 |
外傳 |
119 |
waizhuan; unofficial biography
瓦拉纳西 |
瓦拉納西 |
119 |
瓦拉那西 |
119 |
万佛殿 |
萬佛殿 |
87 |
Ten-Thousand-Buddhas Shrine
万里长城 |
萬里長城 |
87 |
the Great Wall
卍续藏经 |
卍續藏經 |
119 |
Manji Supplementary Buddhist Canon; Manji Zokuzōkyō
万言 |
萬言 |
119 |
Wan Yan
万丹 |
萬丹 |
119 |
万丹乡 |
萬丹鄉 |
119 |
王安石 |
119 |
Wang Anshi
王会 |
王會 |
119 |
Wang Hui
王明 |
87 |
Wang Ming
王平 |
119 |
Wang Ping
王清峰 |
119 |
Wang Ching-feng
王世充 |
119 |
Wang Shichong
王维 |
王維 |
119 |
Wang Wei
王献之 |
王獻之 |
119 |
Wang Xianzhi
王羲之 |
119 |
Wang Xizhi
王英 |
119 |
Wang Ying
王丹 |
119 |
Wang Dan
王建 |
119 |
Wang Jian
旺角 |
119 |
Mong Kok
王力 |
119 |
Wang Li
网路 |
網路 |
119 |
the Internet
往生咒 |
119 |
The Pure Land Dharani
王昭君 |
119 |
Wang Zhaojun
王震 |
119 |
Wang Zhen
万华 |
萬華 |
119 |
万年 |
萬年 |
119 |
玩偶 |
119 |
toy figurine; action figure; stuffed animal; doll; plaything
万寿山 |
萬壽山 |
119 |
Longevity hill
万县 |
萬縣 |
119 |
万载 |
萬載 |
119 |
湾仔 |
灣仔 |
119 |
Wan Chai
渭 |
119 |
Wei River
伟大的佛陀 |
偉大的佛陀 |
119 |
Buddhism in Every Step: The Great Buddha
维摩经 |
維摩經 |
87 |
Vimalakirti Sutra; Vimalakīrti Sūtra; Vimalakīrti Nirdeśa Sūtra
卫青 |
衛青 |
87 |
Wei Qing
为僧之道 |
為僧之道 |
119 |
Conducts and Ways of a Monastic
威斯康辛 |
119 |
魏文侯 |
119 |
Marquess Wen of Wei
微臣 |
119 |
this small official; humble servant
韦驮 |
韋馱 |
119 |
Weituo tian; Weituo; Skanda
韦驮菩萨 |
韋馱菩薩 |
119 |
维多利亚 |
維多利亞 |
119 |
维多利亚岛 |
維多利亞島 |
119 |
Victoria Island
维多利亚女王 |
維多利亞女王 |
119 |
Queen Victoria
威尔逊 |
威爾遜 |
119 |
魏晋玄学 |
魏晉玄學 |
119 |
Wei-Jin Xuanxue
维克多 |
維克多 |
119 |
威廉 |
87 |
维摩 |
維摩 |
87 |
- Vimalakirti
- Vimalakirti
维摩诘 |
維摩詰 |
119 |
维摩诘经 |
維摩詰經 |
87 |
Vimalakirti Sutra; Vimalakīrti Sūtra; Vimalakīrti Nirdeśa Sūtra
维摩诘居士 |
維摩詰居士 |
119 |
威尼斯 |
87 |
唯识宗 |
唯識宗 |
119 |
- Faxiang School; Ci'en School
- Vigñānavāda; Dharmalaksana School
威斯康辛大学 |
威斯康辛大學 |
119 |
University of Wisconsin
韦陀 |
韋陀 |
119 |
维也纳 |
維也納 |
119 |
汶 |
87 |
Wen River
文才 |
87 |
Wen Cai
文革 |
87 |
Cultural Revolution
文康 |
119 |
Wen Kang
文昌 |
119 |
文成 |
87 |
Princess Wen Cheng; Princess Wencheng
文德 |
119 |
翁同龢 |
87 |
Weng Tonghe
温哥华 |
溫哥華 |
87 |
翁山 |
119 |
Aung San
文化部 |
87 |
Ministry of Culture
文化大革命 |
87 |
- Cultural Revolution
- Cultural Revolution
文化研究所 |
119 |
Cultural Research Institute
文君 |
119 |
Wenjun; Zhuo Wenjun
文庙 |
文廟 |
119 |
Temple of Literature
文山 |
119 |
- Wenshan
- Wenshan
文山区 |
文山區 |
119 |
Wenshan district
文殊 |
87 |
- Manjusri
- Manjusri
文殊菩萨 |
文殊菩薩 |
119 |
Manjusri Bodhisattva
文殊师利菩萨 |
文殊師利菩薩 |
119 |
文心 |
119 |
Literary Mind and Carved Dragon; The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons; Wen Xin Diao Long
文学博士 |
文學博士 |
119 |
Doctor of Letters
文学硕士 |
文學碩士 |
119 |
Master of Arts
文中 |
119 |
文宗 |
119 |
Emperor Wenzong of Tang
卧龙岗 |
臥龍崗 |
119 |
沃伦 |
沃倫 |
119 |
渥太华 |
渥太華 |
119 |
邬 |
鄔 |
87 |
吴 |
吳 |
119 |
- Wu
- Jiangsu
- Wu
- Wu dialect
- Eastern Wu
- to speak loudly
吴伯雄 |
吳伯雄 |
119 |
Wu Po-hsiung
吴朝 |
吳朝 |
119 |
Ngo Dynasty; Ngô Dynasty
武帝 |
87 |
- Emperor Wu of Han
- Emperor Wu of Southern Qi
- Emperor Wu of Song
武丁 |
87 |
Wu Ding
五方佛 |
87 |
Buddhas of the Five Directions
五苦章句经 |
五苦章句經 |
119 |
Suffering in the Five Realms
无量寿经 |
無量壽經 |
87 |
- Larger Sutra on Amitayus
- The Infinite Life Sutra; The Larger Sutra on Amitāyus; The Larger Pure Land Sutra
无声息的歌唱 |
無聲息的歌唱 |
119 |
Bells, Gongs, and Wooden Fish
吴王 |
吳王 |
119 |
King of Wu; Prince of Wu
吴修齐 |
吳修齊 |
119 |
Wu Xuqi
无忧 |
無憂 |
119 |
- did not worry
- Carefree
- without sorrow
- Aśoka; Asoka; Ashoka
- no sorrow
五岳 |
五嶽 |
87 |
Five Sacred Mountains
武则天 |
武則天 |
87 |
Wu Zetian; Empress Wu; Wu Hou; Wu Zhao
吴志 |
吳志 |
87 |
Records of Wu
五浊 |
五濁 |
119 |
the five periods of impurity
五浊恶世 |
五濁惡世 |
119 |
Saha World; the World of Suffering; the Evil World of the Five Turbidities
五宗 |
119 |
five schools
吾尔开希 |
吾爾開希 |
119 |
Örkesh Dölet
武昌佛学院 |
武昌佛學院 |
119 |
Wuchang Buddhist Academy; Wuchang Buddhist Seminary
吴国 |
吳國 |
87 |
- Wu state
- Wu state
武汉大学 |
武漢大學 |
119 |
Wuhan University
无尽意菩萨 |
無盡意菩薩 |
119 |
Aksayamati Bodhisattva
乌克兰 |
烏克蘭 |
119 |
无量寿佛 |
無量壽佛 |
87 |
- Amitayus Buddha
- Amitayus Buddha; Measureless Life Buddha
武陵 |
119 |
五台山 |
五臺山 |
119 |
- Mount Wutai
- Odaesan; Mount Odaesan; Mount Odae
无贪 |
無貪 |
119 |
non-attachment; alobha
无退 |
無退 |
119 |
avaivartika; non-retrogression
无锡 |
無錫 |
119 |
吴兴 |
吳興 |
87 |
五月 |
119 |
May; the Fifth Month
无障碍 |
無障礙 |
119 |
吴忠 |
吳忠 |
119 |
吴尊 |
吳尊 |
119 |
Wu Zun; Chun Wu
西澳大利亚 |
西澳大利亞 |
120 |
Western Australia
西伯利亚 |
西伯利亞 |
120 |
西德 |
120 |
West Germany
西非 |
120 |
West Africa
西汉 |
西漢 |
88 |
Western Han
西湖 |
88 |
West Lake
西京 |
88 |
Xi Jing
西欧 |
西歐 |
88 |
West Europe
西亚 |
西亞 |
120 |
Southwest Asia
西遊记 |
西遊記 |
88 |
Journey to the West
西域 |
120 |
Western Regions
西安 |
88 |
夏安居 |
120 |
Varsa; Varsā; Vassa; Rains Retreat; Summer Retreat
夏朝 |
88 |
Xia Dynasty
下乘 |
120 |
Hinayana; Hīnayāna; Lesser Vehicle
下花园 |
下花園 |
120 |
夏玛巴 |
夏瑪巴 |
120 |
厦门 |
廈門 |
88 |
厦门大学 |
廈門大學 |
120 |
Xiamen University
咸海 |
鹹海 |
120 |
Aral Sea
宪兵队 |
憲兵隊 |
120 |
the Kempeitai or Japanese Military Police
咸淳 |
88 |
Xianchun reign
咸丰 |
咸豐 |
120 |
Xian Feng
湘 |
120 |
- Hunan
- Xiang dialect
香灯 |
香燈 |
120 |
- Shrine Attendant
- Shrine Attendant
像法 |
120 |
Age of Semblance Dharma; Saddharmapratirūpaka; Period of Semblance Dharma
湘绣 |
湘繡 |
88 |
Hunan Embroidery
香川 |
香川 |
120 |
翔凤 |
翔鳳 |
120 |
Comac ARJ21
香港 |
120 |
Hong Kong
香港佛教 |
120 |
Hong Kong Buddhism
香港中文大学 |
香港中文大學 |
120 |
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
香格里拉 |
88 |
相国 |
相國 |
120 |
Chancellor of State
象山 |
120 |
想通 |
120 |
to figure out; to realize; to become convinced; to come round (to an idea); to get over it
香严 |
香嚴 |
120 |
贤首 |
賢首 |
120 |
Sage Chief
显宗 |
顯宗 |
120 |
小过年 |
小過年 |
120 |
Lantern Festival
小琉球 |
120 |
Lamay Island; Little Liuqiu; Liuqiu Island; Xiaoliuqiu; Golden Lion Island
校人 |
120 |
- Stable Manager
- Fish Pond Keeper
笑狮罗汉 |
笑獅羅漢 |
88 |
小乘佛教 |
120 |
小港 |
120 |
Xiaogang; Hsiaokang
小港区 |
小港區 |
120 |
Xiaogang district; Hsiaokang district
小金 |
120 |
小林 |
120 |
小桥 |
小橋 |
120 |
Xiao Qiao
小乘 |
120 |
萧万长 |
蕭萬長 |
120 |
Vincent C. Siew
小雁塔 |
120 |
Small Wild Goose Pagoda in Xi'an
夏威夷 |
120 |
Hawaii, US state
夏威夷岛 |
夏威夷島 |
120 |
Hawaii island
西半球 |
120 |
Western Hemisphere
西班牙 |
120 |
西班牙文 |
120 |
Spanish (language)
西本愿寺 |
西本願寺 |
120 |
Nishi Hongan-ji
西藏人 |
120 |
Tibetan (person)
西村 |
120 |
悉达多 |
悉達多 |
120 |
谢安 |
謝安 |
120 |
Xie An
楔形文字 |
88 |
Cuneiform script
谢长廷 |
謝長廷 |
120 |
Frank Chang-ting Hsieh
西方 |
120 |
- the West
- west side
- the Western [Pureland]
- Xifang
- West
西方极乐净土 |
西方極樂淨土 |
88 |
Western Pureland
西方极乐世界 |
西方極樂世界 |
120 |
Western Pure Land; Sukhavati
西方净土 |
西方淨土 |
88 |
Western Pureland
西贡 |
西貢 |
120 |
- Saigon
- Sai Kung
矽谷 |
120 |
Silicon Valley
西华 |
西華 |
88 |
锡金 |
錫金 |
120 |
西康 |
120 |
锡克教 |
錫剋教 |
88 |
- Sikhism
- Sikhism
希腊 |
希臘 |
120 |
西来大学 |
西來大學 |
88 |
- University of the West (formerly Hsi Lai University)
- University of the West
西来寺 |
西來寺 |
120 |
Hsilai Temple
喜来登 |
喜來登 |
120 |
Sheraton (hotel chain)
锡兰 |
錫蘭 |
88 |
西螺 |
120 |
西螺镇 |
西螺鎮 |
120 |
Xiluo town; Hsilo town
西门町 |
西門町 |
120 |
鑫 |
120 |
新奥尔良 |
新奧爾良 |
120 |
New Orleans
新德里 |
88 |
Delhi; New Delhi
薪火 |
120 |
新年 |
88 |
New Year
新生代 |
120 |
新中国 |
新中國 |
88 |
the People's Replublic of China
新安 |
120 |
新报 |
新報 |
120 |
- Hong Kong Daily News
- Novaya Gazeta
新北 |
120 |
Hsinpei; New Taipei
新店 |
120 |
Xindian; Hsintien
醒世恒言 |
醒世恆言 |
120 |
Stories to Awaken the World
行堂 |
120 |
- Meal Service
- Waiter
星云 |
星雲 |
120 |
Hsing Yun; Venerable Master Hsing Yun
星云禅话 |
星雲禪話 |
120 |
Hsing Yun's Chan Stories
星云大师 |
星雲大師 |
88 |
Venerable Master Hsing Yun
星云日记 |
星雲日記 |
120 |
Venerable Master Hsing Yun's Diaries
星云说偈 |
星雲說偈 |
120 |
Cloud and Water: An Interpretation of Chan Poems
星云说喻 |
星雲說喻 |
120 |
Hsing Yun's Parables
兴安 |
興安 |
120 |
- Xing'an
- Hinggan league
- Xing'an
- Xing'an reign
星岛日报 |
星島日報 |
120 |
Sing Tao Daily
星期二 |
88 |
星期六 |
88 |
星期日 |
88 |
星期三 |
88 |
星期四 |
88 |
星期天 |
88 |
星期五 |
88 |
星期一 |
88 |
兴业 |
興業 |
120 |
星云法语 |
星雲法語 |
120 |
- Hsing Yun Dharma Words
- Hsing Yun’s Dharma Words
行政院 |
120 |
Executive Yuan
星洲 |
120 |
新和 |
120 |
Toqsu nahiyisi; Xinhe county
新化 |
120 |
- Xinhua
- Hsinhua
新华 |
新華網 |
88 |
- The Xinhua new agency
- Xinhua
新华社 |
新華社 |
120 |
Xinhua News Agency
新化镇 |
新化鎮 |
120 |
Hsinhua town
新会 |
新會 |
120 |
新加坡 |
120 |
心经 |
心經 |
88 |
- Heart Sutra
- The Heart Sutra; The Prajñāpāramitā Heart Sutra
新乐 |
新樂 |
120 |
新论 |
新論 |
120 |
Xin Lun
新民 |
120 |
新埤 |
120 |
新埤乡 |
新埤鄉 |
120 |
Hsinpi township
新市 |
120 |
新宿 |
120 |
新兴区 |
新興區 |
120 |
Xinxing district
新营 |
新營 |
120 |
新营市 |
新營市 |
88 |
Hsinying city
信义区 |
信義區 |
120 |
- Xinyi district; Hsinyi district
- Hsini district
新泽西 |
新澤西 |
120 |
New Jersey
新泽西州 |
新澤西州 |
120 |
New Jersey
新洲 |
120 |
新州 |
120 |
新竹 |
120 |
Xinzhu; Hsinchu
新竹市 |
120 |
Hsinchu city
新庄 |
新莊 |
120 |
Xinzhuang; Hsinchuang
新庄市 |
新莊市 |
120 |
Xinzhuang city; Hsinchuang city
新竹县 |
新竹縣 |
120 |
Xinzhu County; Hsinchu County
敻 |
88 |
匈牙利 |
120 |
熊野 |
120 |
喜庆罗汉 |
喜慶羅漢 |
120 |
The Celebrating Arhat; Kanakavatsa
希仁 |
120 |
西山 |
120 |
- Western Hills
- Aparaśaila
喜上 |
120 |
希特勒 |
120 |
Adolf Hitler (1889-1945)
西天 |
88 |
India; Indian continent
修慧 |
120 |
- Wisdom from Practice; wisdom acquired by cultivation
- Xiuhui
- Xiuhui
秀林 |
120 |
Xiulin; Hsiulin
修罗 |
修羅 |
120 |
休士顿 |
休士頓 |
120 |
Houston, Texas
休斯顿 |
休斯頓 |
120 |
秀英 |
120 |
西文 |
88 |
- Spanish
- Western language; foreign languages
栖霞 |
棲霞 |
88 |
西洋 |
120 |
- the West
- countries of the Indian Ocean
西雅图 |
西雅圖 |
120 |
西域记 |
西域記 |
120 |
The Great Tang Dynasty Record of the Western Regions; Records of the Western Regions
西屿乡 |
西嶼鄉 |
120 |
Xiyu township; Hsiyu township
西藏 |
88 |
西藏大藏经 |
西藏大藏經 |
120 |
Tibetan Canon
汐止 |
120 |
Xizhi; Hsichih
溪州 |
120 |
徐 |
120 |
- xu
- slowly; gently
- Xu
- Xuzhou
- slowly; mandam
徐悲鸿 |
徐悲鴻 |
88 |
Xu Beihong
虚云 |
虛雲 |
120 |
Venerable Xu Yun
宣和 |
88 |
Xuan He reign
宣王 |
88 |
King Xuan of Zhou
玄武 |
120 |
- Black Tortoise
- God of the north sky
玄奘 |
120 |
- Xuanzang; Hsuan-Tsang
- Xuanzang; Hsuan-Tsang
玄沙 |
120 |
Xuan Sha; Hsuan sha; Shi Bei
宣统 |
宣統 |
120 |
轩辕 |
軒轅 |
120 |
玄讷大学 |
玄奘大學 |
120 |
Hsuan Chuang University
宣宗 |
120 |
Seonjong of Goryeo
须达长者 |
須達長者 |
88 |
Elder Sudatta
薛 |
120 |
- Xue
- Xue
学部 |
學部 |
120 |
Ministry of Education
学道 |
學道 |
120 |
- examiner
- Learning the Way
雪山 |
120 |
The Himalayas
虚空藏菩萨 |
虛空藏菩薩 |
120 |
Akasagarbha Bodhisattva
须弥 |
須彌 |
120 |
Mt Meru; Sumeru
须弥山 |
須彌山 |
88 |
- Mount Sumeru
- Mount Sumeru; Mount Meru
须菩提 |
須菩提 |
120 |
- Subhuti
- Subhuti; Subhūti
徐渭 |
120 |
Xu Wei
须夜摩天 |
須夜摩天 |
120 |
Yama Heaven; Yamadeva
亚太 |
亞太 |
89 |
Asia-Pacific region
亚当斯 |
亞當斯 |
121 |
雅典 |
89 |
亚东 |
亞東 |
121 |
雅加达 |
雅加達 |
89 |
亚兰 |
亞蘭 |
121 |
亚利桑那 |
亞利桑那 |
121 |
亚利桑那州 |
亞利桑那州 |
121 |
State of Arizona
亚历山大 |
亞歷山大 |
89 |
阎浮 |
閻浮 |
89 |
- Jampudiva
- Jambudvipa; the Terrestrial World
颜回 |
顏回 |
89 |
Yan Hui
焰口 |
121 |
Flaming Mouth
燄口 |
121 |
Flaming Mouth
晏婴 |
晏嬰 |
89 |
Yan Ying
晏子 |
89 |
Yan Zi
燕巢 |
121 |
盐埕区 |
鹽埕區 |
121 |
Yancheng district
阎浮提 |
閻浮提 |
121 |
Jambudvipa; the Terrestrial World
杨广 |
楊廣 |
89 |
Yang Guang; Emperor Yang of Sui
杨仁山 |
楊仁山 |
89 |
Yang Renshan
杨尚昆 |
楊尚昆 |
121 |
Yang Shangkun
杨万里 |
楊萬里 |
89 |
Yang Wangli
杨振 |
楊振 |
121 |
Yang Zhen
杨政 |
楊政 |
121 |
Yang Zheng
阳春 |
陽春 |
121 |
仰光 |
121 |
杨俊 |
楊俊 |
121 |
Yang Jun
阳明 |
陽明 |
121 |
阳明山 |
陽明山 |
121 |
- Mt Yangming
- Mt Yangming
仰山 |
121 |
- Yangshan
- Yangshan Huiji
杨维 |
楊維 |
121 |
Yang Wei
杨文 |
楊文 |
121 |
Yang Wen
扬州 |
揚州 |
89 |
楊州 |
89 |
阎摩罗 |
閻摩羅 |
121 |
尧 |
堯 |
121 |
姚宏 |
121 |
Yao Hong
姚秦 |
姚秦 |
89 |
Later Qin
药王 |
藥王 |
89 |
Bhaisajyaraja; Medicine King
药师 |
藥師 |
89 |
- Healing Master
- Medicine Buddha
药师法会 |
藥師法會 |
89 |
Medicine Buddha Dharma Service
药师佛 |
藥師佛 |
121 |
- Medicine Buddha
- Medicine Buddha
药师经 |
藥師經 |
121 |
Sutra of the Medicine Buddha; Sutra on the Master of Healing
药师琉璃光如来 |
藥師琉璃光如來 |
89 |
Medicine Buddha; the Medicine Buddha of Pure Crystal Radiance
药师如来 |
藥師如來 |
121 |
Medicine Buddha
亚瑟 |
亞瑟 |
121 |
亚松森 |
亞松森 |
121 |
亚特兰大 |
亞特蘭大 |
121 |
亚细亚 |
亞細亞 |
121 |
亚运 |
亞運 |
121 |
Asian Games
亚洲 |
亞洲 |
121 |
耶鲁 |
耶魯 |
121 |
耶鲁大学 |
耶魯大學 |
121 |
Yale University
耶律 |
121 |
叶门 |
葉門 |
121 |
耶稣 |
耶穌 |
121 |
Jesus; Jesus Christ
耶稣基督 |
耶穌基督 |
121 |
Jesus Christ
也先 |
121 |
Esen Taishi
沂 |
121 |
颐和园 |
頤和園 |
89 |
Summer Palace
遗教经 |
遺教經 |
121 |
Sutra of Bequeathed Teachings
义净 |
義淨 |
89 |
译经院 |
譯經院 |
121 |
Institute for Sutra Translation
仪礼 |
儀禮 |
89 |
Yili; Book of Etiquette and Ceremonial
衣索比亚 |
衣索比亞 |
121 |
易北河 |
121 |
Elbe River
义大利 |
義大利 |
121 |
伊凡 |
89 |
一贯道 |
一貫道 |
121 |
易经 |
易經 |
89 |
The Book of Changes; Yijing; I Ching
一九 |
121 |
伊拉克 |
121 |
宜兰 |
宜蘭 |
89 |
伊朗 |
121 |
- Iran
- Iran
宜兰市 |
宜蘭市 |
121 |
Yilan city
宜兰县 |
宜蘭縣 |
121 |
Yilan county
伊利诺 |
伊利諾 |
121 |
Illinois, US state
伊莉莎白 |
121 |
阴界 |
陰界 |
121 |
the five skandhas and the eighteen dhatu
尹雪曼 |
121 |
Yin Xueman
印度 |
121 |
印度佛教 |
89 |
Indian Buddhism
印度教 |
121 |
印度洋 |
89 |
Indian Ocean
印度人 |
89 |
应保 |
應保 |
121 |
莺歌 |
鶯歌 |
121 |
Yingge; Yingko
英格兰 |
英格蘭 |
89 |
应供 |
應供 |
121 |
- Offering
- Worthy One; arhat
英国 |
英國 |
89 |
英国首相 |
英國首相 |
121 |
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
印光 |
121 |
印光大师 |
印光大師 |
121 |
Venerable Master Yingguang
英宗 |
121 |
银河系 |
銀河系 |
121 |
Milky Way Galaxy
因揭陀尊者 |
121 |
Angaja; Angida; Aṅgada; The Bag Carrying Arhat
印尼 |
121 |
印顺导师 |
印順導師 |
121 |
Yin Shun
印顺法师 |
印順法師 |
121 |
Yin Shun
因陀罗 |
因陀羅 |
121 |
印信 |
121 |
official seal; legally binding seal
以色列 |
89 |
艺术家 |
藝術家 |
121 |
伊斯兰教 |
伊斯蘭教 |
121 |
伊斯特 |
121 |
宜兴 |
宜興 |
121 |
医学博士 |
醫學博士 |
89 |
Doctor of Medicine (MD)
伊尹 |
121 |
Yi Yin
永保 |
121 |
永嘉 |
89 |
- Yongjia
- Yongjia
- Yongjia
永乐 |
永樂 |
89 |
Emperor Yong Le
雍正 |
89 |
Emperor Yong Zheng
永安 |
121 |
Yong'an reign
永昌 |
121 |
- Yongchang
- Yongchang
永春 |
121 |
永定 |
121 |
永福 |
121 |
永和 |
121 |
Yonghe; Yungho
永和市 |
121 |
Yonghe or Yungho city in New Taipei City 新北市, Taiwan
永吉 |
121 |
永康 |
121 |
永康市 |
121 |
永明延寿 |
永明延壽 |
121 |
Yongming Yanshou
永宁 |
永寧 |
121 |
永平 |
89 |
- Yong Ping reign
- Yong Ping reign
永清 |
121 |
永善 |
121 |
永胜 |
永勝 |
121 |
永兴 |
121 |
- Yongxing reign
- Yongxing reign
- Yongxing
尤利西斯 |
121 |
Ulysses (novel)
有若 |
121 |
You Ruo
有部 |
121 |
尤金 |
121 |
有了 |
121 |
I've got a solution!; to have a bun in the oven
油麻地梁显利中心 |
油麻地梁顯利中心 |
89 |
Henry G. Leong Yaumatei Community Centre
犹他 |
猶他 |
121 |
优填 |
優填 |
89 |
- Aśoka; Asoka; Ashoka
- Ancient India
游锡堃 |
游錫堃 |
121 |
Yu Shyi-kun
禹 |
121 |
- Emperor Yu
- Yu
- a legendary worm
浴佛法会 |
浴佛法會 |
121 |
Bathing the Buddha Celebration
沅 |
121 |
Yuan River
元朝 |
121 |
Yuan Dynasty
圆佛教 |
圓佛教 |
121 |
Wŏn Buddhism
圆觉经 |
圓覺經 |
89 |
- Sutra of Complete Enlightenment
- Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment
园头 |
園頭 |
121 |
Head Gardener
元晓 |
元曉 |
89 |
元稹 |
89 |
Yuan Zhen
元代 |
121 |
Yuan Dynasty
元旦 |
121 |
New Year's Day
远东 |
遠東 |
121 |
Far East
远古 |
遠古 |
121 |
antiquity; far ancient times
元和 |
121 |
苑里 |
苑裡 |
121 |
员林 |
員林 |
121 |
圆满时 |
圓滿時 |
121 |
圆明园 |
圓明園 |
121 |
Old Summer Palace
圆通大士 |
圓通大士 |
121 |
Omnipresent Mahāsattva
圆通寺 |
圓通寺 |
89 |
Yuantong Temple
元宵节 |
元宵節 |
121 |
Lantern Festival
元月 |
89 |
first month of the lunar new year
余陈月瑛 |
余陳月瑛 |
121 |
Yu Chen Yueh-ying
鱼池乡 |
魚池鄉 |
121 |
Yuchi; Yuchih
岳飞 |
岳飛 |
89 |
Yue Fei
悦众 |
悅眾 |
121 |
- Apprentice (yuezhong, lit. “please all”)
- karmadana
- Director of Affairs; Karmadana; Vinaya Master; Discipline Master
月光菩萨 |
月光菩薩 |
121 |
Candraprabha Bodhisattva
约翰 |
約翰 |
89 |
John; Johan; Johann
越南 |
121 |
岳阳楼 |
岳陽樓 |
121 |
Yueyang Tower
粤语 |
粵語 |
89 |
Yue Dialect; Cantonese
玉佛寺 |
89 |
- Yufo Temple
- Wat Phra Kaeo
雨花 |
121 |
玉环 |
玉環 |
121 |
雨花台 |
雨花臺 |
121 |
瑜伽师地论 |
瑜伽師地論 |
121 |
Yogācārabhūmiśāstra; Yogacarabhumi Sastra; Discourse on the Stages of Yogic Practice
瑜伽焰口 |
瑜伽焰口 |
121 |
Yogacara Offering Service
瑜伽燄口 |
121 |
Yogacara Ulka-Mukha
余江 |
餘江 |
121 |
盂兰盆法会 |
盂蘭盆法會 |
121 |
- Ullambana Dharma Service
- Ullambana Dharma Service
玉里 |
121 |
玉林 |
121 |
玉琳国师 |
玉琳國師 |
89 |
- National Master Yu Lin
- National Master Yulin
玉里镇 |
玉里鎮 |
121 |
玉门 |
玉門 |
121 |
裕民 |
121 |
云和 |
雲和 |
121 |
云居 |
雲居 |
121 |
- Yunju
- Yunju
云林 |
雲林 |
121 |
云林县 |
雲林縣 |
121 |
Yunlin county
云龙 |
雲龍 |
121 |
- Yunlong
- Yunlong
云门 |
雲門 |
121 |
- Yunmen School
- Yunmen Wenyan
云梦 |
雲夢 |
121 |
云梦县 |
雲夢縣 |
121 |
Yunmeng county
云南 |
雲南 |
121 |
云南省 |
雲南省 |
121 |
云巖 |
雲巖 |
121 |
愚人节 |
愚人節 |
121 |
April Fools' Day
玉山 |
121 |
玉山国家公园 |
玉山國家公園 |
121 |
Yushan National Park
雨舍 |
121 |
Varṣakāra; Varsakara; Vassakāra
雨神 |
121 |
Rain God
雨势 |
雨勢 |
121 |
Vassakāra; Varṣākāra
雨势经 |
雨勢經 |
121 |
Varsakara Sutra
羽田 |
121 |
Haneda airport
宇文 |
121 |
- Yuwen
- Yuwen
玉耶 |
121 |
杂阿含经 |
雜阿含經 |
122 |
Connected Discourses; Saṃyukta Āgama; Samyukta Agama
杂宝藏经 |
雜寶藏經 |
90 |
Za Baozang Jing
宰相 |
122 |
chancellor; prime minister
藏传佛教 |
藏傳佛教 |
122 |
Tibetan Buddhism
藏经楼 |
藏經樓 |
90 |
- Sutra Repository
- Sutra Repository
藏主 |
122 |
Librarian; Chief of Sutra Repository
藏人 |
90 |
Tibetan (person)
藏文 |
122 |
Tibetan; Tibetan writing
藏语 |
藏語 |
90 |
Tibetan language
藏族 |
122 |
Tibetan nationality
藏族人 |
90 |
Tibetan (person)
早日康复 |
早日康復 |
122 |
Get well soon!; to recover health quickly
杂志社 |
雜誌社 |
122 |
magazine publisher
鲗鱼涌 |
鰂魚涌 |
122 |
Quarry Bay (area in Hong Kong)
曾参 |
曾參 |
90 |
Zeng Shen
增一阿含 |
122 |
Ekottara Āgama
增一阿含经 |
增一阿含經 |
90 |
Ekottara Āgama
札幌 |
122 |
Sapporo, Japan
斋教 |
齋教 |
122 |
Zhaijiao sect of Buddhism
战国策 |
戰國策 |
90 |
Stratagems of the Warring States
战国时代 |
戰國時代 |
90 |
Warring States Period
詹天佑 |
122 |
Zhan Tianyou
漳 |
122 |
张培耕 |
張培耕 |
122 |
Zhang Peigeng
章太炎 |
122 |
Zhang Binglin; Zhang Taiyan
章孝严 |
章孝嚴 |
122 |
John Chang
张旭 |
張旭 |
122 |
Zhang Xu
张亚中 |
張亞中 |
122 |
Ya-chung Chang
张宝 |
張寶 |
122 |
Zhang Bao
张伯伦 |
張伯倫 |
122 |
Chamberlain (name) / Wilt Chamberlain
张大千 |
張大千 |
122 |
Chang Dai-chien or Zhang Daqian
彰化市 |
122 |
Zhanghua or Changhua city in west Taiwan, capital of Changhua county
彰化县 |
彰化縣 |
122 |
Zhanghua county; Changhua county
长江流域 |
長江流域 |
122 |
Yangtze river basin
张秋 |
張秋 |
122 |
Cho Chang (Harry Potter)
长荣 |
長榮 |
122 |
Evergreen (Group), Taiwan-based shipping and transportation conglomerate
张三 |
張三 |
122 |
John Doe
詹姆士 |
90 |
詹姆斯 |
122 |
James (name) / LeBron James
詹森 |
122 |
赵 |
趙 |
122 |
- Zhao
- Zhao Dynasty
- State of Zhao
- to rush
- to visit
- Zhao
- to dig
赵恒 |
趙恆 |
90 |
Zhao Heng; Emperor Zhenzong of Song
赵丽云 |
趙麗雲 |
122 |
Nancy Chao
肇论 |
肇論 |
90 |
Zhao Lun
赵宁 |
趙寧 |
90 |
Zhao Ning
赵朴初 |
趙樸初 |
90 |
Zhao Puchu
赵朴老 |
趙樸老 |
122 |
Zhao Pulao; Zhao Puchu
赵元任 |
趙元任 |
122 |
Yuen Ren Chao
昭和 |
122 |
昭明 |
122 |
- bright
- Zhaoming [star]
- Zhaoming
赵州 |
趙州 |
122 |
- Zhouzhou
- Zhouzhou; Zhouzhou Congshen
浙江 |
90 |
- Zhejiang
- Zhe River; Qiantang River
贞观 |
貞觀 |
90 |
Zhen Guan Reign; Emperor Taizong of Tang
郑成功 |
鄭成功 |
90 |
Koxinga; Zheng Chenggong
郑和 |
鄭和 |
90 |
Zheng He
郑国 |
鄭國 |
90 |
正平 |
122 |
Zhengping reign
郑石岩 |
鄭石岩 |
90 |
Zheng Shiyan
政协 |
政協 |
90 |
Chinese People's Political Consultative Committee (CPPCC)
证严法师 |
證嚴法師 |
122 |
Cheng Yen
正月 |
122 |
- first month of the lunar calendar
- first lunar month; caitra
正月初一 |
122 |
New Year's Day in the lunar calendar
正知 |
122 |
Zheng Zhi
政治大学 |
政治大學 |
122 |
National Chengchi University
镇海 |
鎮海 |
122 |
镇江 |
鎮江 |
122 |
真理报 |
真理報 |
122 |
贞元 |
貞元 |
122 |
- Zhenyuan
- Jōgen
镇远 |
鎮遠 |
122 |
哲学研究 |
哲學研究 |
122 |
Philosophical Investigations
哲学博士 |
哲學博士 |
122 |
Doctor of Philosophy; Ph.D
知客 |
122 |
- receptionist
- Guest Prefect
智通 |
122 |
Zhi Tong
智周 |
90 |
Zhi Zhou
至大 |
90 |
Zhida reign
至德 |
90 |
Zhide reign
止贡噶举 |
止貢噶舉 |
122 |
Drikung Kagyu
芝加哥 |
122 |
支那内学院 |
支那內學院 |
122 |
Chinese Inner Studies Institute
织女 |
織女 |
90 |
- Zhinu
- Vega
智人 |
90 |
Homo sapiens
祇陀太子 |
122 |
Prince Jeta
智顗 |
90 |
Zhi Yi; Chih-i
中阿含 |
122 |
Madhyama Āgama; Madhyama Agama; Madhyamāgama; Middle-length Discourses
中东 |
中東 |
90 |
Middle East
中非 |
90 |
- China-Africa (relations)
- Central African Republic
- Central Africa
中论 |
中論 |
122 |
Mūlamadhyamakakārikā; Fundamental Verses on the Middle Way; Knowledge of the Middle Way; Mulamadhyamakakarika; madhyamakasastra
中区 |
中區 |
90 |
Jung District of Seoul; Jung-gu; Central District
中日战争 |
中日戰爭 |
90 |
Second Sino-Japanese War; War of Resistance against Japan
锺荣吉 |
鍾榮吉 |
122 |
Zhong Rongji
中世纪 |
中世紀 |
122 |
Middle Ages
中说 |
中說 |
122 |
Zhong Shuo
中寺 |
90 |
Zhong Temple
中油 |
90 |
China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) / PetroChina
中原 |
122 |
the Central Plains of China
中都 |
90 |
Zhongdu; Dadu; Khanbaliq; Beijing
中共 |
90 |
Chinese Communist Party
中共中央 |
90 |
Chinese Communist Party Central Committee
中国藏语系高级佛学院 |
中國藏語系高級佛學院 |
122 |
High-level Tibetan Buddhism College of China
中国大陆 |
中國大陸 |
90 |
Chinese mainland
中国电视公司 |
中國電視公司 |
122 |
China TV (CTV)
中国佛教协会 |
中國佛教協會 |
122 |
- Chinese Buddhist Association; The Buddhist Academy of China
- Buddhist Association of China
中国佛教会 |
中國佛教會 |
122 |
Buddhist Association of the Republic of China
中国广播公司 |
中國廣播公司 |
122 |
Broadcasting Corporation of China (BCC)
中国国民党 |
中國國民黨 |
90 |
Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT)
中国社会科学院 |
中國社會科學院 |
90 |
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
中国时报 |
中國時報 |
122 |
China Times
中国话 |
中國話 |
122 |
spoken Chinese
中和 |
122 |
中华 |
中華 |
90 |
中华大藏经 |
中華大藏經 |
90 |
Tripitaka Sinica; Zhonghua Canon
中华电视 |
中華電視 |
122 |
China TV (CTS)
中华民国 |
中華民國 |
90 |
Republic of China
中华民国行政院 |
中華民國行政院 |
122 |
Executive Yuan, Republic of China
中华文化复兴运动 |
中華文化復興運動 |
90 |
Chinese Cultural Renaissance; Chinese Cultural Renaissance Movement
中华总会 |
中華總會 |
90 |
The General Association of Chinese Culture
钟馗 |
鐘馗 |
122 |
- Zhong Kui
- Zhong Kui (mythological figure, supposed to drive away evil spirits)
中坜 |
中壢 |
122 |
Zhongli; Chungli
中寮 |
122 |
Zhongliao; Chungliao
中坜市 |
中壢市 |
122 |
Zhongli; Chungli
中秋 |
122 |
the Mid-autumn festival
中山 |
122 |
- Dr Sun Yat-sen; Zhongshan, prefecture-level city in Guangdong, close to Sun Yat-sen's birthplace; Nakayama (Japanese surname)
- Zhongshan
- Nakayama
中山大学 |
中山大學 |
122 |
Sun Yat-sen University / Zhongshan University
中山陵 |
122 |
Dr Sun Yat-sen's mausoleum in Nanjing
中山堂 |
122 |
Zhongshan Hall
中生代 |
122 |
中时 |
中時 |
122 |
China Times
中视 |
中視 |
122 |
China TV
中天 |
122 |
Central North India
中兴大学 |
中興大學 |
122 |
National Chung Hsing University
中西区 |
中西區 |
122 |
Central and Western district of Hong Kong
中央民族大学 |
中央民族大學 |
122 |
Central University for Nationalities
中央情报局 |
中央情報局 |
90 |
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
中央日报 |
中央日報 |
122 |
- Central Daily News
- Central Daily News
中央社 |
122 |
Central News Agency
中央研究院 |
122 |
Academia Sinica
众议院 |
眾議院 |
122 |
House of Representatives
中元节 |
中元節 |
122 |
Zhongyuan festival; Ghost festival
中正纪念堂 |
中正紀念堂 |
122 |
Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall
昼 |
晝 |
122 |
- daytime
- Zhou
- Zhou
周恩来 |
周恩來 |
90 |
Zhou Enlai
周文王 |
90 |
King Wen of Zhou
周利槃陀伽 |
122 |
周六 |
週六 |
90 |
周南 |
122 |
Zhou Nan
周日 |
週日 |
90 |
周文 |
90 |
Zhou Script; Great Seal Script
周五 |
週五 |
90 |
周五 |
週五 |
90 |
周一 |
週一 |
90 |
周瑜 |
122 |
- Zhou Yu; Chou Yü
- Zhou Yu; Chou Yü
道生 |
90 |
Zhu Daosheng; Daosheng
竹林精舍 |
90 |
Veṇuvana Vihāra; Veḷuvana Vihāra
祝融 |
90 |
Zhu Rong
朱士行 |
90 |
Zhu Shixing
朱熹 |
90 |
Zhu Zi; Zhu Xi; Chu Hsi
传灯录 |
傳燈錄 |
122 |
The Records of the Transmission of the Lamp
传记文学 |
傳記文學 |
122 |
Biographical Literature
庄子 |
莊子 |
90 |
Zhuang Zi
庄主 |
莊主 |
122 |
property manager in a temple
壮族 |
壯族 |
90 |
Zhuang ethnic group
猪八戒 |
豬八戒 |
122 |
Zhu Bajie
注茶半托迦 |
122 |
Cudapanthaka; The House Guarding Arhat
竺法兰 |
竺法蘭 |
122 |
Dharmaratna; Gobharana
诸葛亮 |
諸葛亮 |
122 |
Zhuge liang
珠海 |
122 |
侏罗 |
侏羅 |
122 |
Jura mountains of eastern France and extending into Switzerland
珠穆朗玛峰 |
珠穆朗瑪峰 |
90 |
Mount Everest
准提 |
準提 |
122 |
竹南 |
122 |
Zhunan; Chunan
竹南镇 |
竹南鎮 |
122 |
Zhu'nan; Chu'nan
卓溪乡 |
卓溪鄉 |
122 |
Zhuoxi or Chohsi
竹山 |
122 |
- Zhushan
- Zhushan; Chushan
竹山镇 |
竹山鎮 |
122 |
Zhushan town; Chushan town
诸生 |
諸生 |
122 |
Imperial scholar from the Ming Dynasty onwards
煮云 |
煮雲 |
122 |
Zhu Yun
朱自清 |
122 |
Zhu Ziqing
紫柏 |
122 |
Zi Bo
自在人生 |
122 |
A Carefree Life
紫柏大师 |
紫柏大師 |
90 |
Master Zibo; Zibo Master
紫金山 |
122 |
Purple Mountain
紫禁城 |
122 |
The Forbidden City; the Imperial Palace
紫砂 |
122 |
子长 |
子長 |
122 |
资治通鑑 |
資治通鑑 |
122 |
Zizhi Tongjian; Comprehensive Mirror in Aid of Governance
宗教法 |
122 |
Religious Law
宗喀巴 |
122 |
Je Tsongkhapa; Tsongkhapa
宗门 |
宗門 |
90 |
- religious school
- Chan School of Buddhism; Zen
宗密 |
122 |
Zong Mi; Guifeng Zongmi
宗仰 |
122 |
邹 |
鄒 |
122 |
- Zou
- Zou
最澄 |
122 |
最高法 |
122 |
The Supreme People's Court
坐佛 |
122 |
a seated Buddha
佐藤 |
122 |
左营 |
左營 |
122 |
Zuoying; Tsoying
左宗棠 |
122 |
Zuo Zongtang (1812-1885), Chinese administrator and military leader
Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of
terms: 1876.
Simplified |
Traditional |
Pinyin |
English |
阿鞞跋致 |
196 |
avaivartika; non-retrogression
爱语 |
愛語 |
195 |
- loving words
- kind words
阿伽 |
97 |
scented water; argha
阿罗汉果 |
阿羅漢果 |
97 |
- state of full attainment of arhatship
- the fruit of arhat cultivation; the fruit of awakening
安板 |
196 |
signal for lights out
安单 |
安單 |
196 |
- To Settle at a Monastery
- to settle at a monastery
唵嘛呢叭弥吽 |
唵嘛呢叭彌吽 |
199 |
oṃ maṇ i padme hūṃ
唵嘛呢叭咪吽 |
97 |
Mantra of Six Syllables; Om mani padme hum
安贫守道 |
安貧守道 |
196 |
find happiness in poverty and devotion to the path
安然自在 |
196 |
Peaceful and Carefree
安立 |
196 |
- to establish; to find a place for; to help settle down; to arrange for
- to begin to speak
安忍 |
196 |
- tolerance
- Patience
- to bear adversity with calmness
- Abiding Patience
庵堂 |
196 |
Buddhist nunnery
安坐 |
196 |
steady meditation
阿阇黎 |
阿闍黎 |
196 |
- acarya
- acarya; religious teacher
阿修罗 |
阿修羅 |
196 |
- asura
- asura
把鼻 |
98 |
to pull an ox by its nose
八大 |
98 |
eight great
八大圣地 |
八大聖地 |
98 |
eight sacred Buddhist sites
八大宗派 |
98 |
eight schools of Chinese Buddhism
八道 |
98 |
Noble Eightfold Path; Eightfold Noble Way
八法 |
98 |
Noble Eightfold Path; Eightfold Noble Way
八福田 |
98 |
- Eight Merit Fields
- Eight Fields of Merit
- eight fields of merit
拔苦 |
98 |
Relieve suffering
八时 |
八時 |
98 |
eight periods of time
八十种好 |
八十種好 |
98 |
eighty noble qualities
八万四千法门 |
八萬四千法門 |
98 |
eighty-four thousand methods of practice
把心找回来 |
把心找回來 |
98 |
Reclaim Our Minds Campaign; Find Your Heart Again
八正 |
98 |
Noble Eightfold Path; Eightfold Noble Way
八正道 |
98 |
Noble Eightfold Path; Eightfold Noble Way
八支 |
98 |
Noble Eightfold Path; Eightfold Noble Way
八宗 |
98 |
eight sects
八不 |
98 |
eight negations
白塔 |
98 |
White Pagoda
拜忏 |
拜懺 |
98 |
to pray on behalf of others
百丈野狐 |
98 |
Baizhang's wild fox
败种 |
敗種 |
98 |
seeds of defeat
八戒 |
98 |
eight precepts
八敬法 |
98 |
eight precepts of respect
办道 |
辦道 |
98 |
to carry out spiritual practice
半座 |
98 |
half of a seat; make room for someone on one's own seat
棒喝 |
98 |
- stick and shout
- to strike and shout at a student
半坐 |
98 |
to sit with one leg crossed; ardhaparyanka
宝地 |
寶地 |
98 |
jeweled land
宝相 |
寶相 |
98 |
- Excellent Marks
- precious likeness; noble marks
- Ratnaketu
宝幢 |
寶幢 |
98 |
- a Buddhist ensign or banner
- Ratnaketu
报佛 |
報佛 |
98 |
saṃbhogakāya; sambhogakaya; enjoyment body; reward body
抱佛脚 |
抱佛腳 |
98 |
to clasp the Buddha's feet (without ever having burned incense); to profess devotion only when in trouble
宝冠 |
寶冠 |
98 |
a crown; jeweled crown; a headdress
宝华 |
寶華 |
98 |
- flowers; jeweled flowers
- Treasure Flower
宝树 |
寶樹 |
98 |
- jeweled trees; forest of treasues
- a kalpa tree
宝藏馆 |
寶藏館 |
98 |
- Museum of Treasures
- Buddhist museum
八天 |
98 |
eight heavens
北传 |
北傳 |
98 |
northern transmission of Buddhism; Nothern Buddhism
北传佛教 |
北傳佛教 |
98 |
northern transmission of Buddhism; Northern Buddhism
北海男众学部 |
北海男眾學部 |
98 |
Beihai Men's Buddhist College
悲田 |
98 |
field of piety
悲无量心 |
悲無量心 |
98 |
immeasurable compassion
悲智 |
98 |
- compassion and wisdom
- Compassion and Wisdom
悲智双运 |
悲智雙運 |
98 |
Practice Compassion and Wisdom Simultaneously
悲智愿行 |
悲智願行 |
98 |
Compassion, Wisdom, Vow, and Practice
悲心 |
98 |
- a sympathetic mind
- Merciful Heart
悲愿 |
悲願 |
98 |
- Compassionate Vow
- the great compassionate vow
本山 |
98 |
- main temple; home temple
- this temple
本尊 |
98 |
istadevata; ishta-deva; ishta-devata; a tutelary deity; a meditation deity; yi dam
本来无一物 |
本來無一物 |
98 |
Originally not a thing existed
本寺 |
98 |
main temple; home temple; this temple
本愿 |
本願 |
98 |
prior vow; purvapranidhana
彼岸 |
98 |
- the other shore
- the other shore
遍十方 |
98 |
pervading all directions
遍满 |
遍滿 |
98 |
to fill; paripūrṇa
遍照 |
98 |
- to illuminate everywhere
- shinging everywhere; vairocana
- Vairocana
遍知 |
98 |
- to know; to understand; parijñā
- to be omniscient; to be all knowing
标月指 |
標月指 |
98 |
finger pointing to the moon
别院 |
別院 |
98 |
Branch Temple
摈出 |
擯出 |
98 |
to expel; to exile
病苦 |
98 |
sickness; suffering due to sickness
比丘戒 |
98 |
the monk's precepts; Bhiksu Precepts
比丘尼戒 |
98 |
the nun's precepts; Bhiksuni Precepts
拨无因果 |
撥無因果 |
98 |
to deny the rule of causes and effect
波罗提木叉 |
波羅提木叉 |
98 |
rules of conduct for monks; prātimokṣa
般若 |
98 |
- Prajna Wisdom
- prajna
- Prajñā
- prajna; prajñā; paññā; great wisdom
般若波罗蜜 |
般若波羅蜜 |
98 |
- Prajñāpāramitā; Prajnaparamita; Perfection of Wisdom
- Prajñāpāramitā
不变随缘 |
不變隨緣 |
98 |
remain unmoved while following the conditions
不动心 |
不動心 |
98 |
Unmoving Mind
不二法门 |
不二法門 |
98 |
- The Dharma Gate of Non-Duality
- the Gate of Non-Duality
- Non-Duality; the dharma-gate of non-duality
不放逸 |
98 |
- no laxity
- vigilance; heedfulness; conscientious
不非时食 |
不非時食 |
98 |
no eating at inappropriate times
不见不闻的世界 |
不見不聞的世界 |
98 |
A world of not looking and not listening
不净 |
不淨 |
98 |
Impurity; dirty; filthy
不可称数 |
不可稱數 |
98 |
pass calculation and measure
不立文字 |
98 |
- cannot be set down in words
- avoiding reliance on written words
不能成佛 |
98 |
without the potential of attaining Buddhahood
不念旧恶 |
不念舊惡 |
98 |
do not hold grudges
不轻 |
不輕 |
98 |
never disparage
不请之友 |
不請之友 |
98 |
Be an Uninvited Helper
不容易接受 |
98 |
not easily accepted
不杀生 |
不殺生 |
98 |
Refrain from killing
不善 |
98 |
akuśala; akusala; unvirtuous; unwholesome; inauspicious
不生不灭 |
不生不滅 |
98 |
neither arises nor extinguishes
不思议 |
不思議 |
98 |
- inconceivable
- inconceivable
不偷盗 |
不偷盜 |
98 |
refrain from stealing
不忘初心 |
98 |
Never Forget One’s Initial Aspirations
不妄语 |
不妄語 |
98 |
- Refrain from lying
- not lying
不邪淫 |
98 |
refrain from sexual misconduct; prohibition against sexual misconduct
不饮酒 |
不飲酒 |
98 |
Refrain from consuming intoxicants
不增不减 |
不增不減 |
98 |
neither increases nor decreases
不动地 |
不動地 |
98 |
the ground of attaining calm
不共 |
98 |
- not shared; distinctive; avenika
- meditation performed with water; distinctive; apkṛtsna
部派 |
98 |
schools; branches
不如法 |
98 |
counterto moral principles
布萨 |
布薩 |
98 |
- Posadha
- fortnightly recital of monastic rules and confession; upoṣadha
不生 |
98 |
- nonarising; anutpāda
- nonarising; not produced; not conditioned; anutpada
布施 |
98 |
- generosity
- dana; giving; generosity
布施波罗蜜 |
布施波羅蜜 |
98 |
dāna-pāramitā; the paramita of generosity
不贪 |
不貪 |
98 |
non-attachment; alobha
怖畏 |
98 |
terrified; saṃtrāsa
参禅 |
參禪 |
99 |
- Contemplation on Chan
- to meditate
- to seek religious instruction; to practice Chan Buddhism
参话头 |
參話頭 |
99 |
- Inquire into the Expressions
- contemplate the head phrase (of a gongan)
- meditation on a huatou; huatou technique
参究 |
參究 |
99 |
Contemplative Investigation
参悟 |
參悟 |
99 |
to realize through meditation
参学 |
參學 |
99 |
- travel and learn
- to be a visiting monastic; to study
茶禅一味 |
茶禪一味 |
99 |
Tea and Chan
禅风 |
禪風 |
99 |
the customs and traditions of one of the schools of Chan
禅净 |
禪淨 |
99 |
Chan and Pure Land Buddhism
禅净共修 |
禪淨共修 |
99 |
Combined Practice of Chan and Pureland
禅净密 |
禪淨密 |
99 |
Chan, Pure Land, and Estoric Buddhism
禅净密三修 |
禪淨密三修 |
99 |
Chan, Pure Land, and Estoric Buddhism
禅门 |
禪門 |
67 |
- Chan Monastery
- meditative practice
- Chan school
禅堂 |
禪堂 |
99 |
- a Chan monastic dormitory
- a Buddhist temple with no monastics
- Meditation Hall
- meditation hall
阐提成佛 |
闡提成佛 |
99 |
Icchantikas Can Attain Buddhahood
禅味 |
禪味 |
99 |
- Taste of Chan
- meditative joy
禅心 |
禪心 |
99 |
Chan mind
禅学 |
禪學 |
99 |
to study the Chan School
禅院 |
禪院 |
99 |
a Chan temple; a Zen temple
刹那 |
剎那 |
99 |
- ksana
- kṣaṇa; an instant
禅定 |
禪定 |
99 |
- meditative concentration
- meditative concentration; meditation
- to meditate
长表 |
長表 |
99 |
long banner; flag; vaijayanta
常不轻菩萨 |
常不輕菩薩 |
99 |
Never Disparaging Bodhisattva
唱导 |
唱導 |
99 |
to teach and lead to people to conversion
常颠倒 |
常顛倒 |
99 |
to view the impermanent as permanent
长行 |
長行 |
99 |
Sutra (discourses); a sutra
常寂光 |
99 |
Eternally Tranquil Light
唱说 |
唱說 |
99 |
to teach the Dharma
长净 |
長淨 |
99 |
fortnightly recital of monastic rules and confession; upoṣadha
长时 |
長時 |
99 |
eon; kalpa
长养 |
長養 |
99 |
- to nurture
- fortnightly recital of monastic rules and confession; upoṣadha
常住 |
99 |
- monastery
- Permanence
- a long-term resident at a monastery
- permanence; eternalism; śāśvata; nitya-sthita
禅机 |
禪機 |
99 |
a state that reveals itself with the truth; a Buddhist allegory
禅教 |
禪教 |
99 |
- the teachings of the Chan sect
- transmission of teachings both outside the sutras and through the sutras
禅修 |
禪修 |
99 |
- Meditation
- to meditate
禅悅 |
禪悅 |
99 |
Chan delight; meditative joy
禅坐 |
禪坐 |
99 |
- sitting meditation
- to meditate
超荐法会 |
超薦法會 |
99 |
memorial Dharma service
抄经堂 |
抄經堂 |
99 |
Sutra Calligraphy Hall
朝山会馆 |
朝山會館 |
99 |
Pilgrim's Lodge
朝山活动 |
朝山活動 |
99 |
- pilgrimage
- pilgrimage
朝山团 |
朝山團 |
99 |
朝元寺 |
99 |
Chao Yuan Temple
超渡 |
99 |
to release a soul from suffering
瞋恨 |
99 |
to be angry; to hate
尘缘 |
塵緣 |
99 |
worldly affinity
成道 |
99 |
awakening; to become enlightened; to become a Buddha
成佛 |
99 |
- Attaining Buddhahood
- to become a Buddha
成佛大道 |
99 |
- Great Path to Buddhahood
- Path to Buddhahood
称念 |
稱念 |
99 |
- to chant the name of the Buddha
- chant Buddha's name
成正觉 |
成正覺 |
99 |
to become a Buddha
成就归于大众 |
成就歸於大眾 |
99 |
achievements belong to the majority
尘垢 |
塵垢 |
99 |
- dirt; filth
- mental afflictions
- secular affairs
- a very small particle
瞋心 |
99 |
- anger; a heart of anger
- Anger
持戒 |
99 |
- to uphold precepts
- morality; to uphold precepts
持金刚 |
持金剛 |
99 |
- vajradhara
- Vajrapāṇi
持律 |
99 |
a maintainer of monastic discipline
持午 |
99 |
no eating after noontime
癡心 |
99 |
a mind of ignorance
持斋 |
持齋 |
99 |
to keep a fast
癡缚 |
癡縛 |
99 |
bond of ignorance
持诵 |
持誦 |
99 |
to chant; to accept and maintain by reciting
持咒 |
99 |
- Chanting Mantras
- to recite a dhāraṇī
重颂 |
重頌 |
99 |
geya; repeated verses
出光明 |
99 |
出世法 |
99 |
World-Transcending Teachings
初心 |
99 |
- the initial mind
- to make a vow to acheive supreme enlightenment; to act with bodhicitta
传灯楼 |
傳燈樓 |
99 |
1. Dharma Transmission Center; 2. Light Transmission Building
传法 |
傳法 |
99 |
- Dharma transmission
- to transmit the Dharma
床座 |
99 |
seat; āsana
传戒 |
傳戒 |
99 |
- to initiate a novice
- Conferral of Precepts
船师 |
船師 |
99 |
垂慈 |
99 |
extended compassion
出家众 |
出家眾 |
99 |
Saṅgha; Saṃgha; Sangha; Buddhist monastic community
出离 |
出離 |
99 |
- to leave Samsara; to transcend the mundane world
- to leave
- renunciation, transcendence
处理自己 |
處理自己 |
99 |
guide oneself [through life]
出坡 |
99 |
- Chorework
- labor; communal labor; labor practice
出世间 |
出世間 |
99 |
transcendental world; lokottara
处中 |
處中 |
99 |
to abide in the media that transcends existence and non-existence; madyama
慈悲人 |
99 |
A Compassionate One
慈悲喜舍 |
慈悲喜捨 |
99 |
- loving kindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity
- Loving Kindness, Compassion, Joy, and Equanimity
慈悲心 |
99 |
慈无量心 |
慈無量心 |
99 |
Immeasurable loving-kindness
慈孝 |
99 |
Compassion and Filial Piety
慈眼视众生 |
慈眼視眾生 |
99 |
Regard Sentient Beings with Compassion
慈悲观 |
慈悲觀 |
99 |
contemplation of loving-kindness and compassion
次第乞 |
99 |
a round of begging
慈心 |
99 |
compassion; a compassionate mind
丛林大学 |
叢林大學 |
99 |
(1975-1977); see 佛光山叢林學院
丛林学院 |
叢林學院 |
99 |
Tsung Lin University
存好心 |
99 |
- think good thoughts
- keep good thoughts
打板 |
100 |
Board Signals
大比丘 |
100 |
a great monastic; a great bhikṣu
打禅七 |
打禪七 |
100 |
meditation retreat
大成就 |
100 |
dzogchen; great perfection
大慈 |
100 |
great great compassion; mahākāruṇika
大慈大悲 |
100 |
- great compassion and great loving-kindness
- great mercy and great compassion
大慈育幼院 |
100 |
Da Ci Children's Home
大弟子 |
100 |
chief disciple
大佛城 |
100 |
Great Buddha Land
打佛七 |
100 |
Seven-Day Amitabha Retreat
大戒 |
100 |
full ordination; upasaṃpanna; upasaṃpadā
大界 |
100 |
monastic establishment
大觉 |
大覺 |
100 |
supreme bodhi; enlightenment
大乐 |
大樂 |
100 |
great bliss; mahāsukha
大礼堂 |
大禮堂 |
100 |
Devotees Auditorium
大菩萨 |
大菩薩 |
100 |
- great Bodhisattva
- a great bodhisattva
大千 |
100 |
trisāhasramahāsāhasralokadhātu; a great chiliocosm; trichiliocosm; the cosmos
大千世界 |
100 |
trisāhasramahāsāhasralokadhātu; a great chiliocosm; trichiliocosm; the cosmos
大磬 |
100 |
Big Gong
大善知识 |
大善知識 |
100 |
a Dharma friend with great merit
大小乘 |
100 |
- Greater or Lesser Vehicles
- Mahāyāna and Theravāda
大性 |
100 |
great nature
大愿 |
大願 |
100 |
a great vow
大藏 |
100 |
Buddhist canon
大种 |
大種 |
100 |
the four great seeds; the four great elements; mahābhūta
大专佛学夏令营 |
大專佛學夏令營 |
100 |
College Buddhist Youth Summer Camp
大悲心 |
100 |
a mind with great compassion
大乘经 |
大乘經 |
100 |
Mahāyāna sutras
大机 |
大機 |
100 |
great ability
大教 |
100 |
great teaching; Buddhadharma
大利 |
100 |
great advantage; great benefit
道风 |
道風 |
100 |
the truth of the way is like the wind
道念 |
100 |
- A Mind of Cultivation
- Mindfulness of the Path
道心 |
100 |
Mind for the Way
道中 |
100 |
on the path
到处都有 |
到處都有 |
100 |
道行 |
100 |
- Practicing the Way
- Đạo Hạnh
- Dao Xing
- Dao Xing
- conduct in accordance with the Buddhist path
大袍 |
100 |
haiqing; black robe
大时 |
大時 |
100 |
eon; kalpa
大树 |
大樹 |
100 |
a great tree; a bodhisattva
大寺院 |
100 |
abbey; large monastery
大塔 |
100 |
- great stupa
- Mahabodhi temple
- daitō
大统 |
大統 |
100 |
the head of an order
大悟 |
100 |
great awakening; great enlightenment
大仙 |
100 |
a great sage; maharsi
大雄 |
100 |
- Great Hero Monthly
- great hero; mahavira
大斋 |
大齋 |
100 |
great vegetarian feast
打斋 |
打齋 |
100 |
- to beg for vegetarian food
- Offering Food
大冢 |
大塚 |
100 |
大众所接受 |
大眾所接受 |
100 |
the public to accept
大姊 |
100 |
sister; nun
得道 |
100 |
to attain enlightenment
得度 |
100 |
- to attain salvation
- to attain enlightenment
得佛 |
100 |
to become a Buddha
德号 |
德號 |
100 |
an epithet
得戒和尚 |
100 |
Sila Upadhyaya
德本 |
100 |
virtuous roots; wholesome roots; kuśalamūla
等慈 |
100 |
Universal Compassion
等身 |
100 |
a life-size image
等心 |
100 |
a non-discriminating mind
登坛受戒 |
登壇受戒 |
100 |
ascending the platform to take the precepts
地球人 |
100 |
A World Citizen
地上 |
100 |
above the ground
地想 |
100 |
contemplation of the earth
第一义谛 |
第一義諦 |
100 |
absolute truth; supreme truth; paramartha; paramarthasatya
地大 |
100 |
earth; earth element
地观 |
地觀 |
100 |
visualization of the earth
定慧 |
100 |
- Concentration and Wisdom
- meditative wisdom
定课 |
定課 |
100 |
Daily Practice
定学 |
定學 |
100 |
training on meditative concentration
定力 |
100 |
- Meditative Concentration
- ability for meditative concentration
顶受 |
頂受 |
100 |
to respectfully receive
地前 |
100 |
the previous phases of bodhisattva practice
东禅客堂 |
東禪客堂 |
100 |
East Chan Reception Center
东禅楼 |
東禪樓 |
100 |
East Chan Auditorium
动静一如 |
動靜一如 |
100 |
movement is the same as stillness
动心 |
動心 |
100 |
- to move the heart; to be moved
- to shake the will
度化 |
100 |
都监院 |
都監院 |
100 |
Executive Council
度世 |
100 |
to pass through life
度众 |
度眾 |
100 |
Deliver Sentient Beings
度众生 |
度眾生 |
100 |
to liberate sentient beings
短期出家修道会 |
短期出家修道會 |
100 |
Short-Term Monastic Retreat
断肉 |
斷肉 |
100 |
to stop eating meat
度牒 |
100 |
ordination license
对治 |
對治 |
100 |
- to remedy
- an equal to; an opposite; an antidote
对法 |
對法 |
100 |
- corresponding law; the Abhidharma
- corresponding dharmas
顿悟 |
頓悟 |
100 |
- sudden enlightenment
- sudden enlightenment; sudden awakening
多宝 |
多寶 |
100 |
度生 |
100 |
to save beings
度脱 |
度脫 |
100 |
to save; to rescue; to relieve them from the suffering of this world and take them nirvana
恶道 |
惡道 |
195 |
- evil path
- an evil rebirth; an evil destiny; an unfortunate rebirth; hell
恶见 |
惡見 |
195 |
mithyadrishti; an evil view; a heterodox view
恶果 |
惡果 |
195 |
evil consequence; retribution (in Buddhism)
恶念 |
惡念 |
195 |
evil intentions
二部僧 |
195 |
two monastic assemblies; monks and nuns
二而一 |
195 |
they are different, yet the same
二法 |
195 |
- two dharmas; two kinds of dharma
- dichotomy
二空 |
195 |
two types of emptiness
二三 |
195 |
six non-Buddhist philosophers
二时 |
二時 |
195 |
the two time periods; morning and evening
二坛 |
二壇 |
195 |
the second platform
二种 |
二種 |
195 |
two kinds
二谛 |
二諦 |
195 |
the two truths
二果 |
195 |
二门 |
二門 |
195 |
two gates; two teachings
二十部 |
195 |
the twenty sects of Hīnayāna
二众 |
二眾 |
195 |
two groups
二字 |
195 |
- two characters
- a monastic
恶业 |
惡業 |
195 |
unwholesome acts; evil intentions
恶友 |
惡友 |
195 |
a bad friend
法爱 |
法愛 |
102 |
love of the Dharma
发大心 |
發大心 |
102 |
generate great mind
法供养 |
法供養 |
102 |
serving the Dharma; dharmapūjā
法教 |
102 |
- Buddhism; Buddhadharma; the teaching of the Dharma
- teaching
法界一如 |
102 |
Dharma Realm as One
法乐 |
法樂 |
102 |
- dharma joy
- Dharma joy
法轮堂 |
法輪堂 |
102 |
Dharma Wheel Conference Room
法脉 |
法脈 |
102 |
Dharma lineage
发菩提心 |
發菩提心 |
102 |
bodhicittotpāda; initiate the bodhi mind
法忍 |
102 |
- Dharma Patience
- patience attained through Dharma
- patience attained through Dharma
法入 |
102 |
dharmayatana; dharmāyatana; mental objects
法乳 |
102 |
- the milk of the Dharma
- the milk of Dharma
法僧 |
102 |
a monk who recites mantras
法施 |
102 |
a Dhárma gift; Dhárma offering; dharmadana
法事 |
102 |
a Dharma event
法数 |
法數 |
102 |
enumerations of dharmas
法水长流 |
法水長流 |
102 |
Dharma Water Continuously Flows
法体 |
法體 |
102 |
essence of all things; spiritual body
法物 |
102 |
Dharma objects
法相 |
102 |
- Faxiang: A Buddhist Practitioner's Encyclopedia
- Dharma Characteristic
- notions of dharmas; the essential nature of different phenomena
- the essential differences between different teachings
- the truth
法要 |
102 |
- the essentials of a teaching
- the essence of a dharma
- a Dharma service
法音宣流 |
102 |
Sound of the Dharma Spreads
筏喻 |
102 |
the raft simile
发愿 |
發願 |
102 |
- Make a Vow
- Making Vows
- to make a vow; praṇidhānaṃ
法执 |
法執 |
102 |
attachment to dharmas
法座 |
102 |
Dharma seat
法布施 |
102 |
the gift of teaching the Dharma
法处 |
法處 |
102 |
dharmayatana; dharmāyatana; mental objects
法灯 |
法燈 |
102 |
a Dharma lamp
法鼓 |
102 |
a dharma drum; dharmadundubhi; dharmabheri
法号 |
法號 |
102 |
- Dharma Name
- Dharma name
法会 |
法會 |
102 |
a Dharma service; an assembly; dharma-saṃgīti
法界 |
102 |
- Dharma Realm
- a dharma realm; dharmadhatu
- tathatā; suchness; inherent nature; true nature; tathata
发露 |
發露 |
102 |
to reveal; to manifest
法门 |
法門 |
102 |
- Dharma gate
- dharmaparyāya; dharma gate; a way of teaching the Dharma; a Buddhist teaching; a Dharma door
法名 |
102 |
Dharma name
犯戒 |
102 |
- Violation of Precepts
- to break the precepts
凡圣 |
凡聖 |
102 |
- the ordinary and the divine
- Ordinary and Sagely
凡圣一如 |
凡聖一如 |
102 |
the mundane and the divine are one
梵呗 |
梵唄 |
102 |
- Buddhist Chanting
- Buddhist hymn
- fanbei; buddhist chanting
方便门 |
方便門 |
102 |
- gate of skillful means
- expedient means
- Gate of Skillful Means
方便为门 |
方便為門 |
102 |
Skillful Means as the Way
放光 |
102 |
- to emit light
- to produce light
放生 |
70 |
- Liberate Lives
- to release living creatures; fangsheng
方外 |
102 |
monastic life
放在心 |
102 |
方便心 |
102 |
a mind capable of expedient means
放焰口 |
102 |
- to feed the starving ghosts
- Yogacara Dharma Service
放逸 |
102 |
- Laxity
- heedlessness; carelessness; pleasure-seeking; pramada
梵行 |
102 |
- brahmacarya; pure practices; religious life
- Brahmin; Brahman
梵音 |
102 |
- Brahma's voice
- the voices of Buddhas and bodhisattvas
- Heavenly Sound
- the sound of Buddhist chanting
凡愚 |
102 |
common and ignorant
法器 |
102 |
- Dharma instrument
- a Dharma instrument
法水 |
102 |
- Dharma is like water
- Dharma Water
法堂 |
102 |
- Fo Guang Shan Founder's Quarters
- Dharma Hall
- a Dharma hall
法味 |
102 |
- taste of Dharma
- the flavor of the Dharma
法喜 |
102 |
- Dharma joy
- Dharma joy
发心时 |
發心時 |
102 |
as soon as one sets his mind on attaining enlightenment
法印 |
102 |
- hōin
- Dharma Seal
- dharmamudrā; a dharma seal; a mark of the dharma
法音 |
102 |
- the sound of the Dharma
- Dharma Voice Magazine
法雨 |
102 |
- Dharma rain
- Dharma Rain
法缘 |
法緣 |
102 |
- Dharma Affinity
- causes and conditions that accord with the Buddhadharma
- conditions leading to dharmas
- affinity with the Buddhadharma
法源 |
102 |
- origin of Dharma
- source of dharmas
法藏 |
102 |
- sūtra repository; sūtra hall
- Dharma Treasure
- Fazang
法智 |
102 |
- understanding of the Dharma
- Gautama Dharmaprajña
法住 |
102 |
dharma abode
法幢 |
102 |
a stone pilar inscribed with scriptures
非我 |
102 |
selflessness; non-self; anātman; anattā
非有 |
102 |
does not exist; is not real
焚香 |
102 |
- to burn incense
- Burning Incense
分别心 |
分別心 |
102 |
discriminating thought
芬陀利 |
102 |
- Pundarika
- pundarika
佛殿 |
102 |
a Buddhist shrine; a Buddha hall
佛弟子 |
102 |
a disciple of the Buddha
佛法僧 |
70 |
- Buddha, Dharma, Sangha
- the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha; the Triple Gem; the three treasures of Buddhism
佛法生活化 |
102 |
Dharma as a part of life
佛法无边 |
佛法無邊 |
102 |
the teachings of the Buddha are boundless
佛观 |
佛觀 |
102 |
visualization of the Buddha
佛光茶 |
102 |
Fo Guang Tea
佛光出版社 |
102 |
Fo Guang Publishing House
佛光大藏经编修委员会 |
佛光大藏經編修委員會 |
102 |
Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Canon Committee
佛光道场 |
佛光道場 |
102 |
Fo Guang Shan temple
佛光法水 |
102 |
Buddha’s Light and Dharma Stream
佛光会宗旨 |
佛光會宗旨 |
102 |
BLIA objectives
佛光精舍 |
102 |
Fo Guang Senior Home
佛光净土文教基金会 |
佛光淨土文教基金會 |
102 |
FGS Pure Land Cultural & Educational Foundation
佛光楼 |
佛光樓 |
102 |
Fo Guang Building
佛光普照 |
102 |
Buddha's Light Shines Universally
佛光亲属会 |
佛光親屬會 |
102 |
Fo Guang Family Gathering
佛光人 |
102 |
Fo Guang member; Buddha's Light member
佛光三昧修持法 |
102 |
Buddha’s Light Samadhi Practice
佛光山丛林学院 |
佛光山叢林學院 |
102 |
FGS Tsung-Lin University
佛光山功德主会 |
佛光山功德主會 |
102 |
FGS Benefactor's Meeting
佛光山教团 |
佛光山教團 |
102 |
Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Order
佛光山寺 |
102 |
Fo Guang Shan Monastery
佛光山文教基金会 |
佛光山文教基金會 |
102 |
FGS Foundation for Buddhist Culture and Education
佛光山信徒香会 |
佛光山信徒香會 |
102 |
Fo Guang Shan Devotees' Gathering
佛光山之歌 |
102 |
The Song of Fo Guang Shan
佛光山住持 |
102 |
Head Abbot of Fo Guang Shan Monastery
佛光文化 |
102 |
Fo Guang Cultural Enterprise
佛光缘 |
佛光緣 |
102 |
Fo Guang Affinities
佛光诊所 |
佛光診所 |
102 |
Fo Guang Clinic
佛光之夜 |
102 |
Night of the Buddha's Light
佛化家庭 |
102 |
Buddhist family
佛慧 |
102 |
Buddha's wisdom
佛见 |
佛見 |
102 |
correct views of Buddhist teachings
佛教梵呗音乐会 |
佛教梵唄音樂會 |
102 |
Buddhist Hymns Concert
佛教文物流通处 |
佛教文物流通處 |
102 |
Buddhist Artifacts Center
佛境界 |
102 |
realm of buddhas
佛力 |
102 |
the power of the Buddha; blessings of the Buddha
佛菩萨 |
佛菩薩 |
102 |
Buddhas and bodhisattvas
佛七法会 |
佛七法會 |
102 |
Seven-Day Amitabha Retreat
佛前忏悔 |
佛前懺悔 |
102 |
repent in front of the Buddha
佛曲 |
102 |
music to accompany Buddhist texts
佛刹 |
佛剎 |
102 |
- Buddhakṣetra; a Buddha field; a Buddha land
- a Buddhist pillar
- temple; monastery
佛世 |
102 |
the age when the Buddha lived in the world
佛手 |
102 |
Buddha's Hands
佛说 |
佛說 |
70 |
buddhavacana; as spoken by the Buddha
佛说的 |
佛說的 |
102 |
what the Buddha taught
佛像开光法会 |
佛像開光法會 |
102 |
Consecration Ceremony for the Buddha Statue
佛性 |
70 |
Buddha-nature; buddhadhatu
佛学会考 |
佛學會考 |
102 |
Buddhist Exam
佛学夏令营 |
佛學夏令營 |
102 |
Buddhist Summer Camp
佛眼 |
70 |
Buddha eye
佛语 |
佛語 |
102 |
- Buddha Talk
- buddhavacana; the words of the Buddha
佛缘 |
佛緣 |
70 |
- Buddha Connection
- Buddhist affinities
佛住 |
102 |
- Buddha abode
- the Buddha was staying at
佛道 |
70 |
- Buddhahood
- the Buddha Way
- Way of the Buddha
- Buddhist practice
- bodhi; enlightenment
- the path leading to enlightenment
佛国 |
佛國 |
70 |
- Buddha Land
- a Buddha land
- country of the Buddha's birth
佛化 |
102 |
- conversion through the Buddha's teachings
- Fohua
佛化事业 |
佛化事業 |
102 |
Buddhist undertakings
佛教历史 |
佛教歷史 |
102 |
history of Buddhism
佛教派别 |
佛教派別 |
102 |
Buddhist schools
佛教研究 |
102 |
Buddhist studies
佛教艺术 |
佛教藝術 |
102 |
Buddhist art
佛教宗派 |
102 |
Buddhist schools
佛经翻译 |
佛經翻譯 |
102 |
Buddhist sutra translation
佛灭 |
佛滅 |
102 |
Buddha's Nirvāṇa
佛灭度 |
佛滅度 |
102 |
Buddha's Nirvāṇa
佛身 |
70 |
- Buddha's Body
- buddhakaya; Buddha-body
佛书 |
佛書 |
102 |
Buddhist texts; scripture
佛心 |
102 |
- Buddha’s Mind
- mind of Buddha
佛学院 |
佛學院 |
70 |
- Buddhist college; see 佛光山叢林學院
- Buddhist college
佛印 |
102 |
- Buddha-seal; Buddha mudra
- a small statue of a Buddha
- Chan Master Foyin
辅导法师 |
輔導法師 |
102 |
1. Guiding Venerable (for retreats, events); 2. Monastic Advisor (BLIA)
福德因缘 |
福德因緣 |
102 |
Blessing, Virtue, and the Right Causes and Conditions
福慧双修 |
福慧雙修 |
102 |
Merit and Wisdom
副会长 |
副會長 |
102 |
Vice President (of association, e.g. BLIA)
父母恩 |
102 |
Kindness of Parents
妇女会议 |
婦女會議 |
102 |
Women's Fellowship Conference
浮生 |
102 |
the world of the living; the impermanent world
副堂主 |
102 |
Deputy Director (of SR, meditation hall)
福田库 |
福田庫 |
102 |
Field of Merits Bank
副团长 |
副團長 |
102 |
Vice President (of group, e.g. BLIA-YAD)
副住持 |
102 |
1. Deputy Abbot (male); 2. Deputy Abbess (female)
副主任委员 |
副主任委員 |
102 |
1. Deputy Executive Director; 2. Deputy Committee Director (BLIA);
福报 |
福報 |
102 |
a blessed reward
福德 |
102 |
- Fortune and Virtue
- Merit and Virtue
- merit earned; reward; good fortune and good moral conduct
福田 |
102 |
- field of merit
- field of blessing
改心 |
103 |
Change the Mind
干部讲习会 |
幹部講習會 |
103 |
Leadership Training Seminar
甘露灌顶 |
甘露灌頂 |
103 |
Blessings by the Nectar
甘露水 |
103 |
甘露法 |
103 |
ambrosial Dharma
感应道交 |
感應道交 |
103 |
mutual interaction between those cultivating on the path and the Buddha
高僧 |
103 |
an eminent monk; a senior monk
割肉喂鹰 |
割肉餵鷹 |
103 |
cut off a piece of his own flesh to feed an eagle
根本戒 |
103 |
the fundamental precepts
根机 |
根機 |
103 |
fundamental ability
功德海 |
103 |
- Ocean of Merits
- Ocean of Merit; yon tan rgya mtsho; guṇasāgara
功德无量 |
功德無量 |
103 |
boundless merit
供佛 |
103 |
to make offerings to the Buddha
共命之鸟 |
共命之鳥 |
103 |
a jivajivaka bird
共修 |
103 |
Dharma service
共修法会 |
共修法會 |
103 |
a regular Dharma service
供养心 |
供養心 |
103 |
A Mind of Offering
供众 |
供眾 |
103 |
Offering for the Assembly
功德归于檀那 |
功德歸於檀那 |
103 |
merit belong to the donors
功德圆满 |
功德圓滿 |
103 |
virtuous achievements come to their successful conclusion
功德主 |
103 |
- benefactor
- a benefactor
共法 |
103 |
totality of truth
贡高 |
貢高 |
103 |
proud; arrogant; conceited
功力 |
103 |
共业 |
共業 |
103 |
- collective karma; consequences that all must suffer
- Collective Karma
古镜 |
古鏡 |
103 |
mirrors of old
罣碍 |
罣礙 |
103 |
- a hindrance; an impediment
- affliction
- Hindrance
挂单 |
掛單 |
103 |
- lodging
- Get Lodging
- temporary monastic lodging; to stay overnight at a monastery
灌顶 |
灌頂 |
103 |
- consecration
- Anointment
- Guanding
- abhiseka; abhisecana; anointment; consecration
观佛 |
觀佛 |
103 |
to contemplate on the Buddha
观身不净 |
觀身不淨 |
103 |
contemplate the impurities of the body
观受是苦 |
觀受是苦 |
103 |
contemplate the suffering of feelings
观想 |
觀想 |
103 |
- contemplation
- Visualize
- to contemplate; to visualize
观心 |
觀心 |
103 |
- Observe the Mind
- to contemplate the mind
观法无我 |
觀法無我 |
103 |
contemplate the non-selfhood of phenomena
观心无常 |
觀心無常 |
103 |
contemplate the impermanence of the mind
观心自在 |
觀心自在 |
103 |
Remain Carefree by Observing the Mind
观行 |
觀行 |
103 |
contemplation and action
观音不要走 |
觀音不要走 |
103 |
“Kuan Yin Please Stay” Movement
观音菩萨圣诞 |
觀音菩薩聖誕 |
103 |
Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva's Birthday
广长舌相 |
廣長舌相 |
103 |
the sign of a broad and long tongue
光明灯 |
光明燈 |
103 |
lamp of illumination
光明世界 |
103 |
A Bright World
广长舌 |
廣長舌 |
103 |
a broad and long tongue
广大心 |
廣大心 |
103 |
光荣归于佛陀 |
光榮歸於佛陀 |
103 |
honor belongs to the Buddha
观音像 |
觀音像 |
103 |
statue or image of Avalokitesvara
皈命 |
103 |
Taking Refuge
皈依 |
103 |
- Taking Refuge
- to convert to Buddhism; the ceremony for converting to Buddhism; to take refuge
皈依典礼 |
皈依典禮 |
103 |
a refuge ceremony
国际禅学会议 |
國際禪學會議 |
103 |
International Conference on Chan Buddhism
国际佛光会日 |
國際佛光會日 |
103 |
Buddha's Light Day
国际佛光会世界大会 |
國際佛光會世界大會 |
103 |
BLIA World Headquarters General Conference
国际佛光会世界总会 |
國際佛光會世界總會 |
103 |
Buddha's Light International Association World Headquarters (BLIA World Headquarters)
国际佛光会中华总会 |
國際佛光會中華總會 |
103 |
BLIA Chunghua Headquarters
国际佛光日 |
國際佛光日 |
103 |
International Buddha's Light Day
国际佛教促进会大陆弘法探亲团 |
國際佛教促進會大陸弘法探親團 |
103 |
Dharma Propagation and Homecoming Group
国际佛教僧伽研习会 |
國際佛教僧伽研習會 |
103 |
International Monastic Seminar
国际佛教学术会议 |
國際佛教學術會議 |
103 |
International Buddhist Academic Conference
国际僧伽研习会 |
國際僧伽研習會 |
103 |
International Monastic Seminar
国家恩 |
國家恩 |
103 |
Kindness of One’s Country
果位 |
103 |
stage of reward; stage of attainment
过午不食 |
過午不食 |
103 |
no eating after noontime
果报 |
果報 |
103 |
vipāka; the result of karma; indirect effect
过去佛 |
過去佛 |
103 |
past Buddhas
过堂 |
過堂 |
103 |
- to have a meal together in the temple hall
- to appear in court for trial
- Formal Buddhist Meal
果行 |
103 |
fruition and conduct
果证 |
果證 |
103 |
realized attainment
海会 |
海會 |
104 |
- assembly of monastics
- assembly of saints
- cemetery
还没有 |
還沒有 |
104 |
absence of
海单 |
海單 |
104 |
multiple lodging
海青 |
104 |
- Chanting Robe
- haiqing
好的开始 |
好的開始 |
104 |
a good beginning
好因好缘 |
好因好緣 |
104 |
Good Causes and Good Conditions
好因缘 |
好因緣 |
104 |
Good Causes and Conditions
和而不流 |
104 |
Peaceful Coexistence Without Going with the Flow
和敬 |
104 |
Harmony and Respect
和南 |
104 |
- Join Palms
- a salutation, to pay one's respects to
河沙 |
104 |
the sand of the River Ganges; as numerous as grains of sand in the River Ganges
和众 |
和眾 |
104 |
saṃgha; monastic gathering
和合僧 |
104 |
saṃgha; monastic gathering
和合众 |
和合眾 |
104 |
saṃgha; monastic gathering
行单 |
行單 |
104 |
横遍十方 |
橫遍十方 |
104 |
- spanning the ten directions
- across all of space
恒沙 |
恆沙 |
104 |
- the sand of the River Ganges; as numerous as grains of sand in the River Ganges
- sands of the River Ganges
恒河沙数 |
恆河沙數 |
104 |
- the sand of the River Ganges; as numerous as grains of sand in the River Ganges
- as innumerable like the sands of the Ganges
恒河沙 |
104 |
- grains of sand in the Ganges River; innumerable
- the sand of the River Ganges; as numerous as grains of sand in the River Ganges
- Sands of the Ganges
和僧 |
104 |
saṃgha; monastic gathering
和上 |
104 |
an abbot; a monk
和社 |
104 |
an abbot; a monk
红尘 |
紅塵 |
104 |
- world of mortals; human society; worldly affairs
- worldly affairs
弘法活动 |
弘法活動 |
104 |
Dharma propagation event
弘讲师 |
弘講師 |
104 |
Dharma Lecturer
弘法 |
104 |
- Dharma Propagation
- to propagate Buddhist teachings; to promote the Dharma
弘法利生 |
104 |
- Propagate the Dharma to Benefit Sentient Beings
- Spreading the Dharma to benefit all sentient beings
- propagating the Dharma and benefiting sentient beings
弘法为家务 |
弘法為家務 |
104 |
regard Dharma propagation as my family obligation
弘教 |
104 |
to propagate teachings
后说 |
後說 |
104 |
spoken later
护持委员会 |
護持委員會 |
104 |
Benefactors Committee
护法龙天 |
護法龍天 |
104 |
Dharma protectors and Devi kings
护法委员会 |
護法委員會 |
104 |
Dharma Protectors Committee
护法信徒 |
護法信徒 |
104 |
Dharma protectors and devotees
护国 |
護國 |
104 |
Protecting the Country
护教 |
護教 |
104 |
Protecting Buddhism
护生 |
護生 |
104 |
Protecting Lives
华藏 |
華藏 |
104 |
化导 |
化導 |
104 |
instruct and guide
华梵 |
華梵 |
72 |
China and India
花开见佛 |
花開見佛 |
104 |
Seeing the Buddha When the Flower Blooms
华香 |
華香 |
104 |
incense and flowers
华藏玄门 |
華藏玄門 |
104 |
- Padmagarbha Gate
- Profound Approach of Lotus Store
化众生 |
化眾生 |
104 |
to transform living beings
化法 |
104 |
doctrines of conversion
环岛布教 |
環島佈教 |
104 |
Dharma Propagation Tour Around Taiwan
欢喜人间 |
歡喜人間 |
104 |
Joy in the Human World
欢喜自在 |
歡喜自在 |
104 |
Joyful and Carefree
还俗 |
還俗 |
104 |
to return to secular life; to leave monastic life
欢喜地 |
歡喜地 |
104 |
- Ground of Joy
- the ground of joy
化人 |
104 |
a conjured person
化生 |
104 |
to be born from transformation; upapadukayoni; opapatikayoni
化缘 |
化緣 |
104 |
- the reason of a Buddha's or bodhisattva's coming to the world to teach
- the conditions or opportunity for transformation
- to collect alms
化作 |
104 |
to produce; to conjure
护法神 |
護法神 |
104 |
protector deities of Buddhist law
慧根 |
104 |
root of wisdom; organ of wisdom
慧恺 |
慧愷 |
104 |
Zhi Kai; Hui Kai
慧命之家 |
104 |
spiritual home
毁辱 |
毀辱 |
104 |
to slander and humiliate
回小向大 |
104 |
dedicating the small to the large
迴心 |
104 |
to turn the mind towards
慧海 |
104 |
- wisdom like the ocean
- Huihai
慧炬 |
104 |
- wisdom torch
- Wisdom Torch
慧命 |
104 |
- wisdom-life
- friend; brother
回向 |
104 |
to transfer merit; to dedicate
护念 |
護念 |
104 |
- Safeguard the Mind
- for a Buddha, bodhisattva, or demigod to protect a Buddhist disciple
活水 |
104 |
Flowing Water
火宅 |
104 |
- the parable of the burning house
- burning house
即身成佛 |
106 |
sokushin jōbutsu; attainment of buddhahood in this body
讥嫌戒 |
譏嫌戒 |
106 |
preclusive precept; precept against causing ridicule and gossip
吉祥草 |
106 |
Auspicious Grass
偈语 |
偈語 |
106 |
the words of a chant
偈赞 |
偈讚 |
106 |
to sing in praise of
家和 |
106 |
Family Harmony
假相 |
106 |
Nominal Form
加持 |
106 |
- to bless
- to empower; to confer strength on; to aid
迦陵 |
106 |
kalavinka; kalaviṅka
迦陵频伽 |
迦陵頻伽 |
106 |
迦楼罗 |
迦樓羅 |
106 |
检查自己的心 |
檢查自己的心 |
106 |
Always examine our own heart
见大 |
見大 |
106 |
the element of visibility
监寺 |
監寺 |
106 |
- Superintendent (of a temple)
- temple director; abbot
渐悟 |
漸悟 |
106 |
gradual enlightenment; gradual awakening
见性 |
見性 |
106 |
- Seeing One's Nature
- to see one's true nature; to realize one's Buddha nature
见性成佛 |
見性成佛 |
106 |
to see their original nature and attain Buddhahood
监狱教诲师 |
監獄教誨師 |
106 |
Correctional Facility Teacher
见法 |
見法 |
106 |
- for a Dharma to manifest in the world
- to realize the impermanence and nonself of all dharmas
- to understand reality
见佛 |
見佛 |
106 |
- Seeing the Buddha
- to see the Buddha
降诞 |
降誕 |
106 |
anniversary of the Birth of the Buddha
将欢喜布满人间 |
將歡喜布滿人間 |
106 |
Spread happiness around the world
讲经 |
講經 |
106 |
- to teach the sutras
- to teach sutras
- Expounding the Dharma
降魔 |
106 |
to subdue Mara; to defeat evil
教师佛学夏令营 |
教師佛學夏令營 |
106 |
Teachers' Buddhist Summer Camp
焦芽败种 |
焦芽敗種 |
106 |
- barren seed
- withered spouts are the seeds of defeat
教诫 |
教誡 |
106 |
instruction; teaching
教理 |
106 |
religious doctrine; dogma
教判 |
106 |
divisions of teaching
教团 |
教團 |
106 |
- buddhist order; religious community; religious groups
- religious organization
教益 |
106 |
the benefits of instruction
袈裟 |
106 |
- kasaya
- kasaya; kaṣāya
- kasaya
家庭背景 |
106 |
family background
家庭普照 |
106 |
a family Dharma service
戒疤 |
106 |
Precept Marks
戒场 |
戒場 |
106 |
Precept Court
戒常住 |
106 |
ordination monastery
戒定慧 |
106 |
- morality, meditative concentration, wisdom
- morality, wisdom, and meditation; the three studies; the three trainings; triśikṣā
戒定慧三学 |
戒定慧三學 |
106 |
threefold training; triśikṣā
接驾 |
接駕 |
106 |
formal greeting
戒腊 |
戒臘 |
106 |
Dharma year; years since ordination
戒律 |
106 |
- Precepts
- śīla and vinaya; precepts and rules
解门 |
解門 |
106 |
teaching in theory
羯摩 |
106 |
戒品 |
106 |
body of morality; aggregate of morality; śīla-skandha
结善缘 |
結善緣 |
106 |
Develop Broad and Good Affinity with Others
解脱自在 |
解脫自在 |
106 |
Liberated and at Ease
接心 |
106 |
Heart-to-Heart Connection
戒法 |
106 |
the rules of the precepts
劫火 |
106 |
kalpa fire
结界 |
結界 |
106 |
- boundary; temple boundary; sīmā
- Restricted Area
戒师 |
戒師 |
106 |
- precept teacher
- Precept Instructor
- Precept Master
阶位 |
階位 |
106 |
rank; position; stage
戒香 |
106 |
- fragrance of precepts
- the fragrance of discipline
解行 |
106 |
to understand and practice
戒行 |
106 |
to abide by precepts
皆有佛性 |
106 |
possess the Buddha-nature
结缘 |
結緣 |
106 |
- Develop Affinities
- to develop affinity
- to form affinities; karmic affinity
积集 |
積集 |
106 |
saṃcaya; collection; gathering; accumulation; heap
吉罗 |
吉羅 |
106 |
wrongdoing; misdeed; minor misdeed; duṣkṛta; dukkaṭa
金翅鸟 |
金翅鳥 |
106 |
a garuda
金幢 |
106 |
golden banner
进单 |
進單 |
106 |
to join a monastery
金佛 |
106 |
metal Buddha statue
金佛楼 |
金佛樓 |
106 |
Golden Buddha Building
金光明 |
106 |
golden light
金陵书院 |
金陵書院 |
106 |
Jinling Academy
金陵印经会 |
金陵印經會 |
106 |
Jinling Sutra Printing Association
近缘 |
近緣 |
106 |
immediate cause
经本 |
經本 |
106 |
净财 |
淨財 |
106 |
purity of finance
净华 |
淨華 |
106 |
Flower of Purity
净化的 |
淨化的 |
106 |
what purifies
净化人心七诫活动 |
淨化人心七誡活動 |
106 |
Purifying the Human Minds: Seven Virtues Campaign Oathtaking Ceremony
净化人心 |
淨化人心 |
106 |
reclaim the noble qualities of the mind
境界相 |
106 |
world of objects; the external phenomenal world
净莲 |
淨蓮 |
106 |
Pure Lotus
经律论 |
經律論 |
106 |
sutra, vinaya, and abhidharma
净念 |
淨念 |
106 |
Pure Thoughts
静念 |
靜念 |
106 |
Calm the Thought
净念相继 |
淨念相繼 |
106 |
Continuous Thoughts of Purity
净施 |
淨施 |
106 |
pure charity
经堂 |
經堂 |
106 |
sūtra repository; sūtra hall
敬田 |
106 |
field of reverence
净土洞窟 |
淨土洞窟 |
106 |
Pure Land Cave
净修 |
淨修 |
106 |
proper cultivation
净智 |
淨智 |
106 |
Pure Wisdom
经忏 |
經懺 |
106 |
- chanting and repentance services
- repentance chant; ritual for blessedness and longevity
净法 |
淨法 |
106 |
- pure dharma
- the teaching of the Buddha
净房 |
淨房 |
106 |
- Restroom
- Purification Quarters
- restroom
净戒 |
淨戒 |
106 |
- Pure Precepts
- Jing Jie
- perfect observance
净洁 |
淨潔 |
106 |
精进波罗蜜 |
精進波羅蜜 |
106 |
virya-paramita; the paramita of diligence
净觉 |
淨覺 |
106 |
- pure enlightenment; pure intent
- Jingjue
经论 |
經論 |
106 |
sutras and shastras; scriptures and commentaries
静虑 |
靜慮 |
106 |
- Quiet Contemplation
- dhyana; calm contemplation
精舍 |
106 |
- vihara
- vihara; hermitage
净心 |
淨心 |
106 |
- Purify the Mind
- a purified mind
净信 |
淨信 |
106 |
- Pure Faith
- prasāda; pure faith
净域 |
淨域 |
106 |
pure land
紧那罗 |
緊那羅 |
106 |
金身 |
106 |
golden body
进香 |
進香 |
106 |
to burn incense at a temple
偈颂 |
偈頌 |
106 |
a gatha; a chant
九品莲 |
九品蓮 |
106 |
Nine Stages of Lotus Incarnation
九住心 |
106 |
- nine kinds of abiding; nine stages of concentration; nine kinds of mental cultivation
- Nine Stages of Mindfulness
九品 |
106 |
nine grades
救世 |
106 |
to save the world
极微 |
極微 |
106 |
atom; particle; paramāṇu
吉祥瓶 |
106 |
mani vase
机用 |
機用 |
106 |
skillful application
伎乐 |
伎樂 |
106 |
举钵罗汉 |
舉鉢羅漢 |
106 |
- Kanakabharadvaja
- Kanakabhaharadvaja; The Bowl Raising Arhat
举重若轻 |
舉重若輕 |
106 |
Handle difficult tasks with ease
觉道 |
覺道 |
106 |
Path of Awakening
觉华园 |
覺華園 |
106 |
Jetavana Grove Reception Center
觉真 |
覺真 |
106 |
俱胝竖指 |
俱胝豎指 |
106 |
Judi raises a finger
具足戒 |
106 |
full ordination; upasaṃpanna; upasaṃpadā
开大座 |
開大座 |
107 |
Dharma lecture
开光落成 |
開光落成 |
107 |
inauguration ceremony
开山寮 |
開山寮 |
107 |
Founder's Hall
开山门 |
開山門 |
107 |
to open the monastery gate
开士 |
開士 |
107 |
one on the way to enlightenment; bodhisattva
开经 |
開經 |
107 |
sutra opening
开山祖师 |
開山祖師 |
107 |
founding master of a monastery; founder; originator
开元寺 |
開元寺 |
107 |
Kai Yuan Temple
开祖 |
開祖 |
107 |
founder of a school
看单 |
看單 |
107 |
- Lodging Patrol
- to visit another monastery
堪忍 |
107 |
to bear; to endure without complaint
客座 |
107 |
Visiting [sb.]
课诵 |
課誦 |
107 |
Buddhist liturgy
空法 |
107 |
to regard all things as empty
空空 |
107 |
the emptiness of emptiness; the delusion of emptiness
空有 |
107 |
- non-existent and existent; emptiness and having self
- Emptiness and Existence
空无 |
空無 |
107 |
- Emptiness
- śūnyatā; emptiness; emptiness of inherent existence
空性 |
107 |
- śūnyatā; emptiness; emptiness of inherent existence
- Empty Nature
口和无诤 |
口和無諍 |
107 |
Verbal harmony through avoiding disputes
苦集灭道 |
苦集滅道 |
107 |
- Suffering, Cause, End, and Path
- the fourfold noble truth; four noble truths
苦苦 |
107 |
suffering from external circumstances
苦海 |
107 |
- ocean of suffering
- sea of suffering; abyss of worldly suffering
苦行 |
107 |
- austerity
- ascetism; tapas
苦乐 |
苦樂 |
107 |
joy and pain
来生 |
來生 |
108 |
later rebirths; subsequent births
来世 |
來世 |
108 |
future worlds; the next world; the next life
来迎 |
來迎 |
108 |
coming to greet
老和尚 |
108 |
Elder Most Venerable
老婆心切 |
108 |
- like an old woman's ardent urgency
- grandmother kindness
乐说 |
樂說 |
108 |
the joy of teaching the Dharma
了别 |
了別 |
108 |
to distinguish; to discern
冷暖自知 |
108 |
only one knows whether it’s hot or cold
立参 |
立參 |
108 |
standing assembly
立大愿 |
立大願 |
108 |
to make great vows
立地成佛 |
108 |
to become a Buddha on the spot; instant rehabilitation; to repent and be absolved of one's crimes
历劫 |
歷劫 |
108 |
to pass through a kalpa
礼请 |
禮請 |
108 |
Request for Teachings
立如松 |
108 |
stand like a pine
离生 |
離生 |
108 |
to leave the cycle of rebirth
利生为事业 |
利生為事業 |
108 |
benefit sentient beings as my enterprise
理事平等 |
108 |
equality between principle and phenomena
离世间 |
離世間 |
108 |
transending the world
利益归于常住 |
利益歸於常住 |
108 |
benefits belong to the monastery
离欲 |
離欲 |
108 |
free of desire
利众生 |
利眾生 |
108 |
beneficial to the world
莲花手印 |
蓮花手印 |
108 |
Lotus Mudra
莲花指 |
蓮花指 |
108 |
BLIA Lotus Mudra
两部 |
兩部 |
108 |
two realms
两序 |
兩序 |
108 |
two rows
量周沙界 |
108 |
As Magnanimous as the Entire Universe
两足尊 |
兩足尊 |
108 |
- Honored One Among Two-Legged Beings
- supreme among two-legged creatures
莲华 |
蓮華 |
108 |
- Lotus Flower
- a lotus flower; padma
- white lotus flower; pundarika
了简 |
了簡 |
108 |
to expound; to explain; to comment upon
了义 |
了義 |
108 |
nītārtha; definitive
了知 |
108 |
to understand clearly
历代祖师 |
歷代祖師 |
108 |
the patriarchs of successive generations
列职 |
列職 |
108 |
离垢 |
離垢 |
108 |
- Undefiled
- vimalā; stainless; immaculate
离过 |
離過 |
108 |
eliminating faults; vāntadoṣa
礼敬 |
禮敬 |
108 |
namo; to pay respect to; to revere
离苦 |
離苦 |
108 |
to transcend suffering
离苦得乐 |
離苦得樂 |
108 |
to abandon suffering and obtain happiness
灵山胜会 |
靈山勝會 |
108 |
Assembly on the Spiritual Mountain
灵山胜境 |
靈山勝境 |
108 |
Vulture Peak
灵塔 |
靈塔 |
108 |
a memorial pagoda; a sacred stupa
灵巖山寺 |
靈巖山寺 |
108 |
Ling Yen Shan temple
令众生 |
令眾生 |
108 |
lead sentient beings
灵骨 |
靈骨 |
108 |
- relics
- Holy Relics
领纳 |
領納 |
108 |
to accept; to receive
利人 |
108 |
to benefit people
利生 |
108 |
to benefit living beings
六尘 |
六塵 |
108 |
six sense objects; Six Dusts
六成就 |
108 |
six accomplishments
六大 |
108 |
six elements
溜单 |
溜單 |
108 |
- Leaving without Notification
- to depart a monastery without requesting leave
六道 |
108 |
six realms; six realms of existence; six destinies
六方诸佛 |
六方諸佛 |
108 |
Buddhas of the six directions
六根互用 |
108 |
Mutual dependence of the six sense organs
六根清净 |
六根清淨 |
108 |
Purity of the Six Senses
六和敬 |
108 |
- six reverent points of harmony
- Six Points of Reverent Harmony
六境 |
108 |
the objects of the six sense organs
琉璃世界 |
108 |
Pure Land of Crystal Radiance
六群比丘 |
108 |
group of six monastics
六时 |
六時 |
108 |
the six four hour periods of the day
六识 |
六識 |
108 |
the six consciousnesses; the six types of sensory consciousness
六通 |
108 |
six supernatural powers
六法 |
108 |
the six contemplations
流通处 |
流通處 |
108 |
- gift shop
- gift shop
利行 |
108 |
- Beneficial Deeds
- altruism
- altruism
利养 |
利養 |
108 |
利益众生 |
利益眾生 |
108 |
help sentient beings
利用零碎时间 |
利用零碎時間 |
108 |
make every second count
立宗 |
108 |
proposition; pratijñā
龙华 |
龍華 |
76 |
- Dragon-flower
- the three dragon-flow assemblies
龙天 |
龍天 |
108 |
Nagas and Devas
龙女成佛 |
龍女成佛 |
108 |
Dragon Maiden attains enlightenment
漏尽通 |
漏盡通 |
108 |
destruction of all affliction
乱世用重典 |
亂世用重典 |
108 |
a chaotic world demands harsh punishment
乱心 |
亂心 |
108 |
a confused mind; an unsettled mind
轮迴的看法 |
輪迴的看法 |
108 |
view on rebirth
落发 |
落髮 |
108 |
to shave the head
罗汉鞋 |
羅漢鞋 |
108 |
arhat shoes
罗刹 |
羅剎 |
108 |
- raksasa
- raksasa
罗预 |
羅預 |
108 |
an instant; lava
律仪 |
律儀 |
108 |
- Vinaya and Rules
- rules and ceremonies
- restraint; saṃvara
麻竹园 |
麻竹園 |
109 |
Bamboo Garden Lodge
麻竹园法轮堂 |
麻竹園法輪堂 |
109 |
Bamboo Garden Lodge Dharma Wheel Conference Room
满香园 |
滿香園 |
109 |
Man Xiang Yuan Souvenir Shop
曼殊 |
109 |
- mañju; beautiful; lovely; charming
- Manjusri
- Manshu
美满因缘 |
美滿因緣 |
109 |
Perfect Conditions
每月印经会 |
每月印經會 |
109 |
Monthly Buddhist Texts Society
祕藏 |
109 |
to conceal a secret; treasury of the profound mysteries
弥兰陀王 |
彌蘭陀王 |
109 |
King Milinda
弥陀佛七 |
彌陀佛七 |
109 |
Amitabha Chanting Retreat
面上无瞋是供养 |
面上無瞋是供養 |
109 |
A face without anger is a type of offering.
妙果 |
109 |
wonderful fruit
妙慧童女 |
109 |
妙色 |
109 |
wonderful form
妙香 |
109 |
fine incense
妙心 |
109 |
Wondrous Mind
妙乐 |
妙樂 |
109 |
- sublime joy
- Miaole
妙音 |
109 |
a wonderful sound; ghoṣa
灭度 |
滅度 |
109 |
- to extinguish worries and the sea of grief
- Nirvāṇa; Nibbāna; Nirvana
密教 |
109 |
esoteric teachings; esoteric Buddhism
明法 |
109 |
- method of mantras; magic formule
- clear rule by law
- the laws of nature
- wise edicts
明末四大师 |
明末四大師 |
109 |
the four great masters of the Late Ming
名僧 |
109 |
renowned monastic
冥思 |
109 |
dedicative thinking
明心见性 |
明心見性 |
109 |
- to realize the mind and see one's true nature
- intrinsic nature
迷悟 |
109 |
- Ignorance and Enlightenment
- delusion and enlightenment
密行 |
109 |
- Secret Practice
- secret practice; private practice
魔军 |
魔軍 |
109 |
Māra's army
末法 |
109 |
Age of Declining Dharma; Declining Dharma; The Period of Declining of Dharma
摩迦 |
109 |
- malika; mālikā
- Mojia
摩尼 |
109 |
mani; jewel
摩尼宝 |
摩尼寶 |
109 |
- Mani Pearl
- mani-jewel
- mani jewel
摩尼珠 |
109 |
- Mani Pearl
- mani jewel; a wish fulfilling jewel
牟尼 |
109 |
a saint; a sage; a seer; muni
魔障 |
77 |
- mara-hindrance
- Māra-hindrances
木佛 |
109 |
a wooden statue of a Buddha
木鱼 |
木魚 |
109 |
- wooden fish
- a wooden fish
募化 |
109 |
to collect alms; to seek donations
牧牛 |
109 |
募缘 |
募緣 |
109 |
(of a monk) to beg for food
南无佛 |
南無佛 |
110 |
- Homage to the Buddha
- namo buddha
那罗 |
那羅 |
110 |
- nara; man
- naṭa; actor; dancer
南华管理学院 |
南華管理學院 |
110 |
College of Management, Nanhua University
南无阿弥陀佛 |
南無阿彌陀佛 |
110 |
Namo Amitābha
难遭难遇 |
難遭難遇 |
110 |
- The rarest of encounters
- opportunity seldom knocks twice
纳受 |
納受 |
110 |
- to receive; to accept
- to accept a prayer
内法 |
內法 |
110 |
the Buddhadharma; the Dharma
内证 |
內證 |
110 |
personal realization; inner understanding; pratyātmādhigama
内观 |
內觀 |
110 |
vipasyana; insight meditation
能持 |
110 |
ability to uphold the precepts
能化 |
110 |
a teacher
能立 |
110 |
a proposition; sādhana
能破 |
110 |
能所 |
110 |
ability to transform and transformable
能行 |
110 |
ability to act
你大我小 |
110 |
you are important and I am not
你对我错 |
你對我錯 |
110 |
you are right, and I am wrong
你乐我苦 |
你樂我苦 |
110 |
you enjoy happiness, while I take on suffering
逆顺 |
逆順 |
110 |
resisting and complying; disobeying and obeying
逆增上缘 |
逆增上緣 |
110 |
reverse contributive factors
念法 |
110 |
- to recollect or chant the Dharma; dharmānusmṛti
- Way of Contemplation
念佛 |
110 |
- to chant Buddha's name
- to recollect the Buddha; to chant the name of the Buddha
念佛禅 |
念佛禪 |
110 |
meditation by chanting the name of the Buddha
念佛会 |
念佛會 |
110 |
- Chanting Association
- a Buddhist name recitation society
念佛往生 |
110 |
reciting the name of the Buddha for a future life
念念 |
110 |
thought after thought; successive moments of thought
念珠 |
110 |
- Chanting Beads
- prayer beads; rosary
涅槃寂静 |
涅槃寂靜 |
78 |
Nirvana is perfect tranquility
尼师 |
尼師 |
110 |
Bhiksuni; a nun; a bhikṣuṇī; bhikkhunī
尼提 |
110 |
a scavenger
牛头栴檀香 |
牛頭栴檀香 |
110 |
ox-head sandalwood incense
你有我无 |
你有我無 |
110 |
you can have, while I keep nothing
女尼 |
110 |
Bhiksuni; a nun; a bhikṣuṇī; bhikkhunī
傍生 |
112 |
[rebirth as an] animal
偏袒右肩 |
112 |
bared his right shoulder
平安灯法会 |
平安燈法會 |
112 |
Festival of Light and Peace
平安吉祥 |
112 |
- Safety and Auspiciousness
- Peaceful and Auspicious
平安如意 |
112 |
Peace, Stability, and Wishes Fulfilled
平常心 |
112 |
Ordinary Mind
平常心是道 |
112 |
Ordinary Mind is the Way
平等法 |
112 |
the truth that all can become a Buddha
平等观 |
平等觀 |
112 |
- contemplation of equality; contemplation on provisional truth
- Mind of Equality
平等心 |
112 |
an impartial mind
毘尼 |
112 |
monastic discipline; vinaya
披剃 |
112 |
to first don the robe and shave the head as a monastic; to be come a monastic
破邪显正 |
破邪顯正 |
112 |
to destroy evil and manifest righteousness
普观 |
普觀 |
112 |
contemplation of oneself reborn in the Pure Land
普光 |
112 |
- radiating light all around
- Pu Guang
普门示现 |
普門示現 |
112 |
Manifestation of the Universal Gate
普门中学 |
普門中學 |
112 |
Pu-Men High School
普坡 |
112 |
Monastery-wide Chorework
菩萨心 |
菩薩心 |
112 |
- Bodhi Mind
- a bodhisattva's mind
- bodhisattva's mind
菩萨行者 |
菩薩行者 |
112 |
a bodhisattva practitioner
菩提眷属 |
菩提眷屬 |
112 |
bodhi couple
菩提路 |
112 |
- Bodhi Road
- the Bodhi Path
菩提愿 |
菩提願 |
112 |
Bodhi Vow
菩提种子 |
菩提種子 |
112 |
bodhi seeds
普茶 |
112 |
- Universal Tea Gathering
- providing complimentary tea
普度 |
112 |
- universal salvation
- Pu Du
- to release all from suffering
普渡 |
112 |
to release all from suffering
普请 |
普請 |
112 |
- Universally Inviting
- communal labor
菩萨僧 |
菩薩僧 |
112 |
- bodhisatta
- monastics belonging to a Mahayana school
菩萨身 |
菩薩身 |
112 |
bodhisattva's body
菩萨行 |
菩薩行 |
112 |
bodhisattva-caryā; bodhisattva-carita; bodhisattva practice; actions of bodhisattvas
菩提分 |
112 |
aid to enlightenment; branch of enlightenment; aspect of enlightenment; bodhyaṅga; bojjyaṅga
菩提树 |
菩提樹 |
80 |
- Bodhedrum magazine
- Bodhi Tree
- bodhi tree
菩提心 |
112 |
- bodhi mind
- bodhicitta; aspiration to enlightenment
菩提心戒 |
112 |
bodhicitta precepts
蒲团 |
蒲團 |
112 |
- Cushion
- meditation mat; rush cushion
普现 |
普現 |
112 |
universal manifestation
七财 |
七財 |
113 |
seven kinds of spiritual wealth
七大 |
113 |
seven elements
七法 |
113 |
seven dharmas; seven teachings
七诫 |
七誡 |
113 |
seven virtues
七诫运动 |
七誡運動 |
113 |
Seven Admonitions Campaign
契理契机 |
契理契機 |
113 |
to live according to the teachings of the Buddha and also in light of the social environment of the times
祈求世界和平万人献灯法会 |
祈求世界和平萬人獻燈法會 |
113 |
Prayer for World Peace and Light Offering Dharma Function
七圣财 |
七聖財 |
113 |
seven kinds of spiritual wealth
起信 |
113 |
the awakening of faith
只园厅 |
祇園廳 |
113 |
Jetavana Meeting Hall
七支 |
113 |
seven branches
七众弟子 |
七眾弟子 |
113 |
Sevenfold Assembly
迁单 |
遷單 |
113 |
- to expel
- to asked to leave a monastery after breaking rules
千佛 |
113 |
thousand Buddhas
千山万水 |
千山萬水 |
113 |
Over Mountains and Across Rivers
千手千眼 |
113 |
Thousand Hands and Thousand Eyes
前尘 |
前塵 |
113 |
past impurity
前生 |
113 |
previous lives
乾闼婆 |
乾闥婆 |
113 |
a gandharva
千载一时 |
千載一時 |
113 |
opportunities arise in rare moments in time
勤苦 |
113 |
devoted and suffering
勤能补拙 |
勤能補拙 |
113 |
A Lack of Talent Can Be Made Up by Hard Work
轻安 |
輕安 |
113 |
- Peaceful and at Ease
- at ease
- calmness; tranquillity; repose; serenity; prasrabhi; passaddhi
请法 |
請法 |
113 |
Request Teachings
清净心 |
清淨心 |
113 |
pure mind
清凉自在 |
清涼自在 |
113 |
Remain Calm and at Perfect Ease
请僧 |
請僧 |
113 |
monastics invited to a Dharma service
擎天神公司 |
113 |
Atlas Taiwan Corporation (1963-1997)
清修 |
113 |
Pure Practice
清规 |
清規 |
113 |
- monastic rules
- Pure Rule
轻慢 |
輕慢 |
113 |
to belittle others
清众 |
清眾 |
113 |
- Participating Member (qingzhong, lit. “pure assembly”/“without duty”)
- the monastic community
勤求 |
113 |
to diligently seek
乞士 |
113 |
- Begging
- mendicant monk; bhikṣu
求道 |
113 |
- Seeking the Way
- to seek the Dharma
求法 |
113 |
to seek the Dharma
求生 |
113 |
seeking rebirth
秋月 |
113 |
Autumn Moon
求真求美 |
113 |
Pursue the True and the Beautiful
七贤 |
七賢 |
113 |
seven expedient means
去行 |
113 |
pure practice
权实 |
權實 |
113 |
the expedient and the ultimately true
全机 |
全機 |
113 |
entire capacity
劝修 |
勸修 |
113 |
encouragement to cultivate
权宜 |
權宜 |
113 |
skill in means
取经 |
取經 |
113 |
to fetch scriptures
群生 |
113 |
all living beings
染净 |
染淨 |
114 |
impure and pure dharmas
绕佛 |
繞佛 |
114 |
to circumambulate the Buddha
仁爱之家 |
仁愛之家 |
114 |
Ren Ai Senior Citizen's Home
人成即佛成 |
114 |
- Buddhahood is attained the instant our characters are perfected
- when one perfects what it means to be human, Buddhahood is attained
人非人 |
114 |
kijnara; human or non-human being
人和 |
114 |
Interpersonal Harmony
人见 |
人見 |
114 |
the view of a person; view of a self
人间佛教行者 |
人間佛教行者 |
114 |
Humanistic Buddhist practitioner
人间化 |
人間化 |
114 |
人间菩萨 |
人間菩薩 |
114 |
Bodhisattvas in the World
人生如画 |
人生如畫 |
114 |
Life Is Like a Painting
人师 |
人師 |
114 |
a teacher of humans
人事主任 |
114 |
Director of Human Resources
仁王 |
114 |
- humane king
- the Buddha
任运 |
任運 |
114 |
to accomplish something by letting it occur naturally
热恼 |
熱惱 |
114 |
distressed; perturbed; troubled
人间的佛陀 |
人間的佛陀 |
114 |
the human Buddha
人间性 |
人間性 |
114 |
- humanity
- Humanistic quality
人生佛教 |
114 |
Buddhism for Human Life; Humanistic Buddhism
人生问题 |
人生問題 |
114 |
problems of life
人天 |
114 |
- humans and devas
- people and devas; all living things
人我 |
114 |
personality; human soul
人相 |
114 |
the notion of a person
人中 |
114 |
mānuṣyaka; a multitude of men
人众 |
人眾 |
114 |
many people; crowds of people
日参 |
日參 |
114 |
daily visits
日文佛学班 |
日文佛學班 |
114 |
Japanese Buddhist College
日月光 |
114 |
Sun, Moon, and Light
日月星 |
114 |
sun, moon and star
日日是好日 |
114 |
all days are good days
荣誉会长 |
榮譽會長 |
114 |
Honorary President
融通 |
114 |
- to blend; to combine; to mix; to
- Interpenetrative
- Rongtong
汝等 |
114 |
you [plural]; yuṣma; yūyam
如法 |
114 |
In Accord With
入佛 |
114 |
to bring an image of a Buddha
如镜中像 |
如鏡中像 |
114 |
like reflections in a mirror
如梦 |
如夢 |
114 |
like in a dream
入灭 |
入滅 |
114 |
- to enter into nirvana
- to enter Nirvāṇa; to pass away
入涅槃 |
114 |
to enter Nirvāṇa
如意寮 |
114 |
入道 |
114 |
- to enter the Way
- to become a monastic
- to begin practicing Buddhism
如来法身 |
如來法身 |
114 |
Dharmakāya of the Tathāgata
如来智慧德 |
如來智慧德 |
114 |
wisdom and virtue of the Buddha
如如 |
114 |
- Thusness
- tathatā; suchness; inherent nature; true nature; tathata
如实 |
如實 |
114 |
- according to reality
- tathatā; suchness; inherent nature; true nature; tathata
如是我闻 |
如是我聞 |
114 |
thus I have heard
入心 |
114 |
to enter the mind or heart
如意珠 |
114 |
mani jewel
洒净 |
灑淨 |
115 |
to purify by sprinkling water
三宝佛 |
三寶佛 |
115 |
the Triple Gem Buddhas
三部 |
115 |
three divisions
三大 |
115 |
the three greatnesses; triple significance
三大阿僧祇劫 |
115 |
the three Asankhyeya kalpas; the three Kalpas; the three Asankya-kalpas
三道 |
115 |
- three paths
- three realms
三德 |
115 |
- three virtues
- three modes of nature; three guṇas
三等 |
115 |
- three equal characteristics
- three equals
三毒 |
115 |
three poisons; trivisa
三法 |
115 |
the three aspects of the Dharma
三根 |
115 |
- the three grade of wholesome roots
- the three unwholesome roots
- the three roots with no outflows; the three passionless roots
三皈依 |
115 |
- Three Refuges
- to take refuge in the Triple Gem
- to take refuge in the triple gem
三好 |
115 |
Three Acts of Goodness
三慧 |
115 |
three kinds of wisdom
三阶教 |
三階教 |
115 |
- the third stage of the Buddha's teaching
- School of the Three Stages
三界外 |
115 |
outside the three dharma realms
三经 |
三經 |
115 |
three sutras; group of three scriptures
三句 |
115 |
three questions
三聚净戒 |
三聚淨戒 |
115 |
the three categories of pure [bodhisattva] precepts
三轮体空 |
三輪體空 |
115 |
the three aspects of giving are empty; giving
三明 |
115 |
three insights; trividya
三千 |
115 |
three thousand-fold
三千大千世界 |
115 |
Three Thousandfold World System; trisāhasramahāsāhasralokadhātu; a great chiliocosm; trichiliocosm; the cosmos
三千界 |
115 |
Three Thousandfold World System; trisāhasramahāsāhasralokadhātu; a great chiliocosm; trichiliocosm; the cosmos
三善道 |
115 |
three benevolent rebirths; the three benevolent destinies
三生 |
115 |
- three lives; three rebirths
- Three Lifetimes
三乘 |
115 |
- Three Vehicles
- three vehicles; triyāna; triyana
三世 |
115 |
- Three Periods of Time
- past, present, and future
三十二相 |
115 |
the thirty two marks of excellence; the thirty-two characteristic marks
三十七道品 |
115 |
bodhipakkhiyadhamma; thirty-seven qualities related to enlightenment
三时系念法会 |
三時繫念法會 |
115 |
Amitabha Triple Contemplation Service
三世因果 |
115 |
- Cause and Effect Across the Three Lifetimes
- Karma of the Three Time Periods
三世诸佛 |
三世諸佛 |
115 |
the Buddhas of past, present, and future
三坛大戒 |
三壇大戒 |
115 |
ordination; ordination ceremony for nuns and monks
三坛罗汉期戒会 |
三壇羅漢期戒會 |
115 |
Triple Plaftform Full Ordination Ceremony
三天 |
115 |
- three devas
- three days
三途 |
115 |
three lower realms; the three evil rebirths; the three evil realms
三细六粗 |
三細六粗 |
115 |
three subtle aspects and six coarse aspects
三修 |
115 |
- three kinds of cultivation; three inferior kinds of cultivation
- three kinds of cultivation; three superior kinds of cultivation
三学 |
三學 |
115 |
threefold training; triśikṣā
三学增上 |
三學增上 |
115 |
The Threefold Training Helps One Advance
三业 |
三業 |
115 |
three types of karma; three actions
三衣 |
115 |
the three robes of monk
三匝 |
115 |
to circumambulate three times
三藏圣教 |
三藏聖教 |
115 |
Buddhist canon
三祇 |
115 |
the three Asankhyeya kalpas; the three Kalpas; the three Asankya-kalpas
三支 |
115 |
three branches
三转法轮 |
三轉法輪 |
115 |
- Three Turnings of the Dharma Wheel
- Three Turnings of Dharma Wheel
三资粮 |
三資糧 |
115 |
the three supports
三座 |
115 |
triple seat
三辈 |
三輩 |
115 |
the three grade of wholesome roots
三部经 |
三部經 |
115 |
three sutras; group of three scriptures
伞盖 |
傘蓋 |
115 |
canopy; chattra
三观 |
三觀 |
115 |
sanguan; threefold contemplation; three insights
三果 |
115 |
the third fruit; the fruit of non-returning
散华 |
散華 |
115 |
scatters flowers
散花 |
115 |
scatters flowers
三昧 |
115 |
- samadhi
- samādhi; concentrated meditation; mental concentration
三藐三菩提 |
115 |
samyaksaṃbodhi; perfect enlightenment
三十三观音 |
三十三觀音 |
115 |
Thirty Three Manifestations of Avalokitesvara
三十三应化身 |
三十三應化身 |
115 |
the thirty three manifestations of Avalokiteśvara
三坛 |
三壇 |
115 |
the three platforms
三涂 |
三塗 |
115 |
- the three evil states of existence
- the three evil rebirths; the three evil realms
三心 |
115 |
three minds
三字 |
115 |
three characters
色尘 |
色塵 |
115 |
sight; sight sense objects
色即是空 |
115 |
form is just empty
色身 |
115 |
- Physical Body
- the physical body; rupakaya
色声 |
色聲 |
115 |
the visible and the audible
僧腊 |
僧臘 |
115 |
- Dharma year; years since ordination
- monastic seniority
僧伽讲习会 |
僧伽講習會 |
115 |
Buddhist Monastic Seminar
僧事 |
115 |
monastic affairs; monastic administration
僧事僧决 |
僧事僧決 |
115 |
monastic affairs are decided by monastics
僧俗 |
115 |
monastics and laypeople
僧团 |
僧團 |
115 |
Sangha; Buddhist monastic community
僧鞋 |
115 |
monastic shoes
僧信二众 |
僧信二眾 |
115 |
monastic and lay assemblies
僧住则法住 |
僧住則法住 |
115 |
as long as the monastic order abides, so too will the Dharma
僧宝 |
僧寶 |
115 |
the jewel of the monastic community
僧都 |
115 |
僧家 |
115 |
Saṅgha; Sangha; Buddhist monastic community
僧侣 |
僧侶 |
115 |
- monastic
- Saṅgha; Sangha; Buddhist monastic community
僧堂 |
115 |
monastic hall
僧正 |
115 |
僧祇 |
115 |
僧众 |
僧眾 |
115 |
the monastic community; the sangha
杀人不眨眼 |
殺人不眨眼 |
115 |
kill somebody without blinking
杀一救百 |
殺一救百 |
115 |
killed one person so that he could save one hundred people
杀戒 |
殺戒 |
115 |
precept against killing
沙弥 |
沙彌 |
115 |
- sramanera
- Sramanera; a novice Buddhist monk
沙弥十戒 |
沙彌十戒 |
115 |
the ten precepts for novice monks
沙弥戒 |
沙彌戒 |
115 |
the novice precepts; Sramanera Precepts
沙弥尼 |
沙彌尼 |
115 |
- sramaneri
- sramanerika; a novice Buddhist nun
善处 |
善處 |
115 |
a happy state
善恶 |
善惡 |
115 |
- good and evil
- good and evil
善见 |
善見 |
115 |
good for seeing; beautiful
善男信女 |
115 |
lay practitioners of Buddhism
善男子 |
115 |
- good men
- a good man; a son of a noble family
善念 |
115 |
Virtuous Thoughts
善女人 |
115 |
- good women
- a good woman; a daughter of a noble family
善因 |
115 |
Wholesome Cause
善本 |
115 |
virtuous roots; wholesome roots; kusalamula
善道 |
115 |
a benevolent rebirth; a benevolent destiny; heaven; a fortunate realm
善法 |
115 |
- a wholesome dharma
- a wholesome teaching
上弘下化 |
115 |
- 1. attain awakening and liberate living beings; 2. reach high and care for all
- to attain awakening while liberating living beings
上品上生 |
115 |
The Top of the Highest Grade
上堂 |
115 |
- to eat a communinal meal in a temple hall
- superior rooms
- ascend to the [Dharma] hall
上天堂 |
115 |
rise to heaven
善根 |
115 |
- Wholesome Roots
- virtuous roots; wholesome roots; kuśalamūla
上人 |
115 |
- shangren; senior monastic
- supreme teacher
上首 |
115 |
- chief; presiding elders
- foremost; pramukha
善果 |
115 |
- Virtuous Outcomes
- a virtuous reward
善净 |
善淨 |
115 |
well purified; suvisuddha
善巧 |
115 |
- Skillful
- virtuous and clever; skilful
善巧方便 |
115 |
skillful and expedient means
善趣 |
115 |
a benevolent rebirth; a benevolent destiny; heaven; a fortunate realm
善业 |
善業 |
115 |
wholesome acts; good actions
善哉 |
115 |
- Sadhu
- excellent
善知识 |
善知識 |
115 |
Dharma Friends; kalyāṇamitra; kalyāṇamitta; kalyanamitra
少欲 |
115 |
few desires
少欲知足 |
115 |
content with few desires
杀生 |
殺生 |
115 |
- Killing Lives
- to kill
舍无量心 |
捨無量心 |
115 |
immeasurable equanimity
摄化 |
攝化 |
115 |
protect and transform
舍家 |
捨家 |
115 |
to become a monk or nun
舍离 |
捨離 |
115 |
to abandon; to give up; to depart; to leave
身受 |
115 |
the sense of touch; physical perception
身心自在 |
115 |
Be Carefree in Body and Mind
身语意 |
身語意 |
115 |
physical actions, speech, and thought
神足通 |
115 |
生到死 |
115 |
point of birth to the point of death
生法 |
115 |
sentient beings and dharmas
圣法 |
聖法 |
115 |
the sacred teachings of the Buddha
圣凡 |
聖凡 |
115 |
- sage and common person
- sage and ordinary
生佛平等 |
115 |
equality between sentient beings and the Buddha
生欢喜 |
生歡喜 |
115 |
giving rise to joy
生灭门 |
生滅門 |
115 |
The door of arising and ceasing
生权 |
生權 |
115 |
the right to life
生忍 |
115 |
Ordinary Patience
生活性 |
115 |
emphasis on daily life
圣教 |
聖教 |
115 |
sacred teachings
生起 |
115 |
cause; arising
声闻缘觉 |
聲聞緣覺 |
115 |
Śrāvakas and Pratyekabuddhas
圣心 |
聖心 |
115 |
holy mind; Buddha mind
生住异灭 |
生住異滅 |
115 |
arising, abiding, changing and extinction of all existences
身命 |
115 |
body and life
什深 |
甚深 |
115 |
very profound; what is deep
神识 |
神識 |
115 |
深信因果 |
115 |
believe firmly in cause and effect
摄受 |
攝受 |
115 |
- to receive, take in
- parigraha; to protect; to uphold; received and taken care of
摄心 |
攝心 |
115 |
to concentrate
十八罗汉 |
十八羅漢 |
83 |
- Buddhism in Every Step: The Eighteen Arhats
- the Eighteen Arhats
誓不成佛 |
115 |
vowed to never attain Buddhahood
师承 |
師承 |
115 |
succeed one's teacher
十大弟子 |
115 |
ten great disciples of the Buddha
十大受 |
115 |
ten great vows
时到 |
時到 |
115 |
timely arrival
十度 |
115 |
ten pāramitās; ten perfections
十二天 |
115 |
twelve devas
十二部 |
115 |
Twelve Divisions of Sutras
十二部经 |
十二部經 |
115 |
Twelve Divisions of Sutras; dvādaśaṅga; the twelve divisions of Buddhist literature
十二处 |
十二處 |
115 |
ayatana; twelve sense bases; twelve sense-media; twelve bases of cognition
十二因缘 |
十二因緣 |
115 |
the twelve nidanas; the twelve nidānas; the twelve causes and conditions
十法界 |
115 |
ten dharma realms
师公 |
師公 |
115 |
Grandmaster (master's master)
十供养 |
十供養 |
115 |
Ten Offerings
诗偈 |
詩偈 |
115 |
verses and gathas
示教利喜 |
115 |
Inspiration, Teaching, Benefit, and Joy
十戒 |
115 |
- ten precepts
- ten precepts
世界佛学会考 |
世界佛學會考 |
115 |
World Buddhist Exam
十利 |
115 |
ten benefits
十方 |
115 |
- The Ten Directions
- the ten directions
施无畏 |
施無畏 |
115 |
- abhayandada; bestower of fearlessness
- The Giver of Fearlessness
- bestowal of fearlessness
十信 |
115 |
the ten grades of faith
释疑 |
釋疑 |
115 |
explanation of doubts
实有 |
實有 |
115 |
absolute reality; substantial unchanging existence; something truly existing
施者 |
115 |
The Giver
释种 |
釋種 |
115 |
Śākya-seed; the disciples of Śākyamuni Buddha
是诸佛教 |
是諸佛教 |
115 |
this is the teaching of all Buddhas
十八界 |
115 |
eighteen realms
式叉摩那 |
115 |
siksamana; a novice nun; a female observer of the six commandments; śikṣamāṇā
时代性 |
時代性 |
115 |
十方丛林 |
十方叢林 |
115 |
- for all senior monks to be abbot
- monastery of the ten directions
师家 |
師家 |
115 |
a scholar-monk
世间相 |
世間相 |
115 |
the characteristics of the world
世间法 |
世間法 |
115 |
- world law; lokadharma; lokadhamma
- Worldly Rules
十善 |
115 |
the ten virtues
施食 |
115 |
- to give food
- Food Bestowal
示现 |
示現 |
115 |
- Manifestation
- to manifest
- to manifest; to display
实相 |
實相 |
115 |
- reality
- dharmata; true appearance; the nature of things; the ultimate essence of things
事相 |
115 |
phenomenon; esoteric practice
实语 |
實語 |
115 |
true words
事造 |
115 |
phenomenal activities
施主 |
115 |
- benefactor
- an alms giver; a donor
授记 |
授記 |
115 |
Vyakarana (prophecies); a prediction; vyākaraṇa
受戒 |
115 |
- Take the Precepts
- to take precepts
受日 |
115 |
day of rest for monastics
寿山佛学院 |
壽山佛學院 |
115 |
Shou Shan Buddhist College
受五戒 |
115 |
to take the Five Precepts
受持 |
115 |
- uphold
- to accept and maintain faith; to uphold
受持四句 |
受持四句 |
115 |
accept and uphold a four line gatha [from this sutra]
守戒 |
115 |
to observe the precepts
受食 |
115 |
one who receives food
寿者见 |
壽者見 |
115 |
the view of a lifespan
寿者相 |
壽者相 |
115 |
the notion of a lifespan
竖穷三际 |
豎窮三際 |
115 |
across all time
树下诞生 |
樹下誕生 |
115 |
birth of prince Siddartha
双圆堂 |
雙圓堂 |
115 |
Double Bliss Meeting Room
水大 |
115 |
element of water
说好话 |
說好話 |
115 |
- speak good words
- speak good words
四阿含 |
115 |
four Agamas
四波罗夷 |
四波羅夷 |
115 |
four rules for expulsion from the saṃgha; four pārājikas
四不坏信 |
四不壞信 |
115 |
four objects of indestructible faith
四大皆空 |
115 |
four great elements are all empty of inherent existence
四大金刚 |
四大金剛 |
115 |
four great Vajra
四大名山 |
115 |
Four Great Mountains
四大菩萨 |
四大菩薩 |
115 |
four great bodhisattvas
四大宗旨 |
115 |
four objectives (of Fo Guang Shan)
四等 |
115 |
four immeasurables; four immeasurable minds; four immeasurable states of mind; brahmavihāra-niddesa
四恩总报 |
四恩總報 |
115 |
four kinds of gratitude
四法 |
115 |
the four aspects of the Dharma
四弘誓愿 |
四弘誓願 |
115 |
- Four Universal Vows
- four universal vows
四句 |
115 |
four verses; four phrases
四句偈 |
115 |
a four line gatha
四军 |
四軍 |
115 |
four divisions of troups
四念处 |
四念處 |
115 |
- the four bases of mindfulness
- The Four Bases of Mindfulness
四摄 |
四攝 |
115 |
Four Means of Embracing; the four means of embracing
四摄法 |
四攝法 |
115 |
the four means of embracing
四生 |
115 |
four types of birth
四圣谛 |
四聖諦 |
115 |
the fourfold noble truth; four noble truths
四事供养 |
四事供養 |
115 |
the four offerings
四十坡 |
115 |
Forty Steps
四维 |
四維 |
115 |
- the four half points of the compass
- four social bonds
四威仪 |
四威儀 |
115 |
Four Kinds of Comportment; four comportments
四无量 |
四無量 |
115 |
four immeasurables; four immeasurable minds; four immeasurable states of mind; brahmavihāra-niddesa
四无量心 |
四無量心 |
115 |
four immeasurables; four immeasurable minds; four immeasurable states of mind; brahmavihāra-niddesa
四相 |
115 |
- four notions; four forms; four manifestations of self
- four marks of existence; caturlaksana
四小不可轻 |
四小不可輕 |
115 |
four small things not to be taken lightly
四姓 |
115 |
four castes
四一 |
115 |
four ones
四有 |
115 |
four states of existence
四重 |
115 |
four grave prohibitions
四众 |
四眾 |
115 |
the fourfold assembly; the four communities
寺主 |
115 |
temple director; head of monastery
四果 |
115 |
four fruits
死尸 |
死屍 |
115 |
a corpse
四十八大愿 |
四十八大願 |
115 |
Forty-eight great vows of Amitabha Buddha
四天 |
115 |
four kinds of heaven
四天下 |
115 |
the four continents
四心 |
115 |
four immeasurables; four immeasurable minds; four immeasurable states of mind; brahmavihāra-niddesa
寺中 |
115 |
within a temple
送单 |
送單 |
115 |
Sent to Lodging
诵戒 |
誦戒 |
115 |
Chant the Precepts
诵经 |
誦經 |
115 |
- to chant sutras
- to chant sutras
素斋谈禅 |
素齋談禪 |
115 |
A Discussion of Ch'an Over a Vegetarian Meal
随分 |
隨分 |
115 |
- according to the part assigned; according to lot
- according to ability
- according to (one's) allotment
- Dharmatāra Sūtra
随缘 |
隨緣 |
115 |
- Follow Conditions
- to accord with conditions
- to act in accordance with causes and conditions
随喜 |
隨喜 |
115 |
- to rejoice [in the welfare of others]
- anumodana; admiration
苏曼那 |
蘇曼那 |
115 |
宿命通 |
115 |
knowledge of past lives
所以者何 |
115 |
Why is that?
所持 |
115 |
adhisthana; empowerment
所立 |
115 |
thesis; property being proven; sādhyadharma
娑罗双树 |
娑羅雙樹 |
115 |
twin sala trees
娑婆 |
115 |
- Saha
- to bear; to endure without complaint; saha
所行 |
115 |
actions; practice
所有的众生 |
所有的眾生 |
115 |
all beings
宿愿 |
宿願 |
115 |
prior vow
素斋 |
素齋 |
115 |
- vegetarian meal
- vegetarian food
他心通 |
116 |
- Mind Reader
- mind reading
泰国法身寺 |
泰國法身寺 |
116 |
Wat Phra Dhammakaya
贪瞋痴 |
貪瞋痴 |
116 |
- greed, hatred, and ignorance
- desire, anger, and ignorance
- desire, anger, and ignorance; three poisons
檀导师 |
檀導師 |
116 |
Lay Advisor
昙花 |
曇花 |
116 |
udumbara flower
檀教师 |
檀教師 |
116 |
Lay Dharma Lecturer
贪念 |
貪念 |
116 |
檀信楼 |
檀信樓 |
116 |
Devotees Building
贪爱 |
貪愛 |
116 |
- passion; desire; rāga
- Clinging
坛场 |
壇場 |
116 |
- mandala
- place of practice
檀讲师 |
檀講師 |
116 |
- lay teacher
- Lay Dharma Teacher
檀那 |
116 |
- Dana
- dana; the practice of giving; generosity
檀越 |
116 |
an alms giver; a donor
剃除 |
116 |
to severe
天耳通 |
116 |
- Divine Hearing
- heavenly hearing
天冠 |
116 |
deva crown
天华 |
天華 |
116 |
divine flowers
天龙 |
天龍 |
116 |
all devas, dragons, and other dieties; the eight kinds of demigods
天龙八部 |
天龍八部 |
116 |
eight kinds of demigods
天下一家 |
116 |
One World, One Family
天眼 |
116 |
- divine eye
- divine sight
添油香 |
116 |
to make a donation
天众 |
天眾 |
116 |
天母 |
116 |
天眼通 |
116 |
- Divine Eye
- Heavenly Vision; divine sight
天葬 |
116 |
sky burial
调身 |
調身 |
116 |
Adjusting the Body
调心 |
調心 |
116 |
Taming the Mind
调伏 |
調伏 |
116 |
- to subdue
- tame; to mediate between physical, verbal, and mental karma and overcome evil
调息 |
調息 |
116 |
- to regulate the breath
- Adjusting the Breath
剃度出家 |
116 |
听法 |
聽法 |
116 |
to hear the Dharma; to listen to the teachings of the Buddha
体性 |
體性 |
116 |
svabhāva; intrinsic nature; original nature; intrinsic existence; essential nature
同参 |
同參 |
116 |
fellow students
同居 |
116 |
dwell together
通利 |
116 |
sharp intelligence
同圆种智 |
同圓種智 |
116 |
Perfect the Seeds of Wisdom Together
同体慈悲 |
同體慈悲 |
116 |
a unified body with great compassion
同体大悲 |
同體大悲 |
116 |
a unified body with great compassion
同体平等 |
同體平等 |
116 |
equal and coexists
头陀行 |
頭陀行 |
116 |
an ascetic practice
兔角 |
116 |
rabbit's horns
徒众 |
徒眾 |
116 |
a group of disciples
退失 |
116 |
parihāṇi; to regress; to degenerate
托钵 |
托缽 |
116 |
- Alms-Begging
- to beg for alms
陀罗尼经 |
陀羅尼經 |
116 |
dharani sutra
涂香 |
塗香 |
116 |
to annoint
外缘 |
外緣 |
119 |
- External Conditions
- external causes
外境 |
119 |
external realm of objects
万法 |
萬法 |
119 |
myriad phenomena; all things
晚课 |
晚課 |
119 |
evening chanting
万里晴空 |
萬里晴空 |
119 |
Vast Clear Sky
万寿堂 |
萬壽堂 |
119 |
Longevity Hall
万寿园 |
萬壽園 |
119 |
- Longevity Memorial Park
- Longevity Park
万字 |
萬字 |
119 |
完成人格 |
119 |
to fulfill our human character
往好处想 |
往好處想 |
119 |
Think Positively
妄念 |
119 |
- Delusive Thoughts
- false thoughts; deluded thoughts
往生 |
119 |
- to be reborn
- a future life
妄想心 |
119 |
a confused mind; an unsettled mind
妄心 |
119 |
a deluded mind
妄语 |
妄語 |
119 |
万劫 |
萬劫 |
119 |
ten thousand kalpas
万行 |
萬行 |
119 |
- all methods for salvation
- Wan Xing
未曾有 |
119 |
- Never Before
- Abdhutadharma (miracles)
卫教 |
衛教 |
119 |
Defending Buddhism
为母说法 |
為母說法 |
119 |
taught Dharma for his mother
未来世 |
未來世 |
119 |
times to come; the future
维那 |
維那 |
119 |
- karmadana
- weinuo; karmadana; vinaya master; discipline master
唯识 |
唯識 |
119 |
vijñaptimātratā; consciousness only; mere-representation
唯心 |
119 |
cittamātra; mind-only
味着 |
味著 |
119 |
attachment to the taste of food
闻法 |
聞法 |
119 |
to hear the Dharma; to listen to the teachings of the Buddha
闻思修 |
聞思修 |
119 |
- Listen, Contemplate, and Practice
- hearing, contemplation, and practice
文物展览馆 |
文物展覽館 |
119 |
Cultural Exhibition Hall
我法 |
119 |
- self and dharmas
- my teachings
卧佛 |
臥佛 |
119 |
reclining Buddha
我见 |
我見 |
119 |
the view of a self
我皆令入无余涅盘 |
我皆令入無餘涅槃 |
119 |
I lead them all to enter nirvāṇa without remainder
我就这样忍了一生 |
我就這樣忍了一生 |
119 |
I have thus tolerated all my life
卧如弓 |
臥如弓 |
119 |
sleep like a bow
我是佛 |
119 |
- I am a buddha
- I am a buddha
我所 |
119 |
- my; mama
- conception of possession; mamakāra
我相 |
119 |
the notion of a self
我有 |
119 |
the illusion of the existence of self
我爱 |
我愛 |
119 |
我倒 |
119 |
the delusion of self
我慢 |
119 |
- conceit; atmamana; ahamkara
- visualization as a deity; ahamkara
我身 |
119 |
I; myself
我事 |
119 |
我语 |
我語 |
119 |
atmavada; notions of a self
我执 |
我執 |
119 |
- Self-Attachment
- clinging to self; atmagraha
五百罗汉 |
五百羅漢 |
119 |
Five Hundred Arhats
五比丘 |
119 |
five monastics
悟禅 |
悟禪 |
119 |
- Enlightened in Chan
- realization during meditation
无常迅速 |
無常迅速 |
119 |
impermanence strikes fast
五大 |
119 |
the five elements
五根 |
119 |
pañcendriya; five sense organs; five senses
无罣碍 |
無罣礙 |
119 |
unimpeded; unhindered; unobstructed; unfettered; unhampered
五观 |
五觀 |
119 |
five contemplations
五观堂 |
五觀堂 |
87 |
- Five Contemplations Hall
- dining hall
五戒 |
119 |
the five precepts
五戒菩萨戒 |
五戒菩薩戒 |
119 |
Five Precepts & Bodhisattva Precepts Ceremony
无量光 |
無量光 |
119 |
- infinite light
- infinite light; apramāṇābha
无门 |
無門 |
119 |
Non-Existing Gate
五明 |
119 |
five sciences; mastery of the five sciences; five kinds of wisdom
无明烦恼 |
無明煩惱 |
119 |
无求 |
無求 |
119 |
No Desires
无上正等正觉 |
無上正等正覺 |
119 |
anuttara-samyak-sambodhi; unexcelled complete enlightenment
五乘 |
119 |
five vehicles
无生法忍 |
無生法忍 |
119 |
- patient acceptance in the truth of no rebirth
- Tolerance of Non-Arising Dharmas
五衰相现 |
五衰相現 |
119 |
Five Signs of Decay
无所得 |
無所得 |
119 |
nothing to be attained
无所畏 |
無所畏 |
119 |
without any fear
無想 |
119 |
no notion
五心 |
119 |
five minds
无依 |
無依 |
119 |
without basis; with nothing on which to rely; unreliable
五欲 |
五慾 |
119 |
the five desires
五蕴 |
五蘊 |
119 |
five aggregates; five skandhas; five groups of existence; five groups of clinging
五百年 |
119 |
five hundred years
无瞋 |
無瞋 |
119 |
non-aggression; non-hatred; imperturbability
五法 |
119 |
five dharmas; five categories
五分 |
119 |
- five parts
- five part teaching
无垢 |
無垢 |
119 |
- No Impurity
- vimalā; nirmala; stainless; immaculate
无尽藏 |
無盡藏 |
119 |
- an inexhaustible treasury
- Boundless Treasure
- inexhaustible storehouse
无量劫 |
無量劫 |
119 |
innumerable kalpas; uncountable eons
无量门 |
無量門 |
119 |
boundless gate
无量寿 |
無量壽 |
119 |
- infinite life
- amitayus; boundless age; infinite life
无量义 |
無量義 |
119 |
- the meaning of all things
- the Mahāyāna canon
无能胜 |
無能勝 |
119 |
aparajita; unsurpassed
无念 |
無念 |
119 |
- No Thought
- free from thought
- no thought
- tathatā
无染 |
無染 |
119 |
无色 |
無色 |
119 |
formless; no form; arupa
无上道 |
無上道 |
119 |
supreme path; unsurpassed way
无上觉 |
無上覺 |
119 |
supreme enlightenment
无生 |
無生 |
119 |
- No-Birth
- anutpāda; unproduced; non-arising
五时 |
五時 |
119 |
five periods as classified by Tiantai; Tiantai wushi
五十三参 |
五十三參 |
119 |
fifty-three wise ones
五受 |
119 |
five sensations
无数佛 |
無數佛 |
119 |
innumerable Buddhas
无限的未来 |
無限的未來 |
119 |
an infinite future
无相 |
無相 |
119 |
- Formless
- animitta; signlessness; without an appearance
无相布施 |
無相布施 |
119 |
to give without notions; to give without attachment
无心 |
無心 |
119 |
- no-mind
- unintentional
- No-Mind
五眼 |
119 |
the five eyes; pañcacakṣūs
无余 |
無餘 |
119 |
- not excessive
- without remainder; niravasesa
西来意 |
西來意 |
120 |
- the purpose of coming to the West
- the purpose of coming from the West
西来祖意 |
西來祖意 |
120 |
The Patriarch's Intention in Coming to the West
喜无量心 |
喜無量心 |
120 |
Immeasurable Joy
惜缘 |
惜緣 |
120 |
to cherish affinity
下化众生 |
下化眾生 |
120 |
backtrack to deliver sentient beings
下生 |
120 |
for a bodhisattva for descend to the human world
下乡弘法 |
下鄉弘法 |
120 |
Countryside Dharma Propagation
献灯 |
獻燈 |
120 |
Light Offering
显教 |
顯教 |
120 |
exoteric teachings
现生 |
現生 |
120 |
the present life
贤首品 |
賢首品 |
120 |
first in goodness [chapter]
向道之心 |
120 |
commitment to the path
想佛 |
120 |
contemplate the Buddha
像观 |
像觀 |
120 |
visualization of an image
香光 |
120 |
Fragrant Light
香华 |
香華 |
120 |
incense and flowers
香积 |
香積 |
120 |
- Fragrance Accumulation
- accumulated fragrance
- Gandhasugandha
香云盖 |
香雲蓋 |
120 |
incense cloud canopy
香板 |
120 |
keisaku; warning stick; awakening stick; encouragement stick
相待 |
120 |
- interdependence; mutual dependence
- to entertain
香客 |
120 |
- Buddhist pilgrim; Buddhist worshipper
- pilgrims
相续 |
相續 |
120 |
causal connection; continuity of cause and effect
显密 |
顯密 |
120 |
exoteric and esoteric
贤者 |
賢者 |
120 |
a wise man; a worthy person
小叁 |
小參 |
120 |
small assembly; a small group
小根 |
120 |
a mind receiptive only for Hīnayāna teachings
小机 |
小機 |
120 |
a mind receiptive only for Hīnayāna teachings
小沙弥 |
小沙彌 |
120 |
小王 |
120 |
minor kings
消业障 |
消業障 |
120 |
to eliminate karmic obstacle
协会督导 |
協會督導 |
120 |
Chapter Elder Advisor (BLIA)
写经 |
寫經 |
120 |
to copy sutras
邪正 |
120 |
heterodox and orthodox
邪知邪见 |
邪知邪見 |
120 |
false wisdom and erroneous views
邪见 |
邪見 |
120 |
mistaken view; wrong view; perverse view; mithyadrsti
邪淫 |
120 |
sexual misconduct
邪执 |
邪執 |
120 |
unwholesome attachments; evil attachments
西方三圣 |
西方三聖 |
88 |
Three Noble Ones of the West
西净 |
西淨 |
120 |
心包太虚 |
心包太虛 |
120 |
A Mind That Embraces the Vast Emptiness
心灯 |
心燈 |
120 |
Lamp of the Mind
心地 |
120 |
- mind; mental ground
- Mind Ground
心法 |
120 |
mental objects
新佛教 |
120 |
new Buddhist
心海 |
120 |
The Heart's Ocean
心华 |
心華 |
120 |
flower of the mind
信解行证 |
信解行證 |
120 |
- Faith, Understanding, Practice, and Attainment
- the four stages of practice
心净 |
心淨 |
120 |
A Pure Mind
心净一切净 |
心淨一切淨 |
120 |
A Pure Mind Makes Everything Just as Pure
心开意解 |
心開意解 |
120 |
All Queries Resolved and Knots Untangled
心量 |
120 |
- Magnanimity
- capacity
心如工画师 |
心如工畫師 |
120 |
The Mind is Like a Painter
信施 |
120 |
trust in charity
信受 |
120 |
to believe and accept
信守承诺 |
信守承諾 |
120 |
keep your promises
信受奉行 |
120 |
to receive and practice
信徒大会 |
信徒大會 |
120 |
Devotees' Gathering
信徒代表 |
120 |
Devotees' Representative
信徒服务中心 |
信徒服務中心 |
120 |
Reception Center
信徒讲习会 |
信徒講習會 |
120 |
Devotee Seminar
信徒香会 |
信徒香會 |
120 |
Devotees' Gathering
信徒之家 |
120 |
Home for Devotees
心无罣碍 |
心無罣碍 |
120 |
- An Untroubled Mind
- An Untroubled Mind
心香 |
120 |
A Fragrant Mind
心想 |
120 |
thoughts of the mind; thought
信心门 |
信心門 |
120 |
The Gate of Faith
心要 |
120 |
the core; the essence
信愿行 |
信願行 |
120 |
faith, vow, and practice
信众监院 |
信眾監院 |
120 |
Devotee Services Department
行佛 |
120 |
Practice the Buddha's Way
行慧 |
行慧菩薩 |
120 |
wise conduct; caritramati
行解并重 |
行解並重 |
120 |
Equal Emphasis on Practice and Understanding
行菩萨道 |
行菩薩道 |
120 |
practice the bodhisattva path
行乞 |
120 |
to beg; to ask for alms
行如风 |
行如風 |
120 |
walk like the wind
行一 |
120 |
equivalence of all forms of practice
行愿 |
行願 |
120 |
- cultivation and vows
- Act on Your Vows
星云大师讲演集 |
星雲大師講演集 |
120 |
A Collection of Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s Lectures
行住坐卧 |
行住坐臥 |
120 |
- walking, standing, sitting, and lying down
- etiquette in the four postures
行法 |
120 |
cultivation method
行脚托钵 |
行腳托缽 |
120 |
- alms procession
- alms procession
行解 |
120 |
- control of the mind and mental factors
- practice and understanding
- Practice and Understanding
性空 |
120 |
inherently empty; empty in nature
行门 |
行門 |
120 |
- teaching in practice
- Buddhist practice
形寿 |
形壽 |
120 |
行堂师 |
行堂師 |
120 |
行仪 |
行儀 |
120 |
心慧 |
120 |
信解 |
120 |
adhimoksa; adhimokkha; resolution; determination; zeal
心行 |
120 |
mental activity
心印 |
120 |
mind seal
信众 |
信眾 |
120 |
胸怀法界 |
胸懷法界 |
120 |
Embrace the Dharma Realm in the Mind
修禅 |
修禪 |
120 |
to meditate; to cultivate through meditation
修道人 |
120 |
Spiritual Practitioner
修善 |
120 |
to cultivate goodness
修证 |
修證 |
120 |
cultivation and realization
修禅定 |
修禪定 |
120 |
to meditate; to cultivate through meditation
修道者 |
120 |
spiritual practitioners
修法 |
120 |
a ritual
修慧 |
120 |
- Wisdom from Practice; wisdom acquired by cultivation
- Xiuhui
- Xiuhui
修心 |
120 |
- Cultivating the Mind
- to cultivate one's mind
修行人 |
120 |
西行 |
120 |
- going west
- Saigyō
序分 |
120 |
the first of three parts of a sutra
序职 |
序職 |
120 |
学道之人 |
學道之人 |
120 |
学法女 |
學法女 |
120 |
- a novice nun; a female observer of the six commandments
- Probationary Nun
学佛 |
學佛 |
120 |
to learn from the Buddha
学戒 |
學戒 |
120 |
study of the precepts
学养 |
學養 |
120 |
Knowledge and Virtue
学处 |
學處 |
120 |
training; training in conduct; rules of conduct; śikṣāpada; sikkhāpada; siksapada
学僧 |
學僧 |
120 |
- an educated monastic
- Practitioner (for monastics in meditation college)
薰习 |
薰習 |
120 |
- influence
- vāsanā; permeation; infusing; perfuming; predispositions; habituations; latent tendencies
言语道断 |
言語道斷 |
121 |
beyond words
杨枝 |
楊枝 |
121 |
willow branch
言教 |
121 |
ability to understand etymology and usage of words; nirukti
厌世 |
厭世 |
121 |
- weary of the world
- misanthropy
宴坐 |
121 |
sitting meditation; to meditate in seclusion
要行 |
121 |
essential conduct
要求自己 |
121 |
depend on ourselves
业处 |
業處 |
121 |
karmasthana; an object of meditation
业感 |
業感 |
121 |
karma and the result of karma
业力 |
業力 |
121 |
- karmic effect
- the power of karma
业缘 |
業緣 |
121 |
- Karmic Condition
- karmic conditions; karmic connections
业报 |
業報 |
121 |
- karmic retribution
- karmic retribution; cause and effect; ripening of actions; karma and results; karmaphala; karmavipāka
夜叉 |
121 |
业受 |
業受 |
121 |
karmic lifespan
业障 |
業障 |
121 |
- karmic hindrance
- a karmic obstruction
一半一半 |
121 |
Half and half
一尘 |
一塵 |
121 |
a grain of dust; a single particle
一滴水 |
121 |
A Water Drop
一法 |
121 |
one dharma; one thing
依法不依人 |
121 |
Rely on the Dharma
一佛 |
121 |
one Buddha
义工的义工 |
義工的義工 |
121 |
a volunteer's volunteer
义工团 |
義工團 |
121 |
Volunteers Department; see 義工會
仪轨 |
儀軌 |
121 |
ritual; ritual manual
一会 |
一會 |
121 |
one assembly; one meeting
一偈 |
121 |
one gatha; a single gatha
以戒为师 |
以戒為師 |
121 |
- to treat the precepts as one's teacher
- to treat the precepts as their teacher
译经 |
譯經 |
121 |
to translate the scriptures
一门 |
一門 |
121 |
- one gate
- one gate
一念 |
121 |
- one thought
- one moment; one instant
- one thought
一念三千 |
121 |
- Three Great Multiverses Are Contained Within a Moment of Thought
- One thought contains the three thousandfold world system
一念之间 |
一念之間 |
121 |
All in a moment of thought
一切唯心造 |
121 |
All Is but a Creation of the Mind
一日一夜 |
121 |
one day and one night
一师一道 |
一師一道 |
121 |
one teacher and one path
一弹指 |
一彈指 |
121 |
a snap of the finger
一体不二 |
一體不二 |
121 |
non-dual oneness
一苇渡江 |
一葦渡江 |
121 |
using a single reed to cross the Yangtze
一心不二 |
121 |
一心不乱 |
一心不亂 |
121 |
- Mind
- state of undisturbed single-mindedness
易行道 |
121 |
the easy path
一异 |
一異 |
121 |
one and many
一以贯之 |
一以貫之 |
121 |
Be Consistent
依止 |
121 |
- to depend and rest upon
- to depend upon
一宗 |
121 |
one sect; one school
一百八 |
121 |
one hundred and eight
衣钵 |
衣鉢 |
121 |
- robe and bowl
- Sacristan
- robe and bowl; the cassock and alms bowl of a monk
- robe and bowl; the cassock and alms bowl of a monk
一阐提 |
一闡提 |
121 |
icchantika; an incorrigible
衣单 |
衣單 |
121 |
tag for clothes and bowl
医方明 |
醫方明 |
121 |
knowledge of medicine
依果 |
121 |
correlative effect; fruition of an outflow; niṣyandaphala
一句 |
121 |
- a sentence
- a single verse; a single word
一明 |
121 |
a dhāraṇī; a dharani; a mantra; an incantation
引礼 |
引禮 |
121 |
Guiding Venerable (for Dharma service, retreat)
因人 |
121 |
the circumstances of people
印心 |
121 |
- Heart-To-Heart Connection
- affirmation of an elightened mind
因缘具足 |
因緣具足 |
121 |
All Causes and Conditions Present
因缘生 |
因緣生 |
121 |
produced from causes and conditions
因此我认为 |
因此我認為 |
121 |
therefore, I believe
因地 |
121 |
- causative stage
- the circumstances of place
应观 |
應觀 |
121 |
may observe
应机说法 |
應機說法 |
121 |
to teach the Dharma according to the learner's aptitude
应世无畏 |
應世無畏 |
121 |
Face the World Fearlessly
应当学 |
應當學 |
121 |
wrongdoing; misdeed; minor misdeed; duṣkṛta; dukkaṭa
应佛 |
應佛 |
121 |
nirmanakaya; transformation body
应化 |
應化 |
121 |
- manifestation in response
- nirmita
应化身 |
應化身 |
121 |
nirmita; nirmānakaya
迎请 |
迎請 |
121 |
to invite
应身 |
應身 |
121 |
nirmanakaya; transformation body; emanation body
因果报应 |
因果報應 |
121 |
- karmic retribution
- cause, effect, and results
应作 |
應作 |
121 |
a manifestation
印可 |
121 |
to confirm
因明 |
121 |
Buddhist logic; hetuvidyā
因明学 |
因明學 |
121 |
Buddhist logic
音声 |
音聲 |
121 |
sound; noise
因时 |
因時 |
121 |
the circumstances of time
因相 |
121 |
因缘分 |
因緣分 |
121 |
reasons for composition
因缘果报 |
因緣果報 |
121 |
- Causes, Conditions, and Effects
- the law of karma
一期 |
121 |
- a date; a fixed time
- a lifetime
- one moment of time
一切大众 |
一切大眾 |
121 |
all beings
一切法 |
121 |
- all dharmas; all things; sarvadharma
- all phenomena
一切法无我 |
一切法無我 |
121 |
all dharmas are absent of self
一切苦 |
121 |
all difficulty
一切有情 |
121 |
- all living beings
- all sentient beings
一切智 |
121 |
- wisdom of all
- sarvajñatā; all-knowledge; omniscience
一切众生 |
一切眾生 |
121 |
- all sentient beings
- all beings
一切诸佛 |
一切諸佛 |
121 |
all Buddhas
一切经 |
一切經 |
121 |
all scriptures
一日不作一日不食 |
121 |
a day without work is a day without food
一刹那 |
一剎那 |
121 |
- one kṣaṇa; one instant
- one ksana
一生补处 |
一生補處 |
121 |
ekajatipratibuddha; a being that will become a Buddha in this life
一实 |
一實 |
121 |
suchness; inherent nature; true nature; bhūtatathatā; tathatā; tathata
一时千载 |
一時千載 |
121 |
opportunities arise in rare moments in time
一心二门 |
一心二門 |
121 |
One mind opens two doors
一音 |
121 |
- one sound; the sound of the Buddha
- one voice
依正 |
121 |
two kinds of retribution; direct and conditional retribution
一中 |
121 |
- a hall of spread tables
- a hall with one seat
永不退转 |
永不退轉 |
121 |
Never Regress
用大 |
121 |
great in function
用斋 |
用齋 |
121 |
永不退 |
121 |
forever not to regress
有门 |
有門 |
121 |
teaching of the phenomenal world
右绕 |
右繞 |
121 |
to circumambulate in a clockwise direction
有未来 |
有未來 |
121 |
there will be a future
有无 |
有無 |
121 |
existent and non-existent/ having identity and emptiness
有对 |
有對 |
121 |
有法 |
121 |
something that exists
有海 |
121 |
sea of existence
游化 |
遊化 |
121 |
to travel and teach
优婆塞 |
優婆塞 |
121 |
- upasaka
- upasaka; a male lay Buddhist
优婆夷 |
優婆夷 |
121 |
- upasika
- upasika; a female lay Buddhist
有情众生 |
有情眾生 |
121 |
sentient beings
有为法 |
有為法 |
121 |
- Conditioned Dharmas
- saṃskṛta; conditioned
遊戏 |
遊戲 |
121 |
to be free and at ease
有缘 |
有緣 |
121 |
- having karmic affinity; having a karmic connection
- to have a cause, link, or connection
浴佛 |
121 |
Bathing of the Buddha
浴佛节 |
浴佛節 |
121 |
Buddha's Birthday
玉佛楼 |
玉佛樓 |
121 |
Jade Buddha Building
与果 |
與果 |
121 |
fruit produced
盂兰盆 |
盂蘭盆 |
121 |
- Ullambama Festival
- ullambana
与欲 |
與欲 |
121 |
with desire; with consent
宇宙之间 |
宇宙之間 |
121 |
in time and space
缘成 |
緣成 |
121 |
produced by conditions
圆成 |
圓成 |
121 |
complete perfection
愿佛 |
願佛 |
121 |
Buddha of the vow
缘起中道 |
緣起中道 |
121 |
Dependent Origination and the Middle Path
愿行 |
願行 |
121 |
cultivation and vows
圆照 |
圓照 |
121 |
- radiate all around
- Yuan Zhao
怨敌 |
怨敵 |
121 |
an enemy
缘法 |
緣法 |
121 |
causes and conditions
圆寂 |
圓寂 |
121 |
- perfect rest
- perfect rest; to pass away
愿力 |
願力 |
121 |
- the power of a vow
- Power of Vow
缘起 |
緣起 |
121 |
- Dependent Origination
- dependent origination; conditioned origination; dependent arising
圆融 |
圓融 |
121 |
- Perfect Harmony
- yuanrong; interdependence; consumate interfusion; interpenetration
原始佛教 |
121 |
early Buddhism
院主 |
121 |
abbot; superintendent
愚夫 |
121 |
a fool; a simpleton; bāla
欲海 |
121 |
the ocean of desire
云来集 |
雲來集 |
121 |
Great Gathering
云衲 |
雲衲 |
121 |
a wandering mendicant; a roaming monk
云水 |
雲水 |
121 |
- cloud and water
- a wandering mendicant; a roaming monk
云水书车 |
雲水書車 |
121 |
Cloud and Water Mobile Library Trucks
云水医院 |
雲水醫院 |
121 |
Cloud & Water Mobile Clinic
云水自在 |
雲水自在 |
121 |
At Ease Like Cloud and Water
云天 |
雲天 |
121 |
Cloud in the Sky
云遊 |
雲遊 |
121 |
to travel freely
余习 |
餘習 |
121 |
latent tendencies; predisposition
在家出家 |
122 |
observing monastic discipline without being ordained
在家众 |
在家眾 |
122 |
lay Buddhist community
藏经 |
藏經 |
122 |
Buddhist canon
赞歎 |
讚歎 |
122 |
早课 |
早課 |
122 |
morning chanting
造业 |
造業 |
122 |
Creating Karma
杂染 |
雜染 |
122 |
- Polluted
- an affliction; a defilement
增上心 |
122 |
- unsurpassed mind
- meditative mind
- improving the mind
增上缘 |
增上緣 |
122 |
- predominant condition; adhipatipratyaya
- Positive Conditions
- contributory factor
增上 |
122 |
additional; increased; superior
斋僧 |
齋僧 |
122 |
- Giving Alms
- to provide a meal for monastics
斋食 |
齋食 |
122 |
monastic midday meal; vegetarian food
朝暮课诵 |
朝暮課誦 |
122 |
morning and evening chanting
赵州狗子 |
趙州狗子 |
122 |
Zhaozhou's dog
真一 |
122 |
True One
真语 |
真語 |
122 |
true words
真谛 |
真諦 |
122 |
- truth
- Paramartha; Paramartha; Paramārtha; Paramartha
- paramartha; paramārtha; paramārthasatya / absolute truth; supreme truth
真佛 |
122 |
real body; saṃbhogakāya
证道 |
證道 |
122 |
- awareness of the path
- the path of direct realization
正法眼藏 |
122 |
- direct vision of the Dharma
- Treasure of the True Dharma Eye
- Treasury of the True Dharma Eye
正见 |
正見 |
122 |
- Right View
- right understanding; right view
正念 |
122 |
- Right Mindfulness
- right mindfulness
正授 |
122 |
precept conferment
正授典礼 |
正授典禮 |
122 |
ordination ceremony
正业 |
正業 |
122 |
- Right Action
- right action
正知正见 |
正知正見 |
122 |
Right Understanding and Right Views
正法久住 |
122 |
- Eternally Abiding Dharma
- the right Dharma will last for a long time
证果 |
證果 |
122 |
the rewards of the different stages of attainment
正觉 |
正覺 |
122 |
sambodhi; perfect enlightenment
证菩提 |
證菩提 |
122 |
to become a Buddha
正受 |
122 |
samāpatti; meditative attainment
正说 |
正說 |
122 |
proper teaching
证悟 |
證悟 |
122 |
- Attainment
- to awaken [to the Truth]
- experiential understanding of the truth; to understand reality; to perceive through meditation
正信 |
122 |
- Right Faith
- proper belief
正行 |
122 |
right action
正意 |
122 |
wholesome thought; thought without evil
政治和尚 |
122 |
political monk
真觉 |
真覺 |
122 |
true enlightenment
真如 |
122 |
- True Thusness
- suchness; true nature; tathata
真如门 |
真如門 |
122 |
the gate of suchness; the teaching of tathatā
真实义 |
真實義 |
122 |
- true meaning
- true meaning
真修 |
122 |
cultivation in accordance with reason
智海 |
122 |
Ocean of Wisdom
智慧海 |
122 |
sea of wisdom
止静 |
止靜 |
122 |
Calm and Quiet
志开上人 |
志開上人 |
122 |
Venerable Master Zhi Kai
知客师 |
知客師 |
122 |
智门 |
智門 |
122 |
- gate of wisdom
- Zhimen
智仁勇 |
122 |
Wisdom, Benevolence and Courage
直岁 |
直歲 |
122 |
head of assignments
知行 |
122 |
Understanding and Practice
知行合一 |
122 |
Unity of Understanding and Practice
直指人心 |
122 |
directly pointing to one's mind
指多 |
122 |
智光 |
122 |
- the light of wisdom
- Jñānaprabha
智慧第一 |
122 |
Foremost in Wisdom
知见 |
知見 |
122 |
- Understanding
- to know by seeing
制戒 |
122 |
rules; vinaya
智障 |
122 |
a cognitive obstruction
执着 |
執著 |
122 |
- attachment
- grasping
钟板 |
鐘板 |
122 |
Bell and Board
中道 |
122 |
- Middle Way
- the middle way
种福田 |
種福田 |
122 |
to cultivate the field of merits
中华佛教居士会 |
中華佛教居士會 |
122 |
Lay Buddhists' Association, Republic of China
中华佛教青年会 |
中華佛教青年會 |
122 |
Chinese Young Buddhist Association
中华佛学研究所 |
中華佛學研究所 |
122 |
Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies
中壢圆光寺 |
中壢圓光寺 |
122 |
Yuan Guang Buddhist Temple
众善奉行 |
眾善奉行 |
122 |
- Uphold All Good Deeds
- do all that is wholesome
众学 |
眾學 |
122 |
monastic community study; study for monastic living
重担 |
重擔 |
122 |
a heavy load
众苦 |
眾苦 |
122 |
all suffering
中品 |
122 |
middle rank
众生见 |
眾生見 |
122 |
the view of a being
众生说 |
眾生說 |
122 |
to explain a sūtra to many people
众生随类各得解 |
眾生隨類各得解 |
122 |
all sentient beings gain comprehension in their own way
众生相 |
眾生相 |
122 |
- characteristics of sentient beings
- the notion of a being
种性 |
種性 |
122 |
lineage; gotra
中有 |
122 |
an intermediate existence between death and rebirth
住持三宝 |
住持三寶 |
122 |
The Maintained Triple Gem
助道 |
122 |
auxiliary means; auxiliary aid
主法 |
122 |
Presiding Master
诸法 |
諸法 |
122 |
all things; all dharmas
诸法无我 |
諸法無我 |
122 |
All phenomena are without an independent self; the insubstantiality of dharmas; dharmanairātmya
诸佛 |
諸佛 |
122 |
Buddhas; all Buddhas
嘱付 |
囑付 |
122 |
To Entrust
诸漏已尽 |
諸漏已盡 |
122 |
outflows already exhausted
助念 |
122 |
Assistive Chanting
诸菩萨 |
諸菩薩 |
122 |
诸人 |
諸人 |
122 |
people; jana
主任委员 |
主任委員 |
122 |
1. Executive Director; 2. Committee Director (BLIA);
诸如来 |
諸如來 |
122 |
all tathagatas
诸上善人 |
諸上善人 |
122 |
utmost virtuous people
住世 |
122 |
living in the world
诸事 |
諸事 |
122 |
all things; everything
诸世间 |
諸世間 |
122 |
worlds; all worlds
诸天 |
諸天 |
122 |
炷香 |
122 |
to burn incense
诸相 |
諸相 |
122 |
all appearances; all characteristics
住心 |
122 |
abiding in thoughts; abode of the mind
诸行无常 |
諸行無常 |
122 |
All conditioned phenomena are impermanent
助缘 |
助緣 |
122 |
- Supporting Conditions
- supportive conditions
住众 |
住眾 |
122 |
诸众生 |
諸眾生 |
122 |
all beings
转法轮 |
轉法輪 |
122 |
- to turn the Dharma Wheel
- Turning the Dharma wheel; to transmit Buddhist teaching; dharmacakrapravartana
专精 |
專精 |
122 |
single-mindedly and diligently
专任教师 |
專任教師 |
122 |
Full-Time Faculty
专修 |
專修 |
122 |
focused cultivation
庄严净土 |
莊嚴淨土 |
122 |
the majesty of the Pureland
转轮王 |
轉輪王 |
122 |
a wheel turning king; cakravartin
住持 |
122 |
- 1. Abbot (male); 2. Abbess (female)
- the abbot of a monastery; the director of a monastery
- to uphold the Dharma
诸恶莫作 |
諸惡莫作 |
122 |
do nothing that is unwholesome
主事 |
122 |
heads of affairs
驻锡 |
駐錫 |
122 |
to go on a journey
住相 |
122 |
abiding; sthiti
住着 |
住著 |
122 |
to cling; to attach; to dwell
自度 |
122 |
自度度人 |
122 |
liberate ourselves and others
自净其意 |
自淨其意 |
122 |
purify the mind
自觉教育 |
自覺教育 |
122 |
education of self-awareness
自觉觉人 |
自覺覺人 |
122 |
one has to enlighten oneself and others
自了汉 |
自了漢 |
122 |
self-perfected man
自利利他 |
122 |
the perfecting of self for the benefit of others
资生 |
資生 |
122 |
the necessities of life
自心 |
122 |
One's Mind
自性戒 |
122 |
precepts of self control
自在人 |
122 |
Carefree One
自我教育 |
122 |
自悟 |
122 |
self realization
自性 |
122 |
- Self-Nature
- intrinsic nature; original nature; essential nature; svabhava
- primordial matter; nature; prakṛti
自性三宝 |
自性三寶 |
122 |
intrinsic nature of the triple gem
自在心 |
122 |
the mind of Īśvara
总会长 |
總會長 |
122 |
President (BLIA World HQ)
宗教师 |
宗教師 |
122 |
religious teacher
宗门思想 |
宗門思想 |
122 |
Fo Guang Shan's principles
宗史馆 |
宗史館 |
122 |
FGS Historical Museum
宗务堂 |
宗務堂 |
122 |
Office of the Board of Directors
宗务委员会 |
宗務委員會 |
122 |
FGS Board of Directors
宗要 |
122 |
- fundamental tenets
- core teachings
宗风 |
宗風 |
122 |
- the customs and traditions of one of the schools of Chan
- FGS Philosophy
走火入魔 |
122 |
to be obsessed with something; to go overboard
祖师西来意 |
祖師西來意 |
122 |
- Bodhidharma coming from the West
- the patriarch's purpose of coming from the West
祖庭 |
122 |
ancestral temple
罪障 |
122 |
the barrier of sin
罪福 |
122 |
offense and merit
罪业 |
罪業 |
122 |
sin; karma
尊重生命 |
122 |
Respect life
尊重与包容 |
尊重與包容 |
122 |
Respect and Tolerance
尊宿 |
122 |
a senior monk
做法会 |
做法會 |
122 |
to hold a Dharma service
作佛 |
122 |
to become a Buddha
作佛事 |
122 |
do as taught by the Buddha
做功德 |
122 |
to generate merits
做好事 |
122 |
- do good deeds
- do good deeds
坐如钟 |
坐如鐘 |
122 |
- sit like a bell
- sit like a bell
做自己的主人 |
122 |
1. be masters of ourselves; 2. be one's own master
坐断 |
坐斷 |
122 |
- to completely cut off
- to occupy
座主 |
122 |
chairperson; abbot
祖师禅 |
祖師禪 |
122 |
Ancestral Chan